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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Fully agree,however tonight some asked why they were travelling from Kings Cross.One woman replied Its been a bad year and I want to go home for my mental health. So of course the rest of us have had a good year.That said there were very few travelling. Theres no doubt Covid has had an affect on lots of peoples mental health, but I think some people will use that as an excuse.
  2. I may be wrong but,I thought Holland have the same strain as us.For sure soon many countries will get this strain as well.
  3. Yes but will take a long time testing the thousands that are there.
  4. What about Dover,where perhaps most of the lorries are.
  5. I can see the benefit if,For example if a lorry sets off today for let's say south of France. Then tests are useful. From my stay in hospital, I had to be tested every five days. In fact in the seven days there I had four tests.One of which they couldn't find the results, so I needed another one.But what's going to happen testing drivers stuck at Dover now.Think our friends across the channel are being bloody minded.
  6. How testing in this situation is practical. Think it's a good idea from now on,but to carry this out with thousands stuck at Dover will be a challenge to say the least.Perhaps the French can help!
  7. I do feel for the lorry drivers. Some may not get home to Christmas. This needs to be resolved quickly.
  8. Marina can pick up my meds,if I cant.I may well if this goes on long,which it may well do.TIf Ii get many more meds,I'll soon have more meds then Boots!
  9. Had a email from Mr Hancock,regarding shielding.So for the foreseeable future, I have to once again take extra measures to shield myself. I know it's to help protect me from this madness, but simple things like shopping, I'm advised to do.I can attend health care when required, yet cant go to the chemist.
  10. Not beer but wine.Winbirri vineyard Surlingham have excellent white and red wine.In 2017,they were voted best single varietal white wine in the world.I've got three bottles of red for Christmas. They do deliver.There wines are not cheap,but in my opinion worth it. WWW.Winbirri.com.
  11. Overall I'm thankful. To go through my operation, then being told they removed the Cancer. I think shingles came about due to my body being weak after the operation. Nearly seven weeks with shingles is no fun.considering the level of drugs I'm on Its strong. She cheered me up no end(not).She said some affects can last months or years.
  12. Still a long way before I turn that corner. Now week seven of shingles. Cant get rid of it.Now on 10mg Morphine patch ,pain killers and at times paracetamol. Spoke with my GP this evening. The last course of treatment she can give is another patch.This is a strong drug. She suggests if after a few weeks,its no better,she will refer me to a neurologist.This is really getting me down.Just hope it gets better soon.
  13. Corruption. My mistake, we went into tier three Wednesday, then four Sunday.My reason going up last Tuesday, I was fairly sure we would go into Tier 3.
  14. It was Wednesday, for London.Lots of foolish people all close together last Tuesday.
  15. Glad you made it.We popped up last Tuesday just before going into tier 4.
  16. What a year.This has been a very stressful year for everyone. Certainly a year I want to forget.Best wishes to everyone for Christmas.I hope you all have a lovely and pleasant time.Lets hope for a better New Year. Ian x
  17. I do feel for many other businesses. In fact theres very few winners in this time.I clearly speak as a Chef,I will also beat the drum for health care.Each time I hear the news about numbers raising,It concerns me.Can hospitals cope with numbers needing ITUs,due to this virus.I'm not exaggerating I was very lucky my Cancer was caught early and treated quickly. Sadly theres no doubt this virus this has affected badly on non Covid health care. I do as I say care for anyone that has been affected by this virus, but will have more knowledge regarding my business and my experience with health care.
  18. I do feel for my business.We in catering have been hit hard.I've not worked since March.Nor have many involved in the food industry. Yes Education is important, but the spread of infection in schools and Universities is high.People must take responsibility for there actions.Think of others and not of themselves. Now is the time to step up.
  19. Think we all deserve a bank holiday next year.
  20. Always the same,once theres an announcement about a change.Lockdown,moving up a tier.Some take the P.Thats what happened in London last Tuesday.
  21. At least strictly is on.My vote is for Maisie. For me watching Strictly on a Saturday makes my day(Okay I dont get out much).For that matter none of us do now.
  22. Tier 4 is being reviewed end of the year.Perhaps things may ease.Lets hope so.
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