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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Very sorry to hear that.Fully agree this virus is far from over,and we must all take care.
  2. From my understanding most Cancer care/treatment is carrying on as usual. Many operations other then Cancer are being delayed or postponed.As someone recovering from Cancer I am concerned that serious health issues are cared for.The numbers of hospital admissions due to Covid is very worrying.
  3. I will be asking for advice when we move to out new house.If I say so myself I'm a good Chef,but me and DIY are not.
  4. Like many I was worried that many would break the rules at New Years eve.It appears thankfully that most people didn't and stuck to staying at home.Regarding raves,this has been going on for years.When we lived In Thamesmead,southeast London.Raves happened at least once or twice a month. Now with social media, raves are easier to put on.I agree a big thankyou to the majority who stayed at home to see in 2021.
  5. At least someone likes Christmas TV.
  6. Not today but yesterday, JoJo giving Maisie a wash.Didnt last long.They had a fight afterwards.
  7. The London boat show stopped about three years ago.The Southampton boat show may go ahead in September. Depending on Covid.
  8. Chelsea14Ian


    Dont know if you are referring to me or not.However Marina and I visited the boat a few weeks back.And yes the next day we went into tier 3 now 4.As for my self I am now shielding apart from the house I've been no where.My next visit out is the Dentist on the fourth of January.Due to my Shingles even walking short distances is painful.
  9. Chelsea14Ian


    Simple Stay at home.In doing so we will all be out of this mess sooner.
  10. Many years ago we were in Paris New Year.Proberly the worse experience I've ever had.Not much better London at New Year.
  11. Very nice too Griff.Flying a Spitfire is one of my wishes also.I have flown a Tiger moth,a fight in a DC3 and a taxi ride in a Lancaster. A helicopter fight over the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls. So not a bad list.
  12. Just watched M and W gone fishing at Christmas,on catch up,always worth watching,and I dont even like fishing. Then saw the end of the two Ronnie's Four candles a classic. I did like Christmas strictly,okay it wasn't new.Perhaps due to Covid they didn't film a special.
  13. Broke them three years ago.Not this year Still knowing my luck theres still time.
  14. Dont think so,even with flats I've managed to break two arms!
  15. Believe me I like chocolate.I've got a loyalty card with lindt! I do red wine and leave the white and heels to Gracie
  16. Think this year I've got more chocolates that even Gracie could eat.Nevermind I'll give it a go!
  17. First Christmas for the cats with us . Merry Christmas. 20201225_092052.mp4
  18. Very merry Christmas and Let's hope for a better New Year. Ian.
  19. Hope things work out for you Griff.
  20. Griff I heard six thousand. The fact that thousands, four or six no matter.Very sad that many won't get home in time.
  21. Chocolate mousse. One pint,(500g) double cream. Three eggs,separated. 75g castor sugar. 200g dark chocolate, go for 70%. Break chocolate into pieces place in a bowl,sit on top of a pan of bubbling, but not boiling water. Beat cream until soft peaks,easy to tell just lift cream with whisk.It will not drop off. Whisk egg whites. When you separate eggs make sure theres no shell or yolk,if will spoil results. Whisk until theres a good volume, then slowly add sugar. Its an old trick,just tip the bowl over a partner head,if it stays in the bowl,its worked.If not start again. Now combine all the ingredients. You can add a shot of espresso or strong coffee,if you want. Slowly add the chocolate to the cream,then cold coffee if required, gently fold in the egg whites.If you want also a shot of chocolate liqueur or Brandy. Fill glasses with mixture, allow to set .Then to serve grate some white chocolate on top. Below was infact my chocolate brownie cheesecake I made just before lockdown at work. It appears to be a bit of work,but the results are worth it. Happy Christmas Ian.
  22. Very true Paul.Think the idiots that breck the rules should visit, ICUs to see the affect this virus has on people.
  23. Gracie, I know lots for Fred's,David's.But dont know any Jim's
  24. Towards the nineties and Christmas's. During my time at the Tower,Christmas was always busy.We would have lots of canape party's, Dinners.Starting from October up to a few days before Christmas.We worked up to Christmas eve.Because we were a Directors unit,we only on standby, in case a Director wanted a breakfast or sandwiches.In fact in all my years perhaps only did three or four requests each year.Most of the time we would have a good sort out and clean up.Then the manager would give us a little drink, then often we'd go for a drink in the pub.A number of pints later would go home,then prep for Christmas lunch.Looking back now,I dont know how I kept all the balls up in the air.When the kids were younger. We waited until they went to bed,then Finnish wrapping,and put out by the tree.One year,think Marina and I went to bed and 01.00,only to be woken up at 03.00 by the kids "he's been" Yes good now go back to bed for a few hours".For a number of years I would cook at the vice Chairman of the bank at he's house. The Earl of Harrowby.lovly couple, always good to me,but Lady Harrowby was more right wing then Maggie.I would cook at there house once a week,just for them,and sometime Dinner parties. I worked for them for about Five years I think.Nealy all I food was prepared from scratch, with little prepared food.So work involved making canapes,three,four or five course lunch on Dinners was a lot of work.The end result was always worth the effort. Tips:I know for many of us this Christmas will be very different.Sadly no big get togethers that normal years. That said a few ideas for canapes even if only a few of you. Deep fried breaded Scampi (shop brought ones)Nothing wrong there,serve with tartare sauce. Home made:using a blender or food mixer.Two egg yolks a good spoon of Coleman's mustard(or local mustard).Blend until start to go lighter.Slowly pour in veg,or corn oil,mix until nice dropping consistency.Add salt and pepper to taste,add a good handful of capers and gerkins and chopped parsley. You can use readymade mayonnaise, homemade is much better. What we call croutes using a round cutter about the size of a 50p concur out brown bread sprinkle a little oil salt and pepper,brown in oven about ten minutes until lightly browned. Once cool pipe or spoon cream cheese adding a little mayonnaise or yogurt add a little fold of smoked salmon.add cracked black pepper. For a veggie option:Using smoked cheese,cut rounds of cheese the same size of the bread.Finnly dice cucumber, pickle in a good vinegar such as white wine,or cider,a little sugar, add chopped chives,Add a little mixture to the cheese. Good old cocktail sausages coated in honey and grain mustard, serve with mustard of your choice. Other ideas,mini cottage pies.Many shops now have pre cooked mini tartlets.Of course sausage rolls.Cheese and onion turnovers. Wash down with some good English fizz.Some of South England sparkling wines out perform Champagne. Next time,into the nineties and a bomb makes us homeless!
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