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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Haven’t still got a picture to share by any chance have you JM?
  2. It already is surely? I can’t imagine someone ignoring a boat in trouble if there was something they could do to help.
  3. That may (or may not be) the case but it’s a far cry from anybody saying it ‘shouldn’t be allowed’. The quotes from Vaughan and NN above are spot on. (Incidentally I don’t think it matters how many are on board, there is only one helmsman at any one time. More hands available for mooring duties though.)
  4. I don’t recall anyone at all saying that novice hirers should ‘not be allowed’ to have a Broads holiday on a large boat. Does anyone actually think that? How very true.
  5. Please don’t be sorry, we all have views and opinions to which we are entitled. Having been involved in a bump (when moored up) by a newbie in a large hire boat, I am perhaps a bit more wary than some. Bumps happen but that particular one required substantial repair.
  6. What forum would that be? I didn’t think Dr Packman got involved in social media anywhere these days.
  7. South Walsham would be my choice as I think it’s quieter. (Malthouse if you want to boat watch though.)
  8. What exactly is ‘the boating elite’? 🤔 How many forum members started by hiring a boat of 44/45/46 feet I wonder? Yes, we all started somewhere and I have no doubt we all made (and indeed still do make) a real hash of driving/steering/mooring/reversing etc etc. Making a hash of something in a 30/32 foot is a little more forgiving I think. Maybe it’s why driving schools have suitable cars for a learner rather than a top of the range Range Rover, Lexus or Rolls Royce.
  9. I think that is probably the sentiment of a lot of us this year. Cracking photos.
  10. I want one! They are so gorgeous. (Think my two might have something to say though! 🐾🐾)
  11. It won’t play for me either, starts then stops immediately. Agree with what ypu say though.
  12. Apart from that vivid blue, it’s looking more and more like a residential property to me................
  13. Words fail me, especially for that last shot. Brought tears to my eyes, happy tears though.
  14. Did you say a ‘fetching’ shade of blue?!! Certainly will show up as you journey down the river.
  15. Have a lovely weekend. Have you a route planned?
  16. Only one thing I can say - Enjoy!! (Oh, and don’t forget to tell us how it all went. Pictures too please. 😄)
  17. If you get to GY at slack water crossing time 15.50, you will have 2+ hours to get to Reedham which is 10 miles from the Bure mouth. Should be ample time, just don’t dawdle over Breydon watching the birdlife! If you do get worried about the timing, I would suggest stopping at Polkey’s Mill if there’s room.
  18. Where are you intending on stopping having crossed Breydon?
  19. As a couple (elderly!) who also have two dogs, we tend to avoid mooring at Berney or Burgh Castle, if we possibly can, due to the rise and fall at those locations. It can be very difficult carrying a dog onto the bank, particularly when it is dark. We do stop there if we really have to of course - not a lot gets in the way of us going where we want! I prefer Polkey’s Mill to Berney Arms these days, the wharf posts (I assume that’s what they were intended for) are a great help in getting on and off the boat. They opened as free 24 hour moorings early last year I think it was. How well they are maintained I have no idea, when the BA gave them up they were not in a good state although usable. I believe they are owned (?) by the Fisherman’s and/or the marina there but, as far as I can tell from the signs, can be used by all.
  20. Aren’t we beginning to see that now? Bit by bit I think it’s happening, certainly those mentioned in your last sentence.
  21. Think you should have stuck to the first picture!
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