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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. My sympathies, for SWMBO all four grandparents, mother, father and aunt all died of heart problems.....
  2. Or the way things are going Not paying our pensions....
  3. A nice find, I Wonder if there was an early church on the site somewhere as well. It would be nice to see the report on, male / female / child ratios, causes of death where possible and carbon dating information for the range of dates of burial. I suppose they didn't release the information till they were lifted so BA couldn't charge broads tax on the wooden coffins.... they might float...
  4. The later law overrules any earlier laws hence although there were laws ( they have been removed) that you could kill a Scotsman found in York overnight or a Welshman in Chester overnight. They had actually been removed by later "thou shalt not kill" laws put in place.
  5. A temporary structure is only allowed for less than 28 Days, The floor area of permanent structures can only be up to 100 square meters or 50% of the original current building on the site which ever is the greater on designated land I believe in this case Desginated land means within the Broads Park area. https://www.planningportal.co.uk/info/200130/common_projects/55/warehouses_and_industrial_buildings
  6. It should be remembered that the government announced a catch-all bill will be introduced as part of brexit to incorporate all EU laws into UK law. only later will any be considered for change. There are too many laws to deside straight away what to keep. So for the moment BA's and EDP's story is a Dead parrot. SO the question is what are the BA trying to push through on their agenda....
  7. Sadly I never knew one of my grandfathers, He died the year before I was born. He joined up in 1919 when his apprenticeship ended as they closed the shipyards In Glasgow at the end of WW1, He served in Egypt, Pakistan (British India), and of course the UK. in 1939 He was given "Exceptional Leave to remain in the His Majesties Armed forces" and served in Europe as a Company Sergeant Major being evacuated on the 29th May 1940 from Dunkirk, His regiment nearly doing for Rommel in one action. From there he went to Africa and fought in the western deserts being wounded, but returned to action. He was both in the Siege of Tobruk, and it's later fall. As Regimental Sergeant Major of the 7th Royal Tank Regiment, becoming one of the 33,000 British and Commonwealth troops captured there, later as a POW he was one of the many who endured the retreat of the Germans as the Allies advanced up Italy and was eventually shipped to Germany.. He finally retired in 1953, having trained another generation to go and fight for us in Korea. The 7th RTR were fighting along side the Anzacs , in Matilda Tanks, because of this the Regimental March of the 7TH RTR became "Waltzing Matida". My mothers father born the same year as the other grandfather, was originally a miner, but came out of the mines between the wars, to Serve in the RAF, but in 1936, became a lengthman (later ganger) working on the tracks for GWR. Working in all hours maintaining the track, manning fog positions , clearing snow from the tracks, though the severe winters of the time. Luckily I knew this grandfather as he lived until 1982. Brothers of my grandparents generation served in the armed forces and merchant navy during WW1 and 2 , Two uncles served In the army (one in Burma) another Uncle was in the RAF, My father was too young for WW2 But later in the RAF, serving in Aden, Kenya, Cyprus.
  8. I vow to the my country, All earthly things above. Entire Whole and perfect, The Service of My Love. The Love that asks no Question, The Love that Stands the test. That lays upon the Alter, The dearest and the best. The love that never falters, The love that pays the price. The love that makes undaunted, The Final Sacrifice. And there's another country, I've heard of long ago. Most dear to them who love her, Most great to them that Know. We may not count her armies, We may not see her King. Her fortress is a faithfull heart, Her pride is suffering. And soul by soul and Silently, Her shining bounds increase. And her ways are ways of gentleness, And all her paths are peace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp7vI5iTZOk We will remember them
  9. I would suspect it's not the power supply, but the battery pack is on it's way out and the PSU is working too hard to compensate and therefore getting hot.
  10. River depths are on the broads authority web site In wonderful technicolor http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/water-depths/river-thurne
  11. For road name changes though not completely changed https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.8475523,1.478815,3a,23.1y,149.6h,69.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s27FC3pC4aL7DKVRLr4XPFw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  12. Oh well, if we are going to start foriegn places, A large part of my family live in Borrowstouness, West Lothian. Pronounced Bo'ness which why they occasionally get phone calls for people in Bowness in Cumbria. or how about Milngavie (near Glasgow / Glasgie) pronounced Mulguye
  13. Which reminds me wasn't the closure of cockshoot broad to navigation meant to be temporary, how long is temporary?
  14. It's so he he won't lose it!!!
  15. it's one of these, The new plastic Clydesdale fiver, a Glasgow bank for some reason displaying their new fiver near Edinburgh. (Also Known as the Yorkshire Bank)
  16. Asbad as the news reader on Radio Norfolk, this morning (06:30 09/11/16) who said that they are going to pump sand onto the beach at Bacton Gas Works to prevent it from flooding...
  17. TheQ

    Thurne Lion

    I don't know theres a lot of furineres in Norfolk, from London, Yorkshire and Suffolk and even the odd one form Scotland.
  18. I think I'd have kept a bit further back than that cyclist looking at the tension on that rope!!
  19. I used to use a swedish 4 season sleeping bag , it kept me nice and warm.... NO not that sort of Swedish...
  20. Oi I didn't say that, I'd Dremel ( with face mask, goggles and gloves those cuttings disks are renown for breaking up in use) Dremel the grout out round the edges so that there is no pressure on the adjoining tiles then using a small bolster try to get under the edges of tile to prise them off.
  21. TheQ

    The 1950's

    As I didn't come to boats for another 30 years,I can't help on that, but I do know Perkin Warbeck came to a sticky end on that day, ( I've Recently read another book on the Tudors)
  22. I'll be out on Boxing day, along with a lot of others From Snowflake Sailing club, sailing in ever decreasing Circles. The Hot toddy between races helps...
  23. baksheesh or real charges?
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