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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. Loss of deposit, i think in situations such as these the unfortunate hire yard should have very strong powers to recover from the named hirers all of the costs they incure as a result of negligent behavior like this, and if they cant pay make them bankrupt. There needs to be some way of stopping this as it is becoming much more frequent, or atleast it seems so lately.
  2. I had been feeling quite sorry for Alphacraft for the luck they have had so far this year but now I am beginning to wonder if they should just be being a bit more careful with who they choose to do business with!
  3. The cross reference from Crosland Filters which all mine are gave Baldwin Filter part no's so i presume they will all be the Baldwin equivelants but I cant say that ive ever heard of Baldwin before. I will remember the Gt Yarmouth place for future
  4. I have managed to cross reference my old crosland filters using the parts numbers, 4 filters for £23.95 delivered so not bad at all...almost £14 each from a local supplier.....thats taking the michael and then some! But atleast i priced up local first so my conscience is clear
  5. I need to buy 4 filters for my boat, 3 fuel one oil and ive found this website, usually I am an advocate of using the local supplier but the local suppliers prices are massively more than the Inline Filters website which leads me to think the local supplier is lifting my leg!! On the website I put my engine model number in and it brings up the filters that they claim can be used on my engine, has anyone else ever ordered from Inline Filters and if so did you recieve the right filters for your job?!
  6. Looking at this from another angle in the proffesion i am in I have been trained to anticipate the stupid actions of other drivers, adjust your driving accordingly and you will find you are involved in less of these incidents. Grendel, the car pulling out from behind the slow moving vehicle, it was an incredibly stupid move by the driver of that vehicle but sods law alone says that it was going to happen. Im certainly not criticising your driving but its worth considering there are steps we can take to avoid putting ourselves in the position where these things happen to us, that is other than getting in the car in the first place!! On the other hand, living in suffolk we are plagued by motorists driving around 20mph less than the speed limit on 60mph roads. The culprits are normally of the mature variety, and when they then enter a 30mph village 9 times out of 10 they are doing 40mph. This is an issue in itself, people feel forced to overtake and this can obviously put lives at risk.......i have never had anyone speed up on me and despite what i have said thats something you cant anticipate happening. Thats just pure stupidity and anyone doing that isnt worthy of their licence.
  7. Sounds like the driver of the white car needs someone to have a quiet word in his shell....what a complete and utter idiot. If thats not dangerous driving i dont know what is. I hope the police do catch up with him and relieve him of his licence.....permenantly
  8. Hi Kfurbank Im sure they said on the phone stern on was £8 odd now but looking at your figures in real terms i suppose it works out ok for the location. It doesnt matter as such anyway as we were lucky to come along at the right time and find a little gem of a mooring down south stern on with an electric point water and pumpout for less than 1400 a year for our 8 berth, its that much of a gem im keeping quiet about where it is!!
  9. I recently telephoned Oulton Broad yacht station to enquire about longterm mooring, first of all I was told they dont do longterm mooring then after thinking about it for a while I telephoned again to make a deeper enquiry and was told that they in actual fact do do long term moorings but charge at the daily mooring rates. Now, working out the daily stern on rates over a year works out very very expensive, i know for a fact being local that there are boats that have been on the station years and there are also liveaboards on there to. Are these people all paying such high mooring fees even the liveaboards just to be at Oulton Broad?!
  10. dnks34


    It was one of Richardsons, it was going at a fair rate thats for sure, probably trying to get over breydon before the light started going......didnt work out to well if it was the same one!
  11. dnks34


    I am fairly sure the hire boat pictured tailed us between Brundall & Reedham yesterday and then shot past us after cantley creating a bow wave like you have never seen, if it is the same one its wash sent us all over and a little boat coming the other way wash bounced all over to. That would have been around 330 - 4pm so feasibly its probably the same boat
  12. Must agree for a broken ankle an ambulance would have done the job, there must have been more to it.
  13. The way I look at it is this, if there are any other forms of life out there and the strange things we humans see in the sky did actually turn out to be their aircraft then we on earth are most definately not the intelligent ones!
  14. Someone needs to spill
  15. What makes us think Swancraft were struggling financially, They may just have had enough of the hire lark and want to concentrate their efforts elsewhere! Clive has indicated that its a lot of effort for little return but i dont think that means they were short of money. Maybe the fleet is being sold off as a nest egg for the owners retirement, who knows! I cant blame Swancraft with the current crop of numpties that have been causing havoc of late, swancraft must get their fair share of the idoicy to. Anyway, Glad to read the boats are staying on a hire fleet elsewhere and very shrewd Clive espeacially as you put me off a few posts back and got in there first!
  16. I remember reading you are near beccles Hylander? Well if so, whatever I saw was definately heading in your direction!
  17. Thanks for all the suggestions guys and gals but the objects in my opinion were not anything thats known to man at this stage, they were totally silent and moving far to quickly to be helicopters or standard aircraft as I know them. I have read online (after the event) and it seems that Orb like objects that can move quickly and change direction rapidly are a common siting across the globe. Dont suppose I will ever know what I saw and im not sure I want to! As Shakespere wrote, there are more things in heaven and earth that can be dreamt of in our philosophy.....
  18. I want to share this information here as Im not sure what else to do with it! About 130am ish this morning my jack russel woke me up having a cough and a sneeze so after I checked she was ok i nipped into my garden for some fresh air (ahem). When i go outside at night I regulary gaze at the stars and have often seen the ISS but what caught my eye made the hair on my neck prickle and my stomach turn over. I do not make a habit of reporting or seeing things like this and Im not a UFO or any other phenomenom enthusiast!! Approximately east to west over lowestoft and very high in the sky but below the cloud cover I saw 2 white orbs travelling at speed alongside eachother and one of them moved in zigzags next to the other before they both dissapeared to the west out of view alongside eachother. Ive seen shooting stars before and the odd meteor shower but have no knowledge that can explain what i saw, it just felt very weird to see and Ive got to admit when they dissapeared i had a quick look behind me then went back in, sharpish! I had not been drinking, taking any drugs or otherwise innebriated. These orbs looked like they were going somewhere with a purpose.....the sighting I would guess was for roughly 5 seconds before they were out of view. Someone tell me Im not going mad
  19. I think it was wired so the Inverter could only power the sockets and didnt get mixed in with the immersion and chargers,
  20. Thank you Nigel, thats exactly the sort of advice I was looking for
  21. We just drop a few aquatabs or whatever they are called into the water tank (full) each year and only use the water for teeth and washing, if its consumed its boiled first.
  22. Need a bit of advice please We have a 12v(1000w) inverter which is wired into the sockets on the boat via a rotary changeover switch. The shore supply is RCD protected but at the moment the supply from the inverter isnt. Its a floating system but the chassis of the inverter is earthed to the weed filter tube nearby but nothing else is. Should It have an RCD fitted on its output and would it even trip if a fault occured? Or can anyone suggest a better way of doing it. Eagerly awaiting any advice!
  23. Rather than the hireboat companies looking at new ways to improve this behaviour with their deposits and waivers I propose a large fleet of drones armed with CCTV cameras randomly operated over all parts of the broads. High risk groups of hirers and privateers with previous could be indentified and then covertly followed to see what they get up to. Lets face it, the boatyards need business and I doubt they want the trouble anymore than the rest of us. Theres a lot more that could be done within the law to protect people on the broads and my drones would help "keep an eye on things".
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