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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Same here, Wroxham Bridge then Postwick Viaduct. Seems a lot of us just can’t let go!
  2. TPTV is brilliant for old b&w movies (autocorrect changed that to B&Q which really would have caused a bit of head scratching!). It does make me smile when they now say at the start of virtually every film, this film may contain scenes of a distressing nature or which may offend. As if in the 40s something in a film would cause offence! I recorded a film recently you might appreciate grendel. Called A Canterbury Tale, it was a 1944 ww2 film and had some of the best shots of Canterbury I have seen.
  3. Sadly I think that’s very true. I was picking out some veggies in a supermarket when a fairly elderly gent barged in front of me and grabbed something. I muttered ‘manners maketh man’ to which a lady asked me to repeat what I had said to her husband. I did so and she then told me I shouldn’t have been standing there anyway! Manners cost nothing but I do think they make life a lot more pleasurable.
  4. Rag, Tag and Bobtail was my favourite!
  5. Then don’t keep watching them!
  6. Why ‘much to your dismay’?
  7. Well there’s the answer, no excuse for missing anything. Thank you for the confirmation BA.
  8. I wonder if there is any more ‘marketing’ given to the event other than that? It’s unlikely Parish Clerks/Councils would pick anything up purely from the BA website. Anyone know?
  9. I think you must live a sheltered life, actually most of us do, we’re lucky. Every aspect of soap life is out there somewhere, just not rolled into a half-hour slot! Where do you think the writers get their ideas from?
  10. Have you noticed nobody has disagreed with you yet? 😆
  11. You mean spending a lot of time in the pub I guess?
  12. Thank you for that info Helen - very useful. Anywhere near cars is a no-no for us too but the dunes would be good. We go to Winterton sometimes, excellent dune walking there too.
  13. Was that comment really necessary? To be honest I think such comments are why some of these threads go downhill so quickly.
  14. Helen - the Caister picture looks interesting for dog walking, is it somewhere that’s safe for off-lead walks? I’m sure we have been there in recent years but for the life of me I can’t remember it!
  15. There are places where this has been done, Fleet Dyke and Chedgrave Common to name but two. Both done by local Parish Councils I believe but not 100% sure.
  16. Not a good start having no keys then having to clean up then needing to top up with water. Still, sounds as if you had a nice run up river, seems it was a good day for it. Stay safe today.
  17. I think they had to take the ‘crusher’ along and flatten the chunks that were there. That stuff is dangerous let alone not user-friendly.
  18. Clarification has been sought, it’s the only way. To class the existing moorings as ‘brand new’ is clearly wrong and I don’t think they would be silly enough to do that - would they???? Maybe, just maybe, there are yet more formal moorings to be worked on. After all, there’s enough free bank there. Watch this space. 😁
  19. If you look very carefully you will see two different pictures. This year’s appears to have been taken from the end (or start) of the hard walkway, last year’s appears to have been taken from further upstream. Spot the difference.
  20. This is the picture from the Broads Briefing last March - make of it what you will.
  21. That was a load of drivel! As explained in my last post it is a case of further work to the moorings which opened last year. Sorry if I misled anyone.
  22. Good Friday is the 10th April. The moorings are already in existence (see Broads Briefing March 2019) so it will just be a case of putting the posts in surely? That work was scheduled for the winter of 2019/2020 so they are on track. The Briefing says ‘Further work is scheduled next year during the winter of 2019/2020 including the installation of electric charging points and repiling work and raising the rest of the quay heading’. There is a picture of the completed moorings and they were certainly being used last year.
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