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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. From the very beginning, when covad hit.Most people once they realised the virus was dangerous, acted responsibly.The main problem is a sizeable minority did the opposite. We've seen some saying it won't affect me I'm going to do what I like.Theres a real worry this could happen at Christmas and New year.On the news yesterday they asked people there thought s on the tiers.One chap summed it up saying.Its like school everyone is well behaved and theres always one who won't. People need to act responsibly, think of others and not for themselves.
  2. Since the start of Covad,whatever not only our Government but Governments everywhere are on a hiding to nothing. The only way is a total lockdown.In doing we are all in the same situation, however businesses suffer long lasting damage. What's the answer, I don't know.If and when a vaccine comes in and is effective,I fear this will be like a rollercoaster.
  3. What ever tier we are in,Christmas won't be the same for any of us.That said we need to make the most of what we've got.Try to stay positive and look forward to a better New Year.
  4. As far as I know they have not built anything for over a year.We often get fuel pump outs etc at Brooms,and based at Brundall,.Not seen anything.
  5. Okay shingles has affected my spelling also.Have had shingles before I was about fourteen.Not so bad.This has hit me hard,due to my operation.The most worrying thing is,my breathing which has got worse with shingles. Have spoken with our GP.Last Thursday she will phone me this Thursday to check on my progress.
  6. Yes ,wasn't sure weither to use previous ones on not.This one sums up how I feel at present.Each day I hope to feel better,and then pain kicks in.
  7. Thought I'd turned a corner.Seemd not,went back on strong pain killers on Sunday.Just taken Dihydrocodeine .Hoping to go all day without pain relief, but the pain not easing.Have taken paracetamol too.Now in the third week of this.For sure this has knocked my recovery back.Look forward to a day without pain.
  8. Think you will find he does indeed gives large sums of money to charity. Yes he is highly paid,so too are many in the world of sport and entertainment.In the world of sport he has achieved more then many.
  9. What have I done.My reason for this post was simply to point out,he's outstanding achievement of winning the seventh F1 world championship.In all honestly there are many things Lewis does that I dont agree with.I feel he should be applauded for that achievement winning seven times. Well done Lewis.
  10. Okay Lewis Hamilton is the only driver to win world championships over three decades. Done so with two teams.When he went to Mercedes, which was up and coming yet not the best.He has done much to make the car the best in F1.Of course,it is a well organised team.From the top to the bottom. The best drivers tend to attract the best team.I firmly believe he is the best of the best,am sure he will go on to win more World championships.
  11. Lewis has won more world championships then any other driver in this country. For that alone he deserves a Knighthood. There are many in sport and for that matter in other walks of life,have active less then him and have received Knighthoods.When all said and done he is a seven time world champion.
  12. We normally put the decs up first week in December. This year because the house has been completely repainted, we decided to reduce amounts.We will as always get a real Christmas tree.Once I'm allowed to go out more. We visited Canada in early January years ago.The rep told us many in Canada keep Christmas decorations up though out January. Just to cheer up dark cold days.No bad luck there then?
  13. After three years working for the bank we moved into the new Nat West tower. We were on the 40th level.Which formed the kitchen,store rooms , wines,catering offices and staff rooms.On the 38th level two dining rooms,39 level six dining rooms,41th level four dining rooms.Each dining room could seat 10/12 Directors.Or opened up for a canape party.This time of year we would be very busy.We looked after International Banking.Over the years we cooked for most members of the Royal family, heads of states,sports men and women,charities, school children. You name it we hosted ,cooked and looked after them.We also looked after Gibson hall.A lovely restored Banking hall,that became a banqueting hall and kitchen.We could seat about 150+ or buffets/ Canape party's for 300,400 guests.Our food was classical French food ,Traditional British. Nearly every thing was prepared and cooked on site.Washed down with the very best wines available. I was lucky enough to try many of the very best available.Marina left the bank,when In 1980 Nicola was born,Alan was born in 1982.Marina and I loved to travel.In the beginning we went on day trips to France and Belgium. Then coach and camping to the south of France.Work was hard but no way as intense as Hotels,plus the money and rewards were better.All in all enjoyable. Tips.Kitchen aids.I've got a stick blender.Great for soups,sauces.Food mixer ,for cakes and food processor. Again prices and quality varies widely.Pick what's best for you. Some starters for Christmas. Wild mushroom soup. One medium sized onion cut into four,one washed stick of celery into slices.sweat off in a little veg or corn oil and butter. Add one litre veg stock,bring to boil,add one large peeled washed potato, cut into six pieces. Tray of assorted wild mushrooms. Check to see theres no dirt.If so brush off,but dont wash.fry off in a little oil,add to soup.Once potatoes and veg cooked are cooked blend, check for seasoning add a little double cream. Not quite prawn cocktail. Frozen tiger prawns. Allow to defrost. Make sure the track is clean. Coat in sweet chilli sauce with one inch grated fresh ginger. Can be done night before use.Quick fry.Dont overcooked otherwise will be tough.Serve with saute bean sprouts in soy sauce and rocket. Next time mid eighties and I have other interests in the local community.
  14. Very true it's the whole package. It sets apart great teams and drivers.Lewis has done lots to develop the car and the whole team have together delivered a brilliant car.
  15. I think its difficult to compare sports men and women from one age to another. For me theres no doubt Lewis is the best for this age.To win seven world championships, from 2008 to 2020 is incredible. Will it be surpassed .Never say never,but it will take some doing.I'm sure he will carry on for another few seasons.
  16. To my knowledge no.The broads Authority have a number of boats that are used for maintenance along the broads.Gone are the days when fairly large boats would visit Cantly and Colemans in Norwich .
  17. I agree,it may not be the case with this lady.Without doubt Covad has caused many problems in general, in both mental and other serious health issues .
  18. Very sad ,I hope the lady gets help treatment and support. Mental health has caused many people serious problems due to Covad,and always a greater problem in the winter.
  19. Thanks,treath is we're all a little bit mad.
  20. Hoping that I've turned a corner.The pain seems to be carming down.Still there but not like it was recently. Still on two courses of Antibiotics and tablets for the shingles. The pain I was suffering was almost the same as my operation .At present thankfully my breathing has improved. That was very worrying, I was breathless just walking from the living room to the loo.Once again a big thankyou to Queen Elizabeth hospital Woolwich for care.They quickly realised my rash was shingles, putting me on I V antibiotics. Think the GP will check up on me tomorrow, if not I will ring them.I've got a follow up clinic back at Woolwich regarding my operation on the 4 December. The following day I'm booked in to have my tooth taken out.Not looking forward to that.But thankfully seemed to be improving.
  21. Chelsea14Ian

    My Dog

    It's a very sad time.Try reassuring your dog as often as possible. Like any loss will take time to get over the sadness,for people and animals. Worth speaking to the vet,who may have advice.
  22. I know Lewis is a bit like Marmite.I've followed him all along.Without dought in my opinion one of the best drivers of all time. For sure not easy to compare champions from different times,but many races he's won,when sometimes he's car wasn't the best.Pretty sure he will challenge next year if not longer.There are some other drivers that are showing signs of real class.If they get the right car,could well give Lewis a run for he's money.
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