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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. From Nicola,Alan and my Mum.Whats not going is Marina's Steiff bears,of which she's got lots. She's got a loyalty card at the teddy bear shop Norwich.
  2. Just back from the recycling site.Cleared lots. That said we've got about 8 black sacks of Teddy bears.Will try to pass them onto charity's.
  3. Pleased its done.Today we took some stuff to the charity shop, tomorrow council recycle. No doubt that will be the case for a few weeks.
  4. This weekend, with the help of our daughter and son in law. We cleared the loft.Boy what a lot of stuff. Lots of memories ,photos going back to when I was a baby, some of my father.Sadly I never got to know him.He passed away when I was 18 months old.He was 36. What surprised me was two sets of Norfolk Inn signs.One for my mum,one for mum in law.The surprise being some years back thanks to Alan aided by Ian (Broadscot ) Alan got me a set,I completely forgot I got some for the mums. For the last few weeks I've developed a troublesome cough. Today I phoned to arrange a phone consultation with a GP.As yet no call. With cases dropping, why I can't see a Doctor,which is five minutes from home is beyond me. Two sets for mums. My one is up stairs
  5. That's the difference between him and Lewis.
  6. He has got fingers in other pies.My feeling is if he doesn't get number eight,he may stay another season with Mercedes. My feeling he will get number 8,this season. It will be close,let's see.
  7. We used the test on Monday. Its best to do the test every five days.In hospital one of the nurses did a test on me. Think she was digging for oil.That was not nice.
  8. Chelsea14Ian


    Ask Dave at Cove.He does gas
  9. Pleased your now sorted.My guess 119 could be helpful. In cases such as yours.
  10. Think it depends on two parts.From a comfort view.Does it feel comfortable, is there good space storage, fridge,cooker.Good seating,beds.Whats the loo,shower like and so on. Can you and crew handle the boat well.In my opinion many boats now seem to be more like floating hotels,and don't look that easy to handle.Dont be afraid of asking questions. Don't just kick the tires
  11. He is moving in with he's son. Think he's end is fairly clear.We hope to pop up next week.
  12. Think your not wrong.We viewed seven properties last week.We saw the good,bad and ugly. The best was our first viewing. Good price and location. Our offer was not accepted sadly.The rest in the main were poor.Okay its a bit further across then I hoped.That said our new house is in a good spot. Things moving along now Sold signs on both houses. Legal stuff getting there.
  13. Yes we could but we will see whats out there.
  14. 8Will give day hire a look. We are considering a new boat.SK,is a lovely boat,but without shore power its a disadvantage. Are looking at one with shore power.
  15. I saw the Norfolk sign, but like last week we crossed between Norfolk and Suffolk many times.From what we've seen, don't think its changed much over time.We intend to pop up again next week.
  16. Just brought a second hand mobility scooter.Not easy walking for long periods. Thanks we look forward to going to other places. Building wise it doesn't need much doing. And because its below our budget we can add some nice bits and bobs
  17. Never came across that Hospital.Alan,Nicola were born,in the Hospital in Greenwich. Myself and Marina treated there.Its been a housing development for many years now.
  18. Some people may say that's stalking. Not me,its true if you really want anyone can check where you live if they really want to.
  19. Some things are meant to be.I said to the chap who's house it was,that I was a Chef he said so was I. He's name Alan.He's son Ian and we will be closer to where my Dads buried and my Mums ashes in Bedford.
  20. We put in an offer for the first house this morning. It didn't need much building work,but needed decorating and maybe new carpets.It was very doggie. So we offered 5k less.It wasn't accepted. The third viewing three bed bungalow no work required nice quiet Road.So we put in an offer, lot less then the first one.Which was accepted. So its in Weeting,Brandon Suffolk. Okay bit further across from where we first intended.That said not far from Cambridge, Bury St Edmunds.And Norwich. Pleased to say after one of the worse years of our lives,things look to be on the up.
  21. Where we live now is on,the flight path of London City Airport and Heathrow. Okay not much traffic now due to Covid.
  22. On our way home,seen three houses. All in Brandon,bit further across all nice.Put offers in two.Both ends of our budget. Will see how it goes.Fingers crossed.
  23. My mum had treatment there when it was military then when it was NHS.Much better under Military. I was born in the old Mothers and babies Woolwich which was Army.My dad was in the RAF.
  24. I started this post as a joke.Raising the possibility of oldies clubbing it in Spain etc. This weekend test events in Liverpool took place.Which was mainly youngster's. I think crowds of about 5.000.All of which tested prior to the event and after.Will be interesting to see if infection rates increase. Last week I picked up rapid flow tests for Marina and myself.We did a test yesterday which was negative. With house hunting this should be helpful. Even though the UK has done so well with the vaccine programme, and this lockdown. We are still not out of the woods yet. So when its safe to do so will I be clubbing it in Spain?Sadly my clubbing days are long gone.
  25. Predicting most of the country sadly.Just like a Bank Holiday Monday.
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