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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Sorry people have taken my post the wrong way.Take it as a light lighthearted look on what is a serious situation. I've spent most of a year shielding. I've suffered pneumonia, lung Cancer and still have Shingles. As I said even with the jab I will still take extra care and do what is needed to get back to some kind of normal.
  2. My post was meant as a joke.I'm fully aware of all the implications regarding Covid.In my opinion, I cant see much changing for some time.Even though I've had my first jab,Iwill act the same as if I hadn't been vaccinated.
  3. Rule of thumb.Running yearly costs about 10% of the boat price.
  4. That's okay,like the locals.Have a three hour lip in the afternoon.
  5. It seems most of the oldies have now been vaccinated. Just for a minute think.If the Government decides to open travel aboard to those who've had the jab.Then Perhaps many oldies will go clubbing in Ibiza leaving youngsters at home.Think they may have to change music and booze.
  6. It's great to have the cricket on C4.Lets hope for more in the future.
  7. My jab was at Guys hospital. That text gave me the option of phoning or click on a link. With Our GP you could book over the phone.It appears the booking is different depending where you are.
  8. Did they explain why.I had pneumonia in the summer,then a operation for lung cancer and was vaccinated. It may be that he had Covid recently. If I was him I would ask for a explanation.
  9. Have you tried phoning your council?They will be able to tell you.
  10. Much of this down to the vaccine .its hoped all those 50 and over will be vaccinated by end of May and all those 20 and over by Autumn.Which in fairness is amazing.However much of Europe is way behind the UK,in vaccinating there population. In my opinion I dont think much will open up until at least May but its anyone guess what and how much will open up.
  11. So in 1995,I left the bank,also lost the election for Director Thamesmead Town. I had a good redundancy package, so no rash for a job.In the end I signed up as a Temp.Which had me working all over London.In thr summer we went to Lindos Rhodes.Lovely place.Even though I was no longer a Director of Thamesmead Town,I was very busy at the Prison, I was responsible for training other members of the board, arranging visits to other Prisons.Attending courses etc.Work wise in the main it was just working to pay the bills. In 1998,I had a long term booking at Linklater's Moorgate.In fact I was there for more or less a year.That I enjoyed friendly kitchen and good food.Prior to that some places I went to staff and food not so good.At Linklater's I got on well with the Head Chef.He moved on to Moving Venue.Event caterers.Based in Glamourous Deptford. He offered me a job,which I later took.Going back to 1997.We went to the boat show.No I didn't buy a boat.However I bought a quad bike. Sadly I didn't have it that long,One night some low life nicked it from our garage.A few days later,the Police found it burnt out in a field.This worried us.I was well known in Thamesmead and perhaps some didn't like that.So we moved to our present house in Belvedere. This made us feel at ease. Next time:Starting out at Moving Venue and seeing in a new century. Tips: Bacon pudding. One medium onion diced.six rashers of smoked bacon cut into small pieces. Com onions until light brown,add bacon and cook for about two minutes. Set aside.6oz self raising flour 3oz suet.A little salt and pepper with a fork combine with cold water.Dont over mix.Often people will over work the pastry, even Chefs.Roll out and line pudding basin.Fill with mix and roll.out lid,top off and steam for one and a half/ two hours.Serve with veg and potatoes of your choice. I like just with veg,chips and gravy.For a veggie do with three cheeses, such as smoked cheddar,parmesan and Red Leicester.Serve with a creamy sauce. 1oz butter ,1oz flour cook without colour for a few minutes. Then using a whisk add one pint of milk slowly. Cook slowly add salt and pepper,add double cream.
  12. Hope I'm proved wrong, but I cant see much opening up until after Easter.We are hoping to go to Cornwall. Was going last June,rebooked this June.
  13. As it stands they own a big chunk of Brundall. Not sure they want anymore. I may well be wrong.
  14. Maybe,but dont think so.
  15. Closest is Swan,and behind where our boat is NYA.Sometimes interesting. Making sure I dont hit a gin palace when reversing out of our moorings.
  16. I did tell him it was on the forum.Fully agree he and the other Dave's. Yes theres three,work hard to keep the Marina in good nick.
  17. He does on request pump outs,Gas and fuel.
  18. Marina and I have just spoken with him.We wish him well.David has a place in Greece, and like everyone he can't get out there yet.He has written to us,and is surprised we've not received it.I know post is slow.
  19. I know full well abo dealing with customers. All my life as a Chef I have had to deal with customers. Its true not everyone is nice.If fact some are out and out nasty.Over the years some customers behaviour has got worse.
  20. Dont think so Peter.He is a very pleasant man.Everyone at Cove respects him.As said I said perhaps Covid is a factor. Ian
  21. This is the first I've heard of it.We have been there for over six years.Everyone at the marina are very friendly, and just a great place to be.Since we became owners,most of our time has been at Brundall. Firstly at Eastwood's.Then when it changed hands and became NBS.We briefly went to Greenway Chedgrave .Then a place came up at Cove.l'm not surprised I,guess Covid has not helped.I wish him well.
  22. Nice idea.This time of year it may have been better earlier in the day.
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