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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. A very good idea imo, there’s an app for most things now so why not?
  2. Not many of those around these days. 😄
  3. Incapable of driving a boat Cap’n sir.
  4. Of course not - no forum member would ever drink too much to be incapable! 🤥
  5. Somehow I just knew you’d pick up on that! Originally I’d left out the government bit but immediately realised you’d leap on it double quick. Even so.......... . You’re getting too predictable my darlin’ Cap’n 😉
  6. I will because I do what I’m told by the government where this virus is concerned in the hope they know what they are doing. Laughable I know but, if everyone goes along doing their own thing and ignoring guidelines, instructions and advice, we don’t stand a chance.
  7. Evidenced by something I read yesterday on fb. A newbie couple wanting to try boating on the Broads but the only boat available to them is Richardson’s Challenger which they appear to have booked. If anyone doesn’t know Challenger, it’s a big boat!!
  8. Ps - Dr Packman said tonight on local BBC news that the BA would be working with hire yards to ensure good safety procedures. Or words to that effect. So everything will be ok now.............
  9. Thank you for that information Andy, that’s good to know. In this instance it was the lady’s movements that were worrying. Standing waving her arms around as she was, I doubt she would have had time to grab anything had the worst happened. With all the safety measures around now, it still relies on good guidance from the outset and plain old common sense. The latter seems to be sadly lacking in many cases.
  10. I should hope not! (Lovely photos by the way. Meant to say that in my last post.)
  11. I watched a large hire cruiser enter WRC a couple of days ago. A woman (not young) was standing right at the bow waving her arms about giving the helm directions. The boat had no pulpit rail so there was absolutely nothing for her to grab onto had the helm made a sudden movement and thrown her off balance. She had no LJ on either. I wonder if any hire boat handovers include the guidance of trying to keep one hand on a rail or similar at all times. That’s become one of my ‘commandments’ these days!
  12. Did you mean Sweet Kingfisher as in picture no 4? I wonder if that was before Ian bumped his head 🤕!
  13. BBC online news Norfolk at 16.10: “The Broads Authority added that Tuesday's incident highlighted "the dangers of entering the water from a boat, especially in fast flowing tidal waters". Make of that what you will.
  14. Good to have you back guys - well done.
  15. Grendel - when is your lads week? With any luck these current restrictions will have been lifted by then anyway.
  16. Forget that last bit about children under 12, that applies in Wales and Scotland but not England! Why oh why can’t we all sing from the same hymn sheet?!!!!
  17. I read it that the maximum that can meet, indoors or outdoors, is 6 regardless of where they live. I think the problem will be, for a hire boat for example, if the boat has been booked for 7 people from different households. If the pick up is this Saturday, someone will have to get off and go home on Monday! (Children under the age of 12 are excluded from the numbers.) Basically the rule is no more than 6.
  18. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/coronavirus-covid-19 This may help clarify.
  19. I think you need a paddle for that. Next time you see a ranger, make some wash and you’ll see!
  20. Maybe it’s time for standardising waves? A single wave is the norm, double handed and jumping up and down means ‘HELP’.
  21. If you’d like some help, tell me the date and I’ll see if I can assist. 😁
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