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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I'm now on, a on line Pulmonary clinic. This involves a series of exercises. The aim to improve my breathing. I've done two classes, next one tomorrow. This is a six week course. This morning I spoke with my GP,reason is I've still got shingles. Now week ten.Theres no more meds GPs can give me.The Doctor is now going to refer me to a Neurologist. All along I've tried to stay positive. The shingles certainly knocks my resolve. Hopefully the Neurologist can help me.
  2. Due to no longer working and my health problems. Any exercise was limited. Prior to Christmas I could only walk for short distances.Two weeks ago I started a pulmonary, on line clinic. The aim to improve my breathing. This involves a number of exercises lasting for about forty minutes.In all honestly this is something I may not of considered before. That said my hope it will improve my health. Perhaps levels of exercise in general may increase.,and maybe one benefit of this situation.
  3. You've hit the nail on the head Paul.So many have tried to justify there actions.I will be the first to admit I'm not perfect, but now is the time to step up.Cut the BS our actions can save lives.So what if you cant fish,go to the boat,have a party.Lets bite the bullet we are that close to winning this,let's not let this slip.What do I know,I've had perhaps the worst six months of my life.I'm lucky I've survived Cancer. I wont say sorry,why should I .Just let's knock this on the head
  4. Think we know how to get round Gracie, just talk about chocolates,Shoes and wine.
  5. This morning on BBC London news.Perhaps the worse and certainly the most dangerous thing I've heard.A man posing as a NHS workers went to a 92 year old women's house in late December, saying he would give her the vaccine, which was a fake one he injected changing her £160.This could have killed her.Police are still looking for him.
  6. So we went into the nineties. I was still in the Tower and very busy.Back then it wasn't uncommon to have a little drink once service was done.Some butler's were generous others not so.One evening we were very busy doing canapes and a dinner.Chris O'Neil said do you want a drink,thanks Chris I'll have a large Scotch no ice or water.Okay he said.Time went on still no Scotch. Chris wheres the scotch, oh I'll get it.still no Scotch.When we saw him.If you dont get my drink your locker will be going up and down on the window washer.The Tower had a automatic machine which did just that,travel up and down.Of course no drink.So me a David another Chef went and got changed found Chris's locker moved it and turned it around then headed home.I was at London bridge wanting for my train.Harry another Butler turned up ,he couldn't stop laughing. Why Harry,he said Chris couldn't find his locker kept looking out the window.In the end people found it for him.Next time we saw Chris.Chris get me a Scotch,didn't know he could run that fast.1991 I was put forward to go on the BOV at the new prison Belmarsh.I was interviewed by the Governor. He said what did I know about Prisons.Very little I said,have watched porridge. Anyway I was in.The BOV/IMB,is in short a group of the public to visit the Prison and report on the care of Prisoners and to a degree Staff the fabric of the building. The first time I went in,the prison was working but,at that time no prisoners. The second time there were Prisoners. I was there until 2005.One of the most interesting things I've ever done.As I've said besides cooking I was very active in the community. Each Christmas I would cook for the Age Concern in Thamesmead, about 50 people. They invited the Two MPs and some members of the community, always a great day,very hard work but worthwhile. In 1993 following the Christmas I took some of my work mates who helped me do the lunch,for our lunch in early spring.Very nice too,all be it perhaps to many lemonade so had a sleep.Later in the evening the phone rang.One of my workmates said did I hear the news .No the Tower has been bombed. It was the day the IRA had a bomb in a lorry,it knocked out a third of the windows. Tips:Hope you've used up left overs from Christmas. Some Vegan ideas,which as a meat and Fish eater are very good. Wild mushroom Risotto One large onion,finely chopped.Sweat off in a little veg oil,add one large cup of rice.mix together. One litre of veg stock,about one third of a bottle of white wine,add liquid and cook slowly. You need to aim for the finished dish that is not dry and the rice with a little bite.Add some grated Vegan cheese .whilst thats cooking,one onion finely chopped sweet off in oil,brush if required mushrooms, dont wash.Add to onions salt and pepper,cook with a little colour and add some chopped herbs. Next time the aftermath of the bombing. And I leave after nearly 18 years working for the bank.
  7. All my communications,be it GPs/Hospitals my NHS number is on my paper work.It seems the hold up was with supply.
  8. Who's not knowing the NHS number? I've just booked an appointment with my GP,regarding something else,and the amongst the recorded messages was they will contact you once a jab is available.
  9. Part of the problem is,I think the coverage on TV and the press.When ever theres a lockdown they keep showing trolleys stacked high with loo rolls etc and empty shelves in supermarkets. All along we've been reassured that the supply chain can and will manage.And by and large they have.In my opinion this just adds to panic amongst those that are easily lead.
  10. Here's one attacking g the word life a few days ago
  11. Don take it the wrong way.Dont think your photo will feature on Country file calendar for 2022.
  12. I just pulled up one perhaps by chance.Typed the number and sure enough the number was a scam.Worth letting Action Fraud know if you come across a scam.
  13. Very true.During my treatment hospital numbers,often showed up as private numbers,or sometimes there switch board.
  14. Go to Google and type in the number.It will show if it's a scam number.I've used it a few times very good.
  15. Very true,indeed the advice I've heard on TV is once we've been vaccinated, we must maintain the same care until we're told otherwise.
  16. What some of these scams work on is the fact you answer there call.Therefore I dont answer a call if I dont recognise it.As I've said you can easily check numbers to see if there genuine. From what I understand regarding the vaccine you will be contacted via GP surgerys or the NHS.This is what the Government informed me in writing.
  17. Our niece has got Covid.There not sure if its work.She works in London or from her Daughter's nursery. It shows that even taking get care no won is safe. As for me,I'm used to it now.
  18. If genuine, they will call you again.Also you can check the number,which I've done a few times to see if it's a scam number.
  19. Very sorry to hear about your brother,hope he gets a negative test.
  20. I'm now back in shielding,which in fact I've moor or less been doing since before Christmas.It is in many respects strange.The vaccine is starting to be rolled out,yet it's at a very dangerous period. Infections are moving very fast, and I worry the damage it's doing to hospitals and staff.The sooner infection levels drop the better.Most of the public are sticking to the rules thankfully yet,some seem to think rules dont apply to them.
  21. Think it's best if you dont recognise the number dont answer it.
  22. The Covid vaccine is only available on the NHS, and is not available private. That said any of these scammers are the lowest of the low.Think since March we've had between us at least one phone call from scammers a week.
  23. Just got back from the Dentist. For once no treatment. Had a check up cleaned my teeth and Xrays,because I've got a dent plan no charge.So pleased with that. This afternoon I've got a on line pulmonary clinic due to my emphysema. Hopefully this will help my breathing.
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