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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I would have thought that the BA would take a sympathetic view to boats remaining on moorings in this weather rather than perhaps endangering themselves, and maybe others, by moving on. I would hope so anyway.
  2. We crossed south to north on Monday and there were many northern based boats crossing to the south. With a midday slack water today, I think probably quite a few would have planned to return across today. Unless they paid attention to the weather warnings of course.
  3. We bought a 12kg butane from Broom’s back in July. From memory I think it was somewhere between £28 and £30. Best phone them to confirm though as my memory is not the best!
  4. At least it’s not a changeover day and I think a certain person is not on his boat today. So you should be safe but don’t quote me on that! 😁
  5. I suppose my platinum rule now has to be ‘put your life jacket on’ when on deck - and not just when I’ve had a few! See, boring ain’t I?
  6. 24 hour free moorings. Owned by Fisherman’s Inn and Burgh Castle Marina. As Jayfire says, at your own risk!
  7. Platinum Cap’n sir, I don’t do half measures. (Bit like your good self really ).
  8. Leave it be Gracie, it’s good company for the rest of our silly posts.
  9. Thinking more of the aspect I reckon!
  10. I guess you mean Surlingham Ferry? Don’t think that Reedham Ferry or Horning Ferry come up to their standards. Stokesby Ferry is good I understand although haven’t been in there for a while.
  11. I don’t think you read this one!!
  12. I’m with grendel on this one. A one-off purchase of satellite dish or box (not expensive either) and there’s plenty of programmes available with freesat and freeview. If you want a lot of sport, then I guess you have to pay for it with Sky or BT.
  13. A few years back we bought a window Karcher. Takes care of the condensation in a flash.
  14. I hope ‘t’other side’ won’t mind me mentioning that the write-up for this incident is worth a read. The full story shows just how much effort the emergency and rescue services put into their tasks. Thank goodness they are there and geared up for all eventualities!
  15. The difference being you knew what you were doing. Hopefully!
  16. I always used to take a sharp knife when we hired, the boat ones were so blunt they were next to useless! A good chammy leather or similar will be useful in October for condensation on inside windows. (I saw someone this morning using copious amounts of kitchen roll, I guess you would probably need at least 6 rolls for a week’s trip this time of year!) Wine - has anybody mentioned that yet? 🍷😄
  17. I meant to add that I am on the Tesco mobile network which uses O2 I believe. I have a monthly £10 rocket pack which renews automatically and gives me 8gb data, 5000 texts (!) and 5000 mins talk time. (You can get cheaper packs of course.) Hope that helps.
  18. I use an iPhone and use it for everything I need, social media and emails included. I also use it as a hotspot for my iPad, if for some reason I want to use that. There are one or two places on the Broads where the signal is not great for social media use but virtually everywhere is ok for phone use.
  19. I very much doubt those words, or anything approaching them, are in hire boat skippers’ manuals (no doubt someone can correct me if they are). But that’s exactly the concise guidance that should be given with regards to safety. Nicely worded grendel.
  20. I have found a lot of supermarket staff working on the shop floor don’t wear masks. They don’t seem to worry about social distancing either, standing close to each chatting. I did try and phone one head office to ask what the rules were for shop staff but, having found out the nature of my enquiry, they left me on hold for three days! (Slight exaggeration but it felt like it and I never did get put through to anyone.)
  21. Well done to all the admins and techies, how many of you felt like this a couple of days ago?
  22. Well said Cap’n although something tells me you haven’t had enough laughing juice today yet. Those words aren’t slurred enough!
  23. There might not be any crew, lots of solo helms about. And some of those like their wee drams! (Not thinking of anyone in particular of course......)
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