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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Pictures of the new crew member soon please. From our own experiences and reading of others, there are few dogs that don’t take to boating. They seem to love it. (We desperately need a new ensign but my better half won’t have one because he says it will make us look like newbies. I’m going to sneak one aboard one day when he’s not looking!)
  2. I think I saw that a couple of the big guys were hiring out cruisers for day hire although I believe they were quite expensive. Still, if you’re desperate.............
  3. I don’t think it’s changed much!
  4. vanessan


    You’re quite right Chris, I remember reading that a long time ago and often wondered why we call them geese. I’m not surprised they’re endangered on their native Nile, they’ve all relocated to the Broads! (I do notice the headline has now been changed to specify ‘duck’ by the way!)
  5. I bet there will still be one or two of those!
  6. According to gov.co.uk this poster was only issued this morning so I am pleased to at last see things in black and white. (Well, greenish and white!)
  7. vanessan


    We’re all different shapes and sizes and that’s what makes us an interesting species. I’ve seen quite a few very large people out with what I assume to be a personal trainer or a friend eager to help and I think good for them. I just wish I could run again!! Anyways - they’re still not ducks!
  8. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/973990/COVID-19_Roadmap_Posters_Step1b_web.pdf Finally a definitive article.
  9. We are normally aboard when the clocks go forward, the sheer joy that BST has arrived. 😁 (Mind you, we’re often on board when the clocks go back too and that’s a real gloomy feeling! 🙁)
  10. vanessan


    Daily Mail headline - Down boy! Boris Johnson does his best to stop Dilyn going after ducks during early morning run. Ducks???? Broadsters know different!
  11. You can’t miss it - it’s the white one! (You can moor up just downstream of it and pop to the huge Morrison’s near Carrow Road. Loads of other useful stores there too.)
  12. Novi Sad in Norwich. (Unless that’s the one you meant by Norwich footbridge!)
  13. Presumably these are all people that took the time to make an appointment for themselves and then either forgot or decided they didn’t want the jab after all. Very sad that - and selfish.
  14. Erm, with respect grendel, there are quite few of us who don’t think that. I don’t think anyone would disagree with your advice that people should read the guidance and make up their own minds but I believe that would still leave a question mark in many minds. Until the legislation/guidance or whatever from the government actually says ‘you can’t overnight away from home until 12 April’ the head scratching will probably continue.
  15. It’s a debate/discussion on people’s understanding of the rules although I don’t think we’re actually getting anywhere!
  16. I don’t think Boris is sure of the rules, this morning he apparently said - “In just a few days' time, I'm finally going to be able to go to the barbers”. 2+ weeks is hardly a few days!
  17. ITV News - 26 March - https://www.itv.com/news/2021-03-26/covid-as-stay-at-home-lockdown-message-ends-in-england-what-can-you-do-from-march-29 *Overnight stays away from home are still banned, unless you own a second home. Those with another residence will be legally allowed to stay there from Monday.* I rest my case m’lud!
  18. There seems to be a lot of confusion over whether or not you can overnight on your boat from Monday. The guidance is to minimise travel so for a lot of us it’s a non-starter anyway. The government’s guidance is not as clear as it could be on the subject. I have seen umpteen articles which say you can overnight in your second home or caravan (that must include boats too surely?) and umpteen saying you can’t overnight until 12 April - that includes the NSBA latest newsletter.
  19. Several large vaccination sites across the country are apparently closing for April due to a shortage of vaccine. Our local council has said that our main site will close for first jabs but second jabs will proceed as planned.
  20. Sounds like a driving licence to me! 🙂
  21. We have driving licences with a certain amount of personal information on already. Personally I don’t see any problem with identity cards, in fact they could be useful. Being a law abiding citizen, I don’t worry very much about big brother keeping an eye on me and my loved ones safety.
  22. I don’t think anyone is huffing or puffing, just having a reasoned debate as to the viability.
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