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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. For the first time in months doing some gardening. Starting to get the garden in better shape.Today pleasantly mild.I've not done much due to the weather and my health.
  2. We had the Pfizer jab.Just had a sore arm.Marina nothing.
  3. Thankfully I not heard of many people with a bad reaction to the vaccine. So think your unlucky Ray.Hope you feel better soon.What vaccine did you have,?
  4. Think your doing the right thing.Throughout we've been careful not to take unnecessary risks.I do believe we're at the top of the hill and slowly going down the other side.What happens regarding shielding after March 31 remains to be seen.It may still be worthwhile making a call to see what help is available.
  5. I dont know what your letter said.Mine told me I could have priority slots for deliveries or requests Voluntarys to help with deliveries.I had a phone call once asking if I required any help.
  6. Dont forget you are allowed to exercise each day,outside.
  7. For me there was some unanswered questions regarding Cancer and Vitamin D tablets.
  8. Not sure for me it was worth while.So I didn't apply.Think you had to do so by the end of January.
  9. You get used to it,over time.I,'ve been shielding since March.
  10. With s boat like that you have staff to get rid of finger Mark's.Do they want a Chef?
  11. I've been very good.The toys dont come out of the pram very often.
  12. I don't know,in the past eight months I've had countless jabs in most parts of my body.And not even one good boy sticker.
  13. New years eve 1998,I had a phone call from my mums home.Sadly she passed away.We later found out that she fell asleep watching Coronation Street and slipped away.Think that's the way she would have wanted.Coronation street was her favourite program. In 1999,I got a job with Moving Venue event caterers. I was Kitchen Manager. A job that was demanding I would look after temp staff,the porters.I would open the building up around 06.15.Sort out porters,sort out lorries from the night before,check deliveries and deal with invoices.From midday,I would help out making canapes,then often working at events in the evening.Venues such as the Natural History Museum, Science Museum. Tower of London. Tower Bridge Just to name a few.We also did the Farnborough and Paris air shows.We often would have one two or three events each day.Small events maybe be 25 to 50 people up to the largest I ever did was 3.500 people. Often a event at the Natural History Museum ,we couldn't get in until 17.45 and canapes served about 19.30,often for 500/700 people. We would split into groups I would be building canapes,with other chefs and helped by waiting staff, others would look after main courses. Once capapes were being served we would start doing cold starters and desserts. We also had hand made Chocolates which was supplied by a very talented chap,who also supplied a certain Gordon Ramsay. In the almost six years I was with MV,most of my time was hard work and enjoyable.Many days I would start work at 06.15 and get home gone 11 at night.During one summer doing the Airshow I worked 28 days non stop.Some how I was vice Chairman then Chairman or the BOV later the IMB at Belmarsh Prison. Tips: A wholesome Cream of Chicken soup. Three litres of good chicken stock *see my recipe later. One large onion cut into large pieces. One stick of celery, about same amount of leek rough chopped.Both washed,put into a sauce pan with one chicken breast, bring to the boil,skim off any scam.reduce heat to a gentle simmer. Cook for about15 minutes. Take chicken out and leave aside until later. Add two more litres to pan add one large rough cut potato, cook for about half an hour.Blend until nice and smooth, check for seasoning. Set aside.Now to add to the soup,once the chicken has cooled cut into strips,dip into seasoned flour and cornflour mix,then deep fry.You can also if you wish add small stuffing balls and or crispy bacon.To serve,simmer the soup add about 4oz double cream add,chicken, and if you wish the stuffing/bacon. To make stock With chicken carcass cover with water,bring to the boil,add one large cut onion,celery stick cut carrot washed an cut, bay leaf and mixed herbs.Bring back to the boil, simmer and cook for about three hours, strain off.I freeze until its required. Next time things start to go wrong at work.
  14. Yes we saw it a few weeks ago.Great,according to a item on TV last week Its increased a lot of interest from people wanting to know more of the History. That's good to know.
  15. I've been drinking with a few people who try to buy a round with a ten bob note
  16. Houses in Reedham are not as expensive as you may think.
  17. Looks very nice. In all our time in Brundall never seen it.
  18. I think like it or not,I can see some sort of Covid passport.So for some jobs you would need to provide proof that you've been vaccinated ,that too when you wish to travel abroad .
  19. Dont worry age is just a number! Despite what was said about " I'm not a number ".That said Marina often tells me I'm a twelve years old.Dont know what she means, I'll take my toys away.
  20. Marina,she was 65 last June had hers last Thursday. Let's hope once they've vaccinated all the over fifties,the infected and deaths will reduce greatly. Best wishes fo Monday Ray.
  21. So what is the situation with the pub now.Last time we went past,which was last October. They were painting the outside walls blue and putting in what looked like french windows.Have noticed the caravans for a few years.
  22. I do understand, after all Nicola and Alan are some way off getting the vaccine. It is a worry until all of us are vaccinated. I think its reasonable to suggest that most in the UK will be vaccinated by Autumn. Much of Europe is way behind the UK in vaccinating there population.Therefore who knows when any of us can freely travel sadly.
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