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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Seems there's a misunderstanding:so I will write again.Serve with a good pat of butter.
  2. Many times I was asked to work full time at the studio. More me then Marina we had hoped to start a B&B in Norfolk. In fact we looked at a house there.Sold the house STC.Sadly the sums never worked out.So we took the house off the market and back to square one. In the mean time I worked for a time at the studio, by then they had a new chef and I worked in a number of kitchens.Then I started work at the London business School, over looking Regents Park.I was a senior Sous Chef,looking after about 19 staff.This was one of the worst jobs in all my career I ever had.I was there for a year,hating every day.There was a head Chef and executive Chef,both of which useless.They spent most of there time in the office doing very little. Tips:This time of year great Asparagus and Jersey Royals. Both need very little Asparagus with care hold the tip and the end,bend slowly the end with snap.Retain ends and use for soup.Put Asparagus in very cold water. Cook in a large pan of water with a little salt.Dont overcook. Serve with burre blanc. One packet of butter cut into cubes Small saucepan add one large glass of white wine,reduce to about a half. Slow but sure whisk in the ,reducing the heat a little so its not boiling, add a little salt and white pepper a little lemon juice,coat the Asparagus. Lovely.JR,most now are ready to cook,sometimes they may need rubbing off the excess .just boiled in lightly salted water and fresh mint.Serve with a good **** of butter. Any left over burre blanc keep for mash potato or to enrich chicken or fish sauces.
  3. we life under the flight path to Heathrow and London City.Yes there are planes,but very few,compared to pre Covid.Some planes are cargo,so not all carring people.
  4. With Indian food,onions play a large part of the dish.About one third onions to meat or fish.Its possible to do Chinese food without onions,or sugar.Can also do without rice or noodles.
  5. Too many onions Alan.
  6. When I lived in Plumstead South East London in the early seventies. There were pubs on every street corner. Very much the same everywhere. Over the years tastes and habits changed. Covid has added to that.However a well run pub is half way there.We all have our favourites,local to us and the broads.For me a mix of a good feeling,comfort and food.
  7. I'm one of those that enjoys going shopping.It needs however to be interesting. I enjoy going to Bluewater.Enjoy whilst there a coffee or a pint and a meal.To many shops have not moved with the times.Think it's possible for the high Street to survive,to work must be a good mix,smaller units interesting. Lower business rates perhaps.
  8. Agree Jean.Sadly the high Street has suffered for many years and Covid has speeded that up.My thoughts on this is big stores in the high Street need to share with others.Big single shops are perhaps a thing of the past.I don't think online only is the way forward.A mix of online and in shop,smaller units.Make it interesting. Having been to Berlin in recent years the big name stores there offer a better mix.From a food point of view in those stores,are light years in front on us.
  9. I started this in a light hearted way,but there is a serious point also.My business like many has been deeply affected,by Covid many of us have lost our jobs,many business gone to the wall. So pubs,Restaurants, hotels.Along with high streets need support. When you can call into your local say hello and perhaps not 124 pint,but a few will help.
  10. So if you can and be safe.Help out pubs, Restaurants,Hotels etc.Boy they need all the help they can.Those in the know have worked out we all need to drink at least 124 pints each and a packet of crisps.Thats a bit much dont think I can manage the crisps!
  11. I'll bring it back.Alans having he's first jab next week.Even though Nicola is older,she's still not got a date for hers.Steak and chips anyone?(almost brought it back).
  12. Not covid in the arm,I was taking about the chop.
  13. It a very sore spot.Not in the arm,thats for shore!
  14. Happens all the time.Again reminds when I had the jab.When I got home,I sat down.Our dog jumped on my lap.I couldn't stopp him.That made my eyes water I can tell you. So in short.If you have pain anywhere. It will always get a whack.
  15. Reminds me when I had the chop. The nurse said also, just a small prick.I said that's a bit harsh.
  16. Okay that's fine.May have be helpful if that was pointed out sooner.
  17. I'm happy to be corrected but comments seemed to be aimed at me.As yet no one has said if it's me or someone else.The fact remains other have thought my comments are funny.All I've simply said is in reply to the new act is perhaps start a new page with the joke section. If others disagree that's fine, unlike some I don't have a problem with that.
  18. Of course I don't or want to own the forum. I MUST of missed the joke.Others seem to think it's funny.Not sure why you mentioned my name.Please tell me.
  19. I would agree,seems to be the best thing to do.In doing so the easiest thing to do.
  20. Not long back from Weeting,saw the owner and he's son. Both very nice,got a better idea what needs doing in the house.We have the benefit of money spare to do any work required. Then we popped into Brandon,saw the estate agent. Had a look at the high Street, then Thetford. Alls going well.Some photos. One of our American friends close by.
  21. Heading up to Weeting,then to check out Brandon.
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