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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I prefer to call it an affectionate term. Other than that, I think everything else you say is true. 🙂
  2. I wonder how he would have felt if you had taken a boathook to fend off his woodie.................😏
  3. I wonder how much of that development is actually near the water? I remember it as being set quite far back and isn’t that Repps staithe in the foreground? Having read through, it does say set a few hundred metres from the river but I guess it’s close enough to be an attractive proposition.
  4. Maybe anyone that pays money to the BA for whatever reason?
  5. I always remember the Blakes brochures with pictures of Sanderling in, the skippers head poking through the roof. Just found the 1982 brochure -
  6. vanessan


    Ps - I do know the photo is not a lapwing before anybody mentions it! 🙂
  7. vanessan


    I remember the first time I became aware of the call of lapwings. We were moored at West Somerton and there was a huge flock of them close by in a field. It was around this time, early 80s, that we started to take an interest in all the Broadland birds, previously only having knowledge of garden birds. I think it was also around this time that I noticed the Cetti’s warbler call more on the southern rivers and that call now seems everywhere whilst the willow warbler seems very scarce. Times change but as long as there is birdsong across the rivers and marshes, the memories will be made.
  8. They’ll probably ask you to take the balaclava off and put a face mask on instead 😷!
  9. Gosh, I’ll be.....no I’m not going there! 😳
  10. You are very lucky Jean but your turn will come............(eventually!) 😉
  11. We have friends who hire from Swallowtail (Colin Buttifant) every year. They really are lovely boats.
  12. The government website clearly states no overnighting away from home until 12 April at the earliest.
  13. I don’t think we are less likely to contract the virus, just less likely to suffer really badly from it and require hospital treatment. Very positive news. I think as long as people continue to take sensible precautions, hands, face and space etc, we could well be in a much better state by the end of the year.
  14. The government statement says - (in the section no earlier than 12 April) ‘UK domestic holidays away from home permitted, with self-contained accommodation able to reopen for use by members of the same household’.
  15. I seem to remember that the footpath continues on the opposite side of the road and is a bit more obvious as a footpath. Might help in identifying it if the blue car has pumped his tyres up again and moved!
  16. I had been taking Tesco’s High Strength vitamin D tablets which are one and a half times stronger than those supplied free of charge. Still, something for free has to be a bonus. Nice strong, warm sunshine will be very welcome to replace the tablets!
  17. Did anybody else deemed to be clinically extremely vulnerable take up the offer from the government of free vitamin D tablets?
  18. I saw a list fairly recently of the order of play for the vaccine if/when it appears. Those in the frontline will get it first I believe, including care home workers and that has to be the way forward. Does age really come into it? The letter says you have ‘been identified’ as etc etc, that surely can’t be everyone above a certain age?
  19. I had one of those a couple of days ago but I really don’t know why! Although I have my problems, I do not have (as far as I know anyway) any diabetes, heart or lung problems. A call to my surgery didn’t help establish why either. Oh well, a positive of that may be that JM and I may be at the front of the queue for the vaccine when it arrives. 🥴
  20. One of the modern sales tactics that annoys me too. Particularly when the ‘25 other people are looking........’ is usually right on top of the picture of the product I want to look at!
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