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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I was never downcast.Thursday concerned about the operation etc.For two three days after the op,was in another world.Mixture of pain drugs and lack of sleep. But my last three days in hospital, much improved. As I said one and all were positive and caring.None of us were downcast, but yes Seven days was a long time.Coming home was very welcome. Just now need to build up my strength.
  2. Was good,but after seven days in hospital, getting home was the best.Will have follow ups at Woolwich in 10 to 14 days.Then Guys in four to six weeks.Hopefully wont need more treatment, but I'm prepared for further treatment and if necessary more operations.I won't let this get the better of me.
  3. Can I also say thankyou to one and all.Helping to spend my very large winnings (not)!
  4. What was truly uplifting in hospital, was how everyone was so positive. All of us had life threatening surgery, many more serious then mine.Yet we all looked out for one another, encouraging, supporting and caring for one another. If someone was in pain,we would speak to nurses if they weren't around. Not one person was downcast. Would have been easy to do so.But no we all had a great supporting unit.We all took the mick out of one another, including the staff.All done in a light hearted way. Since late spring I've been to seven hospitals,all very caring. My advice if you have a condition that's not normal, please get it checked,it won't go away.Hospitals are very caring and safe now.
  5. Thanks Alan.Donre two exercises already.
  6. At least I had some good luck,last night. Won £10.00 on Thunderball.It won't change my life,so don't worry .
  7. Think I've heard of this one also.
  8. I was told my stay would be between 3 and 5 days.I was there for 7.They checked all my stats. The one still low yesterday was my oxygen levels, but this morning, they got me walking including up and down two flights of stairs. Won't be able to mix with anyone for about two weeks.Can do some walking close by because never many people around.
  9. I came home by Ambulance, getting home 16.45.I can't thank everyone at Guys enough. And I mean everyone. Doctors, nurses, porters,cleaners,catering staff etc.My operation was a major one and I was not in good shape for three days,very tried and even with a cocktail of drugs in pain.Thankfully the last three days have been much better.I came off oxygen completely today and they are happy with my stats,which were low regarding,Salt levels,blood pressure and oxygen. Game plan now is to build up my fitness, which will help up my breathing. Stall don't know if it is Cancer, due to go to the clinic next week.Back I think to Queen Elizabeth hospital Woolwich.
  10. If in doubt keep your head down
  11. Let's not talk about Ludham bridge.
  12. I think the point is the care you take wither hire or private. Over the years I've seen,both hire and private give a good whack to other boats.Alot of it can be as I said the care you give.Practice helps,and not going to fast when close to other boats
  13. Less aI say about the food the better.Still have been eating for last few days.With luck should go home tomorrow.
  14. Felt very rough yesterday. Bit better today.Had more sleep last night.
  15. I'm a good boy,always do as I'm told.Well most times any way!
  16. Chance a fine thing Alan.They can faster then me.
  17. Went down this afternoon for my op.Woke up 17.30 think.Lots of pain,but my breathing is not to bad.They were a bit concerned about my oxygen levels.On oxygen now.In the morning they will get me walking and want me to use the Jim ,dont know who he is.Worse bit because there were delay didn't have water for 12 hours. As Captain Sir Tom said Tomorrow will be a better day.
  18. No tomorrow, leaving here at 09.45.A scan at 11.25 on my heart. Then up to the ward.
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