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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Very sad to hear this.A great man with a kind heart.Someone who's glass was always half full.RIP Sir Captain Tom.
  2. If it makes you feel better or worse, depending on how you feel.Since lockdown one ,last March.We have repainted Two bedrooms, the living and dinning room.The hall and stairways,outside walls and a tidy up.Not bad considering I was suffering from pneumonia. And I can do the ironing, all be it not often.
  3. It appears that about 8% of care staff in care homes, have turned down the chance of a vaccine. Unsure about numbers of NHS staff.
  4. There was a chap ,who fell into the water at Loddon,pulled out but died later.
  5. Just dont wash or do the washing up.
  6. For a few years,we went there when it was a Thai Restaurant. We got to know the manager quite well.Then I think he went home.Afterwich it was not as good.Then I think it became a pizza restaurant. The menu looked very limited so never went there.In my opinion to be moored at Cantly for so long was wrong.
  7. 0ur boat Sweetkingfisher, which is a Alfa 29 is duel steer and she was built in 1991
  8. I'm sure she will get her vaccine soon.It depends on what area you are in.
  9. Having had lung cancer,thankfully caught successfully. I wont take a chance with covid.This is a dreadful disease. Yes many have got over it well,but many not,some suffering long term damage to there health.
  10. This morning I had my first vaccine at Guys hospital, second one at Guys Wednesday 14 April.After the last year I've had,a little light at the end of the tunnel.
  11. Thanks for letting us know.But I've said many times,if I dont recognize the number I won't answer.If its important they will phone again.These low life will spend all day phoning at random, on the off chance that they will catch someone off guard.
  12. Even to this day.Theres a few,crossing over into Norfolk. The big one heading down the hill at Brundall, seeing the river. There the ones that always make me smile.
  13. I'm with JM.I would really like a fleet of boats.That gets knocked about every season NOT.
  14. I just dont do that anymore. If I dont recognize the number I dont answer. If its important they will ring back.On rip off Britain the other week a expert in scams,said since lockdown one theres been one billion plus scam calls.
  15. Don't think it would pass elf &safety now.
  16. It's so important that once contacted,go and get the vaccine. Believe me Wednesday cant come quick enough. It will hopefully offer the best protection to me and many like me.
  17. When you consider there vaccinating almost half a million a day.Thats impressive, they seem to be on course to get the four main groups done by the middle of next month.Yet more areas opening up tomorrow.
  18. It may be worth contacting Citizens advice bureau. They may be able to help.
  19. Agree not sure where there going to put them.Do you know how many they will have?
  20. According to Doctors that have been on TV flu numbers are very low this season.Some suggest that due to measures in place for Covid,its lowered the numbers catching Flu.
  21. To be honest I can't see much changing by Easter.Its almost the end of January. Easter is just over two months away.Infection and death rates are still high,all be it starting to fall.By June the weather should be better and a large amount of the population would have be vaccinated. So things may well open up.Like everyone I would love to see things opening up sooner.
  22. Last summer our trip to Cornwall was cancelled due to Covid.Re booked for June this year.The way things are going.I will not hold my breath. If it happens great, but just wait and see. The main thing is to get this virus under control. Think we're getting there,but it is so close yet so far.
  23. This subject was done to death last year.
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