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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Marina did the tree today.A new toy of the cats! Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
  2. Yes he can. In fact we feed him a number of times over the years.Will become clear next time I post.
  3. Things were going well in the tower,often busy and we became the number one unit in the bank.In 1986,Maggie decided to get rid of the GLC.Thamesmead where we lived,was part of the GLC.It was decided that a company was to be set up .Thamesmead Town Ltd. To be run by the community elected by the people,with a full time Chairman, CEO and others, There was nine elected members(unpaid).I stood runner up.Also a second tier Thamesmead Advisory Forum. I became Chairman. We were also made up of most of the community groups.We would help the board in some decisions regarding the town.We debated among other matters London city Airport.I managed to meet the CEO and he attended some of our meetings regarding the airport. I developed a good working relationship with them,managed to arrange a demo flight.We took.about 20 members to the airport, they did a figure of eight .I pulled r ank and went up twice.In talks and visits we managed to slightly alter the flight path over the town.This was a time I learnt the art of juggling. Father,Chef and Community Chairman.Dont know how I did it.Was lucky my work was 35 hours,still at times tricky. Tips: Turkey. Would suggest you take the wish bone out.This will make carving easier and produce more meat.Please don't put stuffing in the cavity. Put inside between the skin and the breast. You can if you wish put butter there also. Remember to get the Turkey out of the fridge allowing it to get to room temperature.Try to keep in a safe animal free place. I'm not keen on Brussels. You can add thinly cut strips of bacon.Cook sprouts, dont over cook.fry off bacon add sprouts,add black pepper. Or chestnuts,add little stock and teaspoon of marmite,black pepper. Next year,remaining years at the Tower.Feeding Prince Phillip.
  4. Most of your wishes are do able.Not sure about Boris's haircut though!
  5. Think Father Christmas should be okay.Because he lives with Mrs Christmas and the reindeer, and Elves.So he doesn't come into contact with many people, but it's good he will be first to get the vaccine. Now all I want for Christmas is ?
  6. Poppy don't seem to be able to open the link.
  7. Think I cant give any photos for 2974.Unless I can time travel. Should be 1974 silly Billy.
  8. Of course may have some from.2974,sixties not sure believe of not I was very young then .I will have a look anyway.
  9. Some lovely boats.My first trip was in the mid sixties. Not sure what years.We had two trips to the broads in the sixties. Then 1974,big gap to 2000.See if I've got any photos knocking around.
  10. We had two with our lunch.The remaining two went into the freezer for use later.
  11. Equal quantities of flour,eggs and milk. So for example you could use a ladle or a small cup.Ive used the same method for years,always works.Any excess,I freeze.
  12. One cup plain flour,one cup eggs,one cup milk.Mix together allow to rest at least half an hour before going into the oven.zworks every time.
  13. You never know until you give it a try.Our cooker looks like a domestic cooker.Takes a time,but once it gets going it's quite good.
  14. Can make Yorkshire puddings at home,freeze then take with you and reheat on the boat .
  15. There is talk that the barrier was not suitable in that location. More suited if cars hit side on.Romain went in nose first.Yes agree he was lucky,but that's the point he was very lucky.If he was knocked out,the outcome would have been different. Personally I dont understand way the run off didn't have gravel or grass like many tracks.If so may have slowed the car down.The fact that he hit the barrier at 53g,just amazing that he came out alive.Theres always room for more safety.
  16. Paul has made good points about safety on F1 tracks.Dont think that barrier was the correct one for that part of the track.I really thought Romain wouldn't get out of there alive.For sure had he been knocked out,he wouldn't have made it.The cars are so well designed now that gives drivers a good chance of getting out.The Marshalls got there quickly. The sport is much safer now,but hopefully this accident will lead to safer improvements for the future.
  17. Why do I do this post.No surprise I follow F1.Yesterday I was watching the race and on the phone.I was shocked watching what happened in front of my eyes.Yes I've given away results in the past,of which I'm sorry that I did. I thought yesterday was different. This accident was so serious I thought no one could come out alive.As I reported the race was stopped then restarted about one hour later.Rightly or wrongly my thinking this was so serious, I felt the need to post.On this occasion It was not my intention to spoil anyone's viewing.Remember I've still not let on any result,only that Romain was very lucky to get out of that car alive.What has taken me aback,not one person has mentioned the accident only the fact I may have spoilt the outcome.My thoughts are with Romain and I hope he recovers and returns to F1. Yes the main purpose of the forum is the broads and boating.I posted under Broadscot lounge.
  18. I will answer later,allowing anyone who's not already seen the outcome of the race.
  19. My only reason is this was very serious. I won't post the result.As yet the race has not re started, is due to soon.
  20. They intend to re start the race in 10 minutes.
  21. Race stopped.lap one lots of bunching up Grosjean went off the track,and the car went up in flames.Thankfully he got out quickly. Seems he has broken ribs and burns on hands and ankles. Looking back at first I thought he wouldn't get out.Hope he doesn't suffer long term injuries.
  22. As someone who's over 65,suffering from COPD and emphysema. Trying to recover from lung surgery, made worse by shingles. Theres no doubt I'm at risk.Oh and yes out of work .With very little chance of getting work.So sorry I'm part of a small group at risk. What is your answer?should we just let the virus run its course, or try to combat it. Its very likely that the world will only return to some sort of normality once a vaccine is in place.
  23. Not sure why you've used my post as a quote for your post?
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