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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. While checking on some facts for this debate, I found a blog by a man who he thought was being disrespected by others on his mooring due to the vast value of others boats. So He registered his boat with the SSR, found a very cheap Yacht club with a Blue Ensign, and joined that. Applied for and got permission to fly the Blue ensign On his Narrow boat....
  2. I must admit I am suspicious. I also note that the EDP says they are needing to raise one Million but IIRC the original sale price was 2.5 million. Do they have reserves for the rest or have they been given the nod from the Lottery funds.? Alternatively are they planning to sell off the built up bits off, I.E. the sailing club and boat yard (and a few other bits In that corner of the broad area).?
  3. The marine act of 1995 I posted earlier makes no distinction between inland and offshore Flags. So unless you are entitled to something else, it would be a Red ensign at the stern and your NBN on your port yard arm as a house flag or possibly at the mast head as a burgee. Flags of course should only be worn during the hours of daylight.
  4. Having spoken to a Hickling SC member, the NWT trust bid, is for the lot,
  5. I belong to a couple of Kilt forums (yes there is such a thing and there are a lot more than two) and on one of them there are members who go into amazing detail over what version of standard of dress should be worn when and where comparing it to "Saxon" dress standards. A white dinner jacket ( or Prince Charlie for kilted equivalent) is for "White tie" events, an extremely rare occurance in the UK, though more common in the US. Though what do you think of coloured DJs/ PCs a dark Blue or Red or green which used to be more common than they are now. Thekilt forums also have huge discussions of who is entitled to wear a kilt, but truth be told the kilt worn today is, post 1822 the visit of King George the 4th to Edinburgh and most of the tartans have been invented post 1945. So in reality anyone can wear one, and in the UK as we are subjects of the Queen. you are all "entitled " to wear the Royal Stewart tartan. If you work for Asda there is even a Walmart Tartan!!! I myself am often asked why I wear a kilt for formal "do's", I have a very English accent, But my father worked at Edinburgh castle and drops into a Glasgow accent should he meet someone from there. My Sisters speak with a Lothian accent and one works for the first minister of Scotland the other in the National Gallery of Scotland. My Brother who married in a kilt, is now losing his Lothian accent as he now lives in Yorkshire, but is fluent in the Gaelic. Oh and Granddad came from Glasgow, and My family has been traced back a very long time in Scotland, (and England and Ireland). As to NBN being a yacht club I'd also say it is, Not all Yacht clubs have a premises even today (many started in a pub), Every club I know of has non sailing members, Every club I know of spends a lot of time talking about the waters they sail in. I belong to two sailing class associations neither has a premises but both can wear flags / pennants on their boats the same as a club. Fly your NBN Flag proudly...
  6. Is not the " Little ships" flag the cross of St George defaced by the arms of Dunkirk? Ah just found a reference, the little ships flag is a house flag on the yard arm the cross of St George (plain ) is on a jack at the bow
  7. MM Bunting are not recognised as flags so you're ok on that one. A flag flies individually from a flagpole, (also rarely one above another) bunting is on a string. You can't earn the right to fly the Union Jack on a boat as that's reserved for Royal Naval Vessels. However as a subject of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland you are entitled to fly the Union Flag on land. As far as I can see the plain flag of St George is not a restricted flag so you can fly that as you please. But not if there is a union flag in the top flagpole corner as it then becomes the white ensign.
  8. oh I'm always at the back with everything
  9. Retired members of the RAF may now be a member of RAFSA and fly the ensign. And I've just found its not just etiquette... "By Section 4 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, it is an offence to hoist on board any ship or boat belonging to any British subject certain colours, flags and pendants without a Permit from Her Majesty the Queen or from the Secretary of State for Defence. The maximum penalty is one thousand pounds for each offence. Among the prohibited flags are the Union Flag, the White Ensign, the Blue Ensign (plain or defaced) and the Red Ensign with any defacement. The prohibition applies to any ship or boat belonging to any British Subject wherever it may be, and so extends not only to tidal waters but equally to rivers, lakes and inland waters generally." For the full details http://www.crwflags.com/FOTW/FLAGs/gb~yacht.html#condo
  10. According to what I could find out about flying the RAF Flag. is that only RAF Stations, and Air officers could do so (that's ranks not pilots), even the Air sea Rescue boats of WW2 and later technically didn't have permission to fly the flag. Like wearing medals to which you are not entitled to, to me wearing (flying) someone else's flag and not entitled to, I find offensive.
  11. I've just chatted to several in my work area about my age and it seems that You, Bound2Please were ahead of the pack, those my age or older had nothing to do with Halloween at school. 5 -10 years younger and yes some had halloween parties at school.
  12. Ah in 1971, I was living with the God fearing Gaels, not those heathen southerners the Scots. (And yes thats how they saw it out there). For many even Christmas was not celebrated with parties out there, church going yes, parties no. Of course having time off for Christmas is comparitively modern, only starting in late Victorian times and not being generally universal to post WW2. I myself have had to work for half my working life on Chrismas day but thats shift work for you..
  13. Thanks giving 24th November? When we got rid of the ungrateful colonists....
  14. This must be a regional thing because at none of the primary Schools ( from 1962) (Northern Ireland and Wiltshire ) and None of the Secondary schools (Wiltshire , the Outer Hebridies and Inverness) was Halloween even mentioned as something to do with school,. Whereas the English schools did teach about Guido Fawkes and co, but fireworks night was a bonfire in your own back garden Halloween was not celebrated or any fuss made about in any of those areas. Came to that none of the schools had parties, although my School in the outer Hebrides did have an end of school year Highland dance.
  15. Are you lot practicing for the Halloween thread?
  16. I've never bought food at a cinema with their prices, and took a few boiled sweets. I did find the crunchers of food most distracting. But saying that I've only ever been to a cinema 3 times in my life, as for most of my life I've lived where there wasn't a cinema, or it was a major expedition to get to one. As it is now a 45mile round trip, then you've got to find parking and the fee, the cost of the film and the petrol to get there and back makes for quite an expensive trip. So I just wait the 2 years and see it on TV if I'm bothered to see it...
  17. I missed an odd fancy meeting you here, I have raced against, and lost to Chris Jeckells in his Wayfarer, Gandalf, at Horning SC. I then met Gandalf in Saudi Arabia at the British Areospace sailing club, Dhahran. She still had her broads tax disk on.
  18. Congratulations on your anniversary, SWMBO will have been together ....oh 32 years next year I feel old... again... Meeting people in strange places is a bit of suprise, I've met a Wiltshire school friend 20 years later in a bank in Weston Super-Mare, A RAF friend about 15 years later walking down a street in London, he later worked for the same company as me, but on a different site as well. I met a teacher who had taught someone I've sailed with, on a plane from Bahrain. But the one that tops it, A teacher friend (from Norfolk) was on her Honeymoon in Australia, half way up Uluru (Ayres Rock), and heard the dreaded words. Miss, MISS!!! yep one of her pupils.
  19. TheQ


    Last week I anti freezed the Generator raw water system and then removed the impellor (recommended by the generator manufacturer). Some time in the next couple of weeks I'll drain the fresh water system, I don't antifreeze my shower as it has a very old system which drains into the bilge, with no u Bend, the bilge pump clears the water. The toilets I don't think need antifreeze as with all the chemicals and liquid deposits it's not likely to freeze solid. My calorifier is at the moment disconnected but if was in use I'd drain it. Luckily being diesel -Electric I still have some use of the boat for short trips, as the batteries will drive me along for up to four hours before needing a recharge. So Coltishall from Horning, a stop for lunch or overnight, while being plugged in, is quite possible. The solar panels topping up any lesser trip.
  20. Interesting it only mentions wheelchair users, not scooter users although there is the all encompassing "disabled" Oh I've seen the A149 scooter commuter too, I'd be terrified to use a scooter on there!!
  21. I wonder how you get to where they do the assessments without using the bus?
  22. I went through (on the road) at about 06:30 this morning and didn't see any mist / fog, it show how quick it can arrive and disappear.
  23. no It's not just us, the USA has changed it's times in the past, Russia has also in the past China does not Austrailia and New Zeeland do change their times. Chile has just stopped changing their time Canada does change it's time. most of the equator countries do not change thier time.
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