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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Could one of the mods amalgamate the two threads? I’ve just noticed there are two on the go!
  2. Definitely possible and very enjoyable as long as
  3. As do Pacific, usually very busy and always extremely well spoken of by their customers. It can be done.
  4. I wonder if someone at the NDAA has just been a little over-zealous with the blue marker pen? No doubt Tom will have to refer the issue to the NDAA for clarification so it may be a little while before we hear from him. I hope it’s just a silly error! 😳
  5. Hopefully this link will tell you all you need to know Andrew - https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/facilities/electric-boat-charging-points
  6. Give them a couple of weeks and they’ll be checking for tolls.............
  7. On our first trip in 1982, we hired from Brundall, crossed Breydon and got under PH bridge! It was April and not very busy, (think it might be different this year - after the 12th of course!) I have often thought how glad I am that the internet and social media didn’t exist back then. I wonder how many have been put off crossing Breydon with these sort of warnings.
  8. We both had the AZ vaccine, my better half had the same reaction as you whilst I had no reaction at all. Anybody know yet if the second jab produces the same reaction as the first?
  9. Gosh Andrew, those you mention have been long gone! The northern Broads are usually noted as being more ‘picturesque’ but, to be honest, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the southern Broads have so much to offer. I believe that many hirers start off hiring in the north and are reticent to cross Breydon so never get south. Hence the north has become overcrowded.
  10. Is anybody worried about having the OxfordAZ jab bearing in mind the fuss the EU is now making? I’m certainly not, just glad to have had a jab. If you compare the OAZ with the Pfizer vaccine, the stats really aren’t too different so I can’t understand the concern.
  11. I must admit, I’ve seen worse. It doesn’t take long for a boat to look unloved. I wonder how it looks now...........🤔
  12. Best ask the boatyards that question Andrew, I guess it depends on what else they want to fit in and what their priorities are.
  13. The voices of the latter day sports presenters always remind me of my youth and growing up with a sport-mad grandfather. David Vine, Frank Bough, David Coleman, Peter O’Sullevan, Harry Carpenter and the guy (whose name escapes me) who always did the football results on tv at 5pm on a Saturday. Many others too whose voices were the comforting sounds of home. Too long ago now sadly...........☹️
  14. Only one thing to say here - ouch!
  15. We last took our boat under PH bridge about 6/7 years ago (well, the pilot did!). Since then there have been a few opportunities but we probably wouldn’t risk it again, it all seems too iffy. So much to have an influence on water levels. Over the years we have hired day boats too and I think that is the best way to explore the upper Thurne - no worries about getting back under the bridge!
  16. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/broads-boat-hire-resumes-amid-concern-from-residents-7816810 (The EDP headline actually reads ‘Vigilant boat firm checking postcodes to weed out non-local customers.)
  17. I was referring to B&M but I think Meantime may have been referring to Specsavers!
  18. I think you’ll find there is - George Westwood Way. 😊
  19. I checked online too and I can’t find it either! I must have dreamt it, I felt sure it was somewhere near the B&M store. Must go to Specsavers.........🤓
  20. I guess most on board televisions these days will be of the flat screen variety, very easy to box up and take home.
  21. I am not a fan of Morrison’s in Beccles for some reason although I do like their produce. It may be something to do with the layout of the store. Also, I don’t feel safe anymore crossing that road near the roundabout but that’s an age thing! Mooring at the Lido is a much better bet and closer to the town centre.
  22. I forgot Roys and B&M! Aldi is near B&M I think. All in all Beccles has a lot more going for it than a lot of market towns. Definitely one of the places I love visiting.
  23. Beccles has unfortunately lost Beales which was always good to have a wander around. Plenty of food stores what with Tesco, Morrison’s, Aldi, Lidl and the Coop. Probably some I don’t know about too!
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