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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. More then ever let's try to enjoy Christmas and New Year.And let's hope for a much better 2021.
  2. I feel for you,if it makes you feel better.I could write a book about bad weeks.Last six months I've had more bad then good
  3. Yes and now they have moved to a house in Suffolk. And as far as I know they are all settled in well.
  4. Home now, our last stop was Wroxsham to do a bit of shopping. Nice and sunny today,and not to cold.Made a nice change from Hospitals, Doctors and Dentists .Bit tired now.
  5. Lunch at bridge stores as always very good.
  6. Thanks, Graham is going to shut her down next week.we did a bit of tiding up .Now off to Potter.
  7. Just crossed into Norfolk. Up for the day,before we go into tier 3.
  8. So yesterday I gave a few ideas using filo pastry. What to do with the rest? You can make some parcels for canapes. Two sheets of filo.cut some carrots into strips,leeks,two inch of peeled and grated fresh ginger.Sliced chestnut mushrooms. Shredded bok choy.Provided all are cut thin,no need to cook.Coat in equal measures of light soy sauce, sweet chill,plum sauce and a little black pepper. Cut filo,about two and a half across,brush with melted butter.Place a small amount of the mixture on the filo fold over making a trangel, repeating a trangel using all the pastry. Brush with butter,chill in the fridge until ready to use.You can deep fry of oven.Serve with soy sauce, sweet chilli.You can make mincemeat parcels,using two sheets,buttered.Mincemeat in the middle pinch up the sides, chilled then cooked in a hot oven 180c dust with icing sugar. More canape ideas next time.
  9. My last unit The new Goldmans Sachs. There were lots,insure how many,but they could cater for 500+.Most fine dining units I worked in, in the last ten years, three to four dining rooms.30 to 40 people. Even though I've not worked since March,I know due to covid my old company have stopped fine dining until further notice.
  10. Really is about time,cricket and squash are in the Olympics.I dont consider break dancing as a sport. Clever yes,just like my love of Ball room dancing. Very good and certainly need to be fit,but not a sport.
  11. Cooking for Royals at the Tower.Over the years we cooked for many members of the Royal Family.We cooked for the Queen twice.This brings with it massive security.Prince Phillip many times.He was Patron of the playing field association. The bank sponsored the charity.And would host a lunch each year.Think we used to do the Buffet at Fishmongers hall,London Bridge.I have recounted this story before,but I think it's funny.Some of our butlers were a bit like Del boy.They looked the part,very smart,but a poor knowledge of the trade.The buffet was always in the middle of summer, we always had a selection of hot and cold food.One day Prince Philip was being served by Del boy stand in.What would you like sir,Lobster he replied. Mayonnaise?yes please. The following year same Buffet.The Prince is in the hall,I'm setting up the Buffet. He turns to one of, party."I dont think I'll have the lobster this year".last year Del boy stand in gave him sweetened cream instead of mayonnaise. Princess Ann,often visited the Tower.One time we did a Buffet,hot and cold food.The cold food was highly decorated. What no one told us was it was for a blind charity. We also had some back up food under the table, which some of the dog's found. The dogs also used the lawn as a loo.which had recently been layed.Which had to be re done.We also cooked for Heads of states,MP,s Prime Ministers. Sports men and Women. And yes PP can feed himself. Tips:left over Turkey, besides of soup,and served cold with salad and pickles. Try a few of these: Stir fry bean sprouts match stick size of carrots,shredded bok choy,spring onions. Coat in the following:About 2 inch of peeled fresh Ginger,cut into thin match sticks,One small sliced onions,two or three tablespoons of each,light soy sauce ,Sweet chilli,plum sauce, black bean sauce. Cook off onions and carrots allow 2 to 3 minutes Add ginger and book choy.Add wet sauces bring to the boil,add strips of turkey.Serve piping hot with noodles. Turkey parcels: Filo pastry, melted butter. Chicken or Turkey stock about one litre reduce by half. A peeled and finely diced shallot cook off in a little butter,Ask Gracie for a glass of white wine,add to shallots back to the boil,good splash of double cream,reduce slightly, add stock, back to the boil.Thicken with cornflour. Add a little unsalted butter. This will give it a gloss.check for seasoning.allow to cool.Cut Turkey into strips.Once cooled,coat the Turkey with some of the sauce.You will need two sheets of filo pastry. Cut into four.Brush with melted butter overlap the sheets.Place mixture in the middle then bring the pastry up so it covers the mixture. Coat with butter.allow about 15 ,20 minutes in the fridge cook in hot oven 180c for about half an hour.I would suggest veg such as french beans,stick beans,spinach or carrots. Boiled new potatoes or mash and with some of the sauce. Next time into the nineties.
  12. Many thanks. The shingles is still there.That in its self gets me down,and I will be glad when it goes. Indeed I was very lucky the Cancer was caught early and it was small.Theres no doubt Covid has affected health care.Last night on the news.It was reported, non emergency operations have been badly affected delaying operations by months. Thankfully mine was not.I was first told in late August there was a problem, and my operation to remove the Cancer in October. My concern is that whilst numbers of infections of Covid keep rising, leading to more people needing care in hospital, this puts pressure on health care.I am so grateful to the care I've received for my Cancer.If at some time I'm able to.I would like to raise money for the NHS.
  13. I will try my best,little boy.
  14. HO HO HO.now what would you like for Christmas children?
  15. Now I've got an idea for you at Christmas Gracie. A very nice Christmas gnome
  16. Alan believe me it's a great spot to moor,we were there in July.There was only four boats at the time.When the pub was open we often would moor there,call into the pub for a meal and drink,wait for the tide the following morning looking forward to our stay on the water.
  17. Just got back from the Hospital. Good news the Doctor said it's clear.I was lucky in the fact the Cancer was small.So I had a Xray. Back to the clinic in three months times another Xray then a Cat scan.Then they will check on me for five years.Now please shingles go away.Last night very painful. Still so pleased that perhaps soon things will improve. Bring on Christmas
  18. I will play a waiting game.If this bistro does happen.I would make sure its run properly, regarding food safety etc,before going there.Lets wait and see.
  19. I was sure George would win.Agree with the right team,he will go on to perhaps be world champion. Would be interesting if he was along side Lewis.Bottas too had some bad luck on Sunday.Good to see three British drivers on the grid though.
  20. They didn't have blue and white. Still I treated myself to a new Chelsea shirt. Thought about getting Gracie one!
  21. Not just yet,still suffering from Shingles. Now on a Morphine patch,strong pain killers and meds for the shingles. Now in my fifth week.The pain worse then the operation. Had my troublesome tooth taken out last still.Was worried about that,but the Dentist was brilliant. One problem less. Tomorrow the Cancer clinic at Queen Elizabeth hospital Woolwich. Today we went to Bluewater. Was a bit concerned, in case it was packed. We went early no problems. Maybe the affect of the Shingles, but If I stand or walk for any length of time I get a sharp pain in my back and I get out of breath. So for the first time I hired a mobility scooter. Was very helpful.Gave me an insight to disability. Some people were very helpful others not so much.Plus some shops moving around on a scooter was not easy. My scooter, now let's burn some rubber.
  22. Overall I would like to see help going to all,including wet only.The whole hospitality business needs all the help and support possible.
  23. When we get out of this mess,hopefully some time time year.I would like to see the eat out to help out return. Any help that's given to the food and drink industry would be helpful.
  24. Being a Chef I am very concerned with the food and drink business.They are really feeling the pinch.I myself took VR. Then my whole group was made redundant. This time last year we were so busy, not now.Since August I have been to pubs both here at home and Norfolk and Suffolk .All have been very well prepared, regarding Covid.For sure many pubs,restaurants will be out out of business. Some of the behaviour shown by some recently at shops,high sheets and shopping centres is unacceptable. Some still dont get it,thinking they are immune from this disease,they're not.
  25. Closed,as others have said so people can't see in and keeps the sun off.
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