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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Think the Chef thinks he's in London. Last time we were there,looked at the menu,which was well over the top.Went to Potter Sausage bap and a beer.Saving lots of money.
  2. I've done the trip on the Thames a few times.Great fun,yes you get a bit wet and my tips got a bit sore,getting pressed down on sharp turns.
  3. The Whitehorse at Chegrave in my view is excellent. Always enjoy going there.
  4. Yes indeed,where and when safe support local pubs shops and hopefully hospitality.
  5. Hope they get sorted soon.I'm sure you will check on when they will be vaccinated.
  6. Why not ask the Broads Authority.
  7. As many Doctors say.If you've got a problem with your plumbing, phone a plumber. If you've got a question about the vaccine, speck to a Doctor or health care professional, not Fred on Social media.
  8. Just checked the NHS web site 119 Covid call for over 70 vaccine.
  9. That was the advice last week.If you have not been contacted, call 119.
  10. Getting blood out if a stone springs to mind.
  11. Theres a strong possibility, that a booster vaccine in the Autumn will be available
  12. The only thing we have penciled in.Is a five day trip to Cornwall in June.All being well that will get the go ahead.Will have to wait and see. I just hope people act responsibly and take care.That way we may have a better spring/summer.
  13. Dont forget all these dates are dependent upon,infection, death rates remaining steady if they jump like they've done previously.The time table may change.
  14. The pub been shut for at least five years. There always seem to be people around but as I said the pub shut about give years ago.
  15. Am I surprised at this story,no this whole thing is so sad.I would be very surprised if this project gets the go ahead.It wouldn't surprise me if Beauchamp Arms are turned into houses of apartments. In my opinion both pubs could be a great venue.
  16. Yes We would. We visited last July we really I was shielding.We just kept to our selves.Some pubs are doing take always.
  17. My tip do half an hour gardening. Then chill out for ten minutes, then repeat.That way you get to do the garden and a little coffee or Wine/ beer.
  18. Up until 2004,life was good at work.Yes I worked hard,but very rewarding.In that time we went to Vancouver, Toronto. Both were great.Nicola was a big fan of Byran Adams,and wanted to visit he's home town.She went with Marina for her eighteenth Birthday .I went with Marina and Alan,for he's eighteenth. Marina and I went to Toronto in early January, very cold. We did the helicopter trip over the falls,breath taking.Then on Valentine's day 2004 we went to America, did the works.Las Vegas ,the Grand Canyon, London Bridge etc.We also started to get back on the broads. Sadly that year things started to go wrong.I was getting blamed often for things that won't my fault or beyond my control. Lots of this was coming from the General Manager. Even to this day ,I cant doubt he's skill and commitment to the job,but he did bully me.This had a lasting affect on me and my health. So much so I was drinking and smoking far too much,and becoming very depressed. This got to the point that I couldn't cope anymore.One night I walked out never to return.I was referred to a councillor, which was not that useful. I attended a self help group, which was more helpful. Slowly things improved. MV kept me on paid leave for three months then we parted company. This was very sad.For all but one year I was happy,that last year was hard on me and in many respects the family.When I started to feel better,I wanted to go out,didn't matter where,just felt more at ease in doing so.Then back to looking for another job. Back then care regarding Mental Health wasn't in my opinion that good.In recent years care has got better.That said I think now it's almost used as a badge.How many times have we heard mental health is made worse by lockdown. For some theres no doubt it has affected them. However for many its challenging,but doesn't affect mental health. I was in a bad way for some time.Thankfully I came through it. Next time slow but sure life gets better.
  19. Dont matter which way the wind blows I still get covered.
  20. Every time I jet wash our patio,I need jet washing myself. Covered in dirt.Did ours twice last year,will do it hopefully once more before we move.
  21. We both enjoy gardening. Our garden is fairly small,so easy to look after.I wouldn't say I'm an expert, but pleased with it nonetheless.
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