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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Well done Lewis Seven times a world champion. Now alongside ,the great M S.
  2. Just need to buying and find a safe place for the card.
  3. Nearly every time we go to Norwich we go to Elm hill,mainly to visit the bear shop.We even have a loyalty card.Marina has a large collection of steiff bears.Her first one given to her when she a child and was recovering from a kidney operation by her Uncle from Germany. Since then most of her collection comes from Norwich.
  4. Theres Christmas films every day on 5.Bit corny but good fun.
  5. Watching Jingle Jangle on Netflix. A Christmas musical. Filmed in part in Elm hill Norwich.Also oddly The restored pump house at Crossness,Thamesmead.
  6. Will carry on with my story when I feel better.Still in lots of pain thanks to shingles.
  7. Many that's.Talking with Doctors and the consultants yesterday, it explained my downturn.Which was worrying. I was doing my exercises and walking doing well then since the weekend, my health started to go down hill.Had shingles when I was about 14 years old.They said it can return which it has for me.Theres three things that perhaps helped shingles to get me.Infection due to my tooth, my operation and shingles itself. Had a slightly better nights sleep.Think the I .V antibiotics helped.
  8. Went and got Antibiotics from the dentist. Then went to A&E Queen Elizabeth hospital Woolwich. Had all my stats done. Thought they were going to keep me in.Was close .Seems a lot of my problem was the rash,which turns out to be shingles.Had IV Antibiotics, and tomorrow get some meds for shingles. Seems I getting all sorts of illnesses and diseases. Least I know a bit more now,hopefully things will get a bit better now.
  9. I came out with paracetamol, codeine and Morphine sulfate. Not used Morphine since I've left hospital. Stopped codeine using it makes me sleepy. Spok6 with hospital and Gps who agree stick with paracetamol.
  10. Got up at 5.00 am.Still in pain,seemed to have moved a bit. Trying just to stick with paracetamol. This morning will get antibiotics for my tooth. That will hopefully be taken out on 5 December .
  11. I was waiting for a return call from 111.Thats why I answered that call.they used to say ,I understand you were involved in a raid traffic accident that wasn't you fault. Si seems they've changed they response. As I've said have now blocked that number.
  12. Have phoned 111.Just spoke with a nurse now.Decided to see what I'm like tomorrow. Hoping that antibiotics kick in tomorrow.
  13. I've blocked that number.Marina checked the number and it's a scam number.
  14. Just what aI dont need.Had a phone call from some low life saying.I left a note on he's car saying I hit his car.Considering I dont drive and not really been out of the house for two weeks,unlikely. So just be aware.
  15. I've spoken as I said with nurse practitioner. On Antibiotics. I've reduced pain killers. When I came home.The hospital gave me lots of meds.Just on paracetamol. Was on codeine. That makes me tried and a bit light headed.Don't want to phone 111.Just hoping pain will decrease.
  16. Lots of pain at present.Perhaps more pain then after my operation.
  17. Just spoken with the nurse practitioner.Because nothings easy with me ,lots of pain in the left hand side of my back.May be a chest infection, so back on antibiotics. Spoke with the Dentist this morning, may have antibiotics for my tooth ,then extraction 5 December. I look forward to time without pain.
  18. Thanks Gracie, may have said our osteopath. Is a Arsenal season ticket holder.When we got our car two years ago,which is red and white. He said I'll get you an Arsenal sticker for that. My reply was Jason you know where you can stick that!.
  19. For many people, they dont like talking about the C word,and I'm not talking about Christmas. But Cancer.When I found out I had a shadow on my lung,of course I was worried and concerned. Its something I had to face.Which I did.When I heard it was Cancer,it was no surprise, pleased to say the least its removed.Still not completely out of the woods,but getting there. Please please, if you dont feel right unwell get it checked out.Hospitals are open not only for Covad,but for other serious health issues. After all I've been to seven hospitals and four Ambulances. Thanks to all those caring for me. Thanks to, all members thinking of me over the last few months.I would like to buy you all a drink,but not sure I've enough money to do so!. Ian.
  20. Thankfully going in the right direction. Still not there,but better then a few months back.
  21. Guys phoned this afternoon.One of the surgeons spoke with me.Firstly how I was getting on.I told him that I've had some pain since the weekend and back on pain killers. Also unrelated toothache,which is also causing me pain.He told me that as far as the operation is concerned, to expect pain for up to four to six weeks after the operation. He told me the object removed was Cancerous, but it was small and no longer causing a problem .I will see Doctors at the Oncology department at Queen Elizabeth hospital Woolwich on 9 December.Theres still the Matter of my Tooth, hopefully get some antibiotics, then have it taken out.The rash close to my wound I,think is eczema. There may be some other problems. Pleased of course the cancer has been removed.So as I said ,few other problems, but so pleased with care I've received. Slow but sure I'm getting there.Will do what ever they tell me to do. Ian.
  22. I've never used it,but like flavoured oils,best for salads and finishing dishes. I wouldn't use for frying.Like all extra virgin oils.To good for cooking.Try with Rocket, tomatoes Sliced Avocado ,thinly sliced fennel and dressed with Avocado oil.Simple quick to make salad.
  23. Can't remember if I was 20 or 21 years old and I had a stabbing pain in my back.Turns out I was suffering from a lung blister (A partial haemothorex).I was told to rest it would heal its self in time as I was young.As I write this I have a stabbing pain in my back now.This time due to my operation. Following our wedding on July 2 1977.We honeymooned in what was then West Berlin.Mother in law came from Berlin.We stayed with friends of the family.We had a great time.Berliners knew how to have a good time,suppose that was due to living in a divided city.We crossed over to East Berlin to visit Mother in laws old boss.Even though we only spent a day there.Was not easy took an hour at the boarder crossing into East Berlin. Was an eye opener once you moved away from the hype in the city.In the outskirts it was quite bleak. August 8 1977 I moved from the Berkeley Hotel to Nat west Bank.I enjoyed my time at the hotel and was sad to leave.A week after me Marina joined the Bank.I worked in Undershaft in the City of London.Workinging in Directors dining rooms.I worked with Hank head Chef who had served with the RAF.And butlers,what a group of characters. Big Jim a lovely Irish man who liked he's G and T.Jim what do you think of that.Thats for you to know and me to find out.No Jim you've got it the wrong way round.Tony Italian, dont tell pork chops,no Tony dont tell pork pies.Many of our customers, had bird names think someone saw the funny side,they all worked together. Mr sparrow, Mr Nightingale, Mr Blackbird.Big change from Hotels I was on a 35 hour week,employed by the bank with all the benefits that went with the job.Was there for three years then we moved into the new Nat West Tower. Tips when cooking green veg such as French beans,stick beans,runner beans,Broccoli. For best results once prepared leave in cold water for at least an hour.Cook in a pan of boiling water with a little salt,dont over cooked. They will retain texture and colour. In french mise en plus. (Preparation).In pro kitchens we spend large parts of the day doing prep.Just the same at home.Worth spending time doing as much prep as possible. None more so then at Christmas. Wednesday moving to The Nat West Tower.And becoming a father.
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