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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Just booked my two jabs at Guys Hospital.I gave up phoning after over fifty attempts.I did so on line.Very easy even for someone like me thats not always good doing stuff on line.First jab next Wednesday, second jab Wednesday April 14.Both done between 10.00-1400.Should be less on the train.easy for me from home to London Bridge.
  2. Sorry or woman. Anyone who will do it .DIY and me dont mix.
  3. As others have said most Marinas are fine.I would suggest you ask first.All have rules that may differ.So best to check first.DIY is not a problem for me.I just get a man to do it.
  4. Think this is where it may go wrong. If people think once there vaccinated they dont need to take precautions.Would suggest we stick to the rules until the medics tell us otherwise.
  5. We all had a call from Head office telling us not to go to work on Monday but,attend a meeting on Tuesday.So on the Tuesday we turned up,all of us worried at what would happen.We were told we would work in what was a empty office.Think it only took a few days to get up and running. We also went back to the Tower.Too pick up our belongings from our lockers.We had to be escorted due to many windows blown out.Many of us had some of our belongings lost,me included.Must have been contractor's working on clearing up.All in all it was very sad and upsetting. Most of us were there from the beginning. Just to rub salt in the wounds,a few days later I was in Belmarsh taking applications from inmates.Some of which were from members of the IRA.That said I treated there applications in the same way as any others. Applications:Inmates have a right to make a Application to see a member or the Independent Monitoring Board. Often complaints or inquiries.Many of which are genuine some not so.Regarding work,In the not so new building, our work was not quite the same. We would Finnish about 1.00 o clock in the afternoon. It was at that time when I gained my love of cricket and Rugby. Mainly due to us going to the pub.A few beers watching the sport.At that time 1993 to 1995.I was a Elected Director of Thamesmead Town Ltd.I was always busy. Splitting between work, Family,Thamesmead Town and Belmarsh. Easy really I had a 36 hour day!In 1995 after nearly eighteen years I left the Bank.I felt it was time for a change.A bit worrying none the less. The good The bad and the Ugly. Starting from the Ugly:Not it looks,but now and again tempers get the better of some.One job I was working at.I was in the fridge writing down some orders.The was some shouting outside.At first I thought it was light hearted, no.A Chef and Porter were about to fight.Think there had been a few blows got between them,others stepped in to stop things getting worse.They bother sacked.Very sad prior to that incident they were friends. Kitchens can be stressful and tempers can get the better of people. Over my many years I've seen some of this.Thankfully,mostly shouting. Think I've heard of a number of suicides.Sadly depression in fairly common,at times leading to suicide. The Bad:There are some that are out and out bad.Bullying is fairly common.At times senior Chefs,Managers bully junior staff.Over the years I've been bullied a few times. The good:I've been lucky enough to work with some excellent chefs.Some of the skill is truly amazing.Working at times with very well known Chefs,most of which a pleasure to work with. Next time.Moving on from Nat West and a New house.
  6. Just had a text,inviting me for the vaccine at Guys or St Tomas Hospitals. I will phone tomorrow and see when I can book a slot.
  7. Oddly I heard yesterday that someone went to the nightingale at Xcel on Sunday for a jab.Which they got, and it was empty. Also Guys hospital are doing jabs.
  8. The main groups being vaccinated. The over 80s including NHS,and health care staff,75+ 70+ including extremely clinical vulnerable,65+ make up about 80% of deaths due to Covid So it makes since to vaccinate those first.
  9. Some GP surgeries aren't doing vaccines yet.That may explain the reason why some people have not yet had the vaccine. London and the southeast are lagging behind at present.With more centres coming on stream,they hope to catch up.
  10. Recently theres reports that all those over sixteen should be vaccinated by Autumn.
  11. For me due to being extremely clinically vulnerable, I in the seventy plus group.So hopefully I should be informed soon.Next after is 65+.Then 60+.
  12. Having seen some of the comments, I've changed my mind.Sadly I won't invest in shares.I do wish them well and hope to visit in time.
  13. I first went to the Locks in the sixties when Susan was the landlady. Last went there two years ago before it changed hands.
  14. Considering the Government have said lockdown may well go on to at least March.In my opinion I think it depends on how the vaccine program works out.We are booked to go to Cornwall in June. Maybe we will be lucky.I like many hope this ends soon,but I'm not holding my breath.
  15. I too may buy a few shares.The Locks has always been a pub that's one from my visits in the sixties. That's printed on my memory. I wish them well.
  16. In the last six/seven months I've been to A&Es many times.And yes numbers attending have dropped.What they tend to do,is before you enter they ask a number of questions why you need treatment. Think this has stopped alot of unnecessary visits.Pre covid often there was many there that clearly didn't require treatment .
  17. I agree think your daughter is a hero Peter.Just like all those caring for us in the NHS.It is a big worry that so many are reaching burn out.One thing that has been highlighted recently in the press.Now and again the press do right.This is where all of us can help,by sticking to the rules.Which may help to reduce pressure on the NHS.
  18. I'm sure theres a few very nice empty islands around the UK,that can house those that think the rules dont apply to them.Leaving the rest of us to get on top of this.
  19. So many ,but living in London.Its always a joy being on the boat. Stopping at Berney Arms waiting for the tide,crossing to the Northern broads. The sound of the many birds,on the Yare.Water lapping on the boat and a dark clear skys watching the stars
  20. I agree,but I think those that disregard the law and guidance need some sort of Education.
  21. Perhaps a day In ICUs.Watching Doctors ,Nurses and staff trying to keep those suffering from Covid alive.
  22. As of 2019 we were in the EU,and some items were allowed. Did we have a lot?No one jar of mustard and a small packet of meat.In fact we had several bars of Chocolate.
  23. I feel sorry for those working at St Thomas hospital. They are treated with some mindless idiots who,think Covid is fake.I think now is the time to get tough. Thankfully most people are sticking to the rules but,its spoilt by the few.
  24. Summer before last coming back from Berlin.Check in and passport control there. They wouldn't allow us to bring back Mustard and some cooked meats.No doubt they enjoyed it that evening!
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