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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Not ducks? That’s what my two look for. Come to think of it, they look for anything they can bark at!
  2. vanessan

    Hit And Run..

    And did you get any response?
  3. In answer to LondonGuy’s questions - yes, fairly, yes and yes. Stumpy has laid it out pretty well and his suggestion of a bus, if you really must go to GY, is a good one. The Yacht Station guys will help you moor safely. Personally I would far rather go to Norwich, much more to see and a nicer place to moor. Just avoid Friday and Saturday nights!
  4. Thank you. I had meant to watch that but somehow missed it! I gather from my better half, who did watch it, that it’s one to ‘keep an eye on’. Nothing showing on the BBC weather website for the east or south east as yet so fingers crossed it doesn’t happen.
  5. Where for? I haven’t seen anything on the online forecasts.
  6. It looks to me as if the helm of the offending boat had no idea of how to leave a mooring and was nudging his way out - as many new helms do. (There may well have been a smidgin of aggression there too.) Does the trial run include guidance on how to leave a mooring? So many times I have seen boats scraping forwards along the quay heading with the stern banging against it, in fact we have been hit a couple of times this way as, no doubt, have others.
  7. I see it also overtopped badly at Great Yarmouth this morning. It’s not unusual to see pictures of an underwater Brundall, in fact it’s almost becoming the norm! Is this a sign of things to come I wonder. We were pontoon moored in Oulton Dyke last week when the water overtopped the main moorings at high water. Bearing in mind the quay heading there has fairly recently been refurbished to allow for higher tides, seems it wasn’t sufficient.
  8. I see from HW webcam that the water has overtopped the 24 hour moorings. I have seen it very high before but I can’t remember ever seeing it completely overtopping.
  9. I wonder if anyone would take any notice of a paddle quoting ‘Lifejacket?’ (I put the question mark on the end to make it appear more of a suggestion than a regulation, which of course it is not - yet!)
  10. Looks good, hope you will share your holiday tales with us.
  11. Lovely picture of the local swimming pool complete with diving board and safety ladder. 😁
  12. from me too. What boat have you booked for next June?
  13. Ooer, I don’t think the water has been quite so high for a while. Consistently so as well.
  14. How is this claim substantiated? Is it just observation on the part of the rangers or what?
  15. Indeed we have, it’s nothing to write home about but we do have all the comforts of home aboard. It’s become a way of life for us since we bought the boat 11years ago. We usually manage around 18-20 weeks each year but this year of course nowhere near that ☹️. I love waking up somewhere different each morning and the dogs enjoy different walks each day. Not for everyone but we do see a number of people quite regularly who clearly do something similar to ourselves.
  16. Sounds great. We have been on board for 26 days and, boy, have we seen some lovely sunrises and sunsets. Also some rather changeable weather..........!! Shorts on Tuesday, jumpers and wellies etc yesterday. That’s the Broads for you.
  17. It rather looks as though it’s wedged under the bridge!
  18. Sorry marshman, just read your post, we think along the same lines.
  19. I wonder how many hirers will actually bother to look at them online whilst on the boat! I think I would prefer to have something I could guarantee I could pick up and look at at the drop of a hat rather than rely on getting a decent enough signal to look online.
  20. How big is this sofa for heaven’s sake? Any of Jayfire’s empties under there?
  21. That will be the old pub moorings probably. The owner taped them off when he was refused planning permission. There is still a good expanse of BA 24 hour mooring there though and the Burgh Castle moorings too.
  22. Are you actually saying that you understand there is no Skipper’s Manual on board any hire boat at present? That can’t be right surely?
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