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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. We saw two of the Steyning collage boats but they didn't inconvienence us. We didn't suffer any damage that we know of, I think when they pass another boat they'll leave a bit more room in future. You can see the forecast we got in my previous posting, I arrived at the club for find drizzle and no wind. Thats the way it stayed, the briefing at 09:30 was a postponement, the wind? it started after 10:00 and a briefing at about 10:15 stated that we would start at the Horning waterworks at 11:00. So we all paddled out to grab a tow to the waterworks(thanks to the Scouts for ours, but due to various problems, such as a sailing cruiser with another strapped alongside and towing a couple of keelboats had it's outboard cut out for a while. The preparitory signal was at 11:00 and the first of I think 9 starts was 11:10. By this time no Drizzle and it was brightening up into a nice day!! Due to the very light wind with a late start, the bouy down river was just round the corner at the far end of the straight from Thurne Mouth, and the Up river bouy on the Thurne was just round the corner past the Thurne Lion dyke. The lack of wind and shortended race meant that it was actually very crowded, it's a good job we don't use the Ant for the Tri-Icicle. Strangely there was A hire cruiser of 35 to 40ft moored stern on in the bushes halfway up the straight between the corner up river of Horning church and the next corning most odd and inconvienent!! So appologies for all those we inconvienenced during the race. During the way back through the trees often we were only going forward with the tide. Sorry about the strange formatting I don't know what has just happened
  2. I seem to remember from the prize giving that a certain CRicko was in the top 5 finishers. Unfortunately for ourselves, we didn't do as well as last year when we won our class, this time we were 3rd in class, after a coming together during the race, which dragged Us well past a bouy and three Yeoman passed at that time dropping us to 5th in class for a while. During that problem a lot of other boats that we had already passed getting back in front of us again meaning more work to catch up with the others. This year there were 45 competitors but it seemed many more, I think due to the lack of wind and shortened course it was very crowded at times.
  3. The final bump, for tomorrow's race, the good news is that the forecast has dropped from the excessive 28 mph the bad news is it's dropped to 8 mph which is a bit too light. Dry, sunshine and clouds, 12C
  4. If you're on the bank, you're still liable for the toll. you are supposed to move the boat out of the broads area to be toll free.
  5. Just had a wander around and came across this which explains the shapes and clearances of Potter and Wroxham bridges. so here it is, as much as I hate linking to the other place, I won't copy someones work from there to here. ( It was Strowger who did the survey) http://the-norfolk-broads.co.uk/viewmessages.cfm?Forum=22&Topic=39600
  6. Talking about strange words and a link to Smellyloos comments "Trumpery" Defined By the Oxford English Dictionary as: "Deceit, Fraud, Imposture, Trickery" first recorded 1456 Even then the Media (quill pen and vellum) were plotting against him...
  7. Thats a good find, I pass Hursts yard on the way to the sailing club and need some new mooring rope too.
  8. TheQ


    I can remember people at a dig, having a dart board inscribed on a spoil heap and throwing trowels, some were worryingly good....
  9. The Works were cleared early I believe the road is fully open
  10. Actually the Darkenss were well into the era of CD's only forming in 1999, breaking up in 2006. Their reformed (2011) band finished it's most recent tour just before Christmas 2015. Their next UK date is at the O2 on 18th December 2016. A good band if you have hearing like a bat, Justin Hawkins voice is often that high..
  11. No safety gloves, No safety trousers, No safety Visor, He's waving that saw around like mad and jumping out of the way of the chopped out bit. The chain is very loose looking at the amount of light between it and the blade. Could very easily of become a halloween nasty video. and the boat he's chopping up doesn't look that bad...
  12. Drfting past during the 3 Rivers race you see and hear the odd thing, there was an absolutley huge shouting match in a moored boat, outside the Horning ferry one year, at about 3 in the morning, I'm glad I wasn't moored alongside. There is no part of the human body I haven't seen while out sailing on the broads, some I was interested in, A LOT I was not...
  13. It's just been on Radio Norfolk, that the Hoveton to Horning Road is closed due to a burst watermain ( confirmed on internet traffic site..) The closure is between Mill road and Vicarage lane, that is between the lone house on the second corner after leaving Hoveton and the start of the next bunch of houses towards Horning. The radio Says it could be closed for 24 hours..
  14. Just a little bump to allow anyone to watch /avoid/ join in, next weekend. Current forecast 21-28mph easterly, which is on the upper limit for running the race. Sunshine scattered clouds, Low water 13:17 (Horning,) so the tide is amost perfect. Start times and place to be announced at the race briefing, (09:30) but likey with this forecast to be at the club at 10:00 to 10:30
  15. Aquafibre lowliner 38ft of air draft 6ft 9 inches, lowliner I think is the clue!! note, the highest point of the boat is forward of anything you can see in that shot, see http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Boat_Details&BoatId=7229&BoatHistory=12103 Potter bridge average clearance 6ft 5 inches +- 9 inches with tide but I couldn't find a drawing at what width you have that clearance ( the height gauge, I believe, is not the peak centre height)
  16. An easy prosection to no benefit, the father will have suffered more from what he did to his wife and daughter than any fine.
  17. The contact address for the National parks authorities are in the clip, not the address for the magzine!
  18. I feel for you, loosing a dog is terrible after all those years together. Tthis week we buried our cat (hit by a car) in our pet cemetery in the garden, with the three dogs (Rough Collies) already there. I still keep expecting her to walk round a corner and start demanding attention.
  19. Which Magazine? I like to complain!!! (Not "Which " magazine of the comsumer association)
  20. You may like to try this. I saw it on TV yesterday, take a piece of ordinary aluminum Kitchen foil, and rub it over the pitting. it both cleans and leaves some aluminum in the pitting.. It was shown being done on an old chrome wheel it worked amazingly well. It might save you a lot of money.
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