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Posts posted by dnks34

  1. If you left a margin of error in any indicator the difference in water level over a distance of say 100m wouldn't be significant enough I don't think. It would still act as a clear indicator that the boat ain't gunna fit!

  2. If a sensor unit or wire with chains was fixed to the shore as is the bridge then the clearance would be the same as the bridge whatever the state of tide!

    • Like 2
  3. I have to admit that the Siddy's light beam idea is actually a pretty good one really, or to simplify it a wire stretched across the river a good way before the bridge with chain hanging from it to the height of each bridge. They just need making idiot proof!

    Charlie does the bridge go up and down with the tide

    • Like 1
  4. Flooding it will probably have damaged a lot of the interior woodwork and floors, aside from the roof there's going to be a lot of work involved in putting this one right.

    Poppy is right about the CDW, the time will come where the taller boats have to stay North or South I think, and the hire yards could just put the prices up £50 per hire to cover the profit they get from CDW and then charge a security deposit. That 5k probably won't even scratch the surface with this one tho

    • Like 1
  5. I think the group already has a venue in Great Yarmouth and ive read they have out grown these premises.

    Im not in favour of it being turned into anything other than something that would be of benefit to the river users either but in these times who is going to try and run a business there reliant on passing trade when others have ended up closing.

    Unless it was something like a Mcdonalds with service stop petrol station etc im not sure what else there is that could work, unfortunately theres been a new Mcdonalds built at Brundall so thats not likely either.

  6. I find our bowthruster very handy, it is electric and a few seconds use is normally all thats required, a bit longer if doing the full 360 but in 5 years ive never had it trip out on me.

    Im not sure about needing a stern thruster as im usually pretty good and controling the stern with the rudder, coupled with the bow thruster i can more or less crab sideways.....but then I dont have a stern thruster and have never used one so cant really comment

    • Like 1
  7. Thanks Robin!!

    Im not advocating any loopholes but should I purchase a 40 gallon drum and keep it in my garage for agricultural use on my property "ahem" would I be checked up on i wonder, surely at point of sale my details will be taken then passed on to HMRC or be held on file with the supplier should HMRC ever decide to audit? Its probably a bit risky

  8. Robin where can this cheap red diesel be bought?

    The only place i know of is via heating oil companies but then you need buy a large quantity of it which then presents the problem of having somewhere safe to store what you cant fit in the boat tank and the obvious pain of transfering it when needed!

  9. I am still worried i got flashed in Edinburgh on Tuesday, There was an BMW M3 ahead of me in a bit of a hurry so Im hoping it was taking his picture not mine.

    Loud hailer, Robin i am sorry to say that I really dont believe this is one of your better ideas. I think there are more reasons not to use it but its entirley up to you. I personally prefer to let the powers that be deal with things rather than trying to enforce the rules myself, friendly advice on a mooring will most likely be taken notice of but blarring at someone through a loud hailer, I wouldnt be to happy about it really!

    • Like 4
  10. Whats wrong with just looking behind you and if the froths to frothy and everythings bobbing up and down your going to fast

    Reading through this thread has got me thinking, at 1750rpm our boat wont do 6mph thats measuring with the paddle wheel sensor or via GPS, atleast I dont think it will

    • Like 1
  11. A way around this is to Sell your boat via brokerage as a boat kept in Sales does not have to have a toll although then you will be paying up to 8% comission on the selling price so in theory I think you have probably done quite well out of it so dont loose any sleep over it it could have been worse!

  12. More than likely Warp but the rules dont always stop (some) people doing things they shouldnt!

    How about turning the Stracey into a detention centre for Visitors to the broads who do infact turn out to be lager swilling boat crashing bbq'ing idiots hell bent on causing mayhem and destruction whom once caught can have their vessel tied up outside and they can spend whats left of their boating holiday looking at it from the tiny window of a padded cell (ensuite obviously). I even think any Hindu folk who know the broads themselves could well think that is a much better idea for the site

  13. I read that they will be moving from a venue they have outgrown in Great Yarmouth so using a site like the Stracey could well make sense but I still do think the road layout and now reading the further comments here the cultural differences could well prove to be an issue. Imagine if a few boats of lads on a stag weekend (or even hens!) turn up for the night with bbq's fishing rods cans of Stella etc etc. If both can exist in harmony without any restrictions for either, something workable and sensible can be done with the road layout then of course it could be the sensible use of the site in my opinion but again I do still wish something that would be of benefit to the river users could be viable

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