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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Because I was under the care of Guys and St Thomas hospitals.I had my first jab at Guys,second at St Thomas.However have had treatment at QE Woolwich,they and my Nurse at my surgery also contacted me.The one thing that proves you've had or not had the vaccine is the card,that gives dates and vaccine used.
  2. I don't understand why someone didn't question why her second jab was so soon.
  3. Hope there not for surgery!
  4. How come no one checked the vaccine card.Which has the vaccine and date?
  5. Our Daughter is up next for a jab,she's 41.She told us no slots yet.Sure she will get one soon.
  6. On our way home. Marina wants to get the cats back home Yesterday very long day.Started viewings at 9.00 ending 17.45.One we liked very much,have put an offer in waiting to see if we're lucky.Some houses needing lots of work, and some frankly not good. What didn't help,I felt unwell yesterday. Nots so bad today.Back maybe week after next.
  7. House hunting. But it would be rude not too!Bacon butties and a beer.
  8. Up to the boat soon,just left the cats in the catery. Felt bad about doing soon.There first time away from us,since we got them in October. Seven viewings tomorrow and one Friday.
  9. 5So I started working for an agency, and worked long term at Abbey Road studio.We had a small Restaurant.Some days may only cook for 20 or 30.Then if they were recording,may 100 to 150 people. We often had canape party's and each year a charity dinner for Cancer research. Many times zI was offered the Head Chefs job,but at that time We hoped to set up a B&B in Norfolk.During my time at the studio, cooked for many pop stars,the biggest Paul McCartney.A true gentleman. Unlike some just starting out,who could be a real pain.By November 2005,with the help of patches I gave up smoking. Tips: Last week we got some cherry tomatoes. Just started to go past there best.So cut in half place onto a baking tray.Lined with parchment paper.Sprinkle with a little salt,I prefer sea salt.Dry in the oven about 80/100c.I then store in a jar covered in veg and olive oil. Or one red onion finely diced and minced minced or diced clove of garlic.Sweat off in a little oil,add tomatoes until soft serve with pasta, adding grated parmesan and some chopped basil.
  10. Carole how many turned up for there free samples?
  11. Okay I don't grow Rocket. During this lockdown we go to a garden centre in Sidcup.They also have a very good farm shop.We get meat and veg.They have good quality Rocket.Just to tell Griff. Hope I've given an insight into my trade.I will have some more tales later in the week. Ian.
  12. So one offer last Monday,from an investor. Not accepted, another investor this morning very low offer not accepted. Which he improved still to low.Pleased to say a young lady put in a slightly lower offer. Which we have accepted. She also sent a very nice email about the house and us.Always wanted to sell the house to someone who cared about the house and not looking for a quick buck. We are up to the boat Wednesday. Seven viewings booked Thursday, hope to get the boat out on Friday. Look very much to a pint as well.
  13. Yes we have the booklet/service record. Was serviced last August. We tried to contact the company that fitted it.Went bust.So we got a Gas safety engineer. He serviced it.He is now doing the compliance.All done in decision with the Gas safety people .So now will be done correctly.
  14. We've gas engineers in now.And no mistakes when it was fitted need to be corrected. Have spent time speaking to Gas safety and this engineer. As I said will cost me money ,but needs to be done.Gas safety confirmed it requires a Gas Compliance certificate,so too does the estate agents.
  15. Bit of a spanner in the works.When our boiler was fitted, they never issued us with a Gas Compliance certificate. Then the company went bust.So now we've had to get one done,which will cost me a few Bob.Must be done,but so annoying 🙄. Still onwards and upwards.
  16. I know from experience, whats in the media is not always true!
  17. You can follow my recipe using basil instead,if you really don't like rocket.However believe me rocket pesto is lovely.
  18. Yes true,but its a very nice peppery weed.
  19. Tricks played on junior staff. Some common ones,cooking lobsters.In hotels we would cook lobsters and crabs most days.Often training young Chefs,others (not me).Would get them to stir the lobster,now whatever you do dont let them turn red.How the lobsters chef?. knowing full well they would turn red.Chef go to the stores and ask for a long wait.We used to have a store man.Just stand over there.He would come over to us.Dont f ing keep sending them over to us for a long wait.Now we need a left handed whisk. These are just a few of the many tricks played on young staff. Tips: Pesto,basil or rocket.The other week I had some nice rocket after a few days it was a bit passed its best,so I made pesto.Give it a good wash,in the blender, Clove of garlic pinch sea salt and pepper,good piece of parmarsan,good cup of oil,I use a mix of veg and extra virgin olive oil.MIx slowly, so its a nice sauce consistency.Great as a dressing or with pasta. Keep in air tight jars and keep in the fridge.
  20. Viewings finished for the day.Two very positive. So one firm and three maybes.Two of which are investors. Will take stock Monday,will probably go ahead with other viewings, perhaps next Saturday. We five booked plus awaiting two or three other bookings.
  21. People are nice.Across the road one of our neighbours asked if I wanted any turf.I said no.Its free,someone ordered too much.Funy enough I wanted two .Very kind of them.Thats my job later replacing the worn out ones.
  22. Think its because she gave there rose bush a hair cut.Well more like a number one.
  23. If you look closely at our picture on the stairway.You will see Kingfishers.
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