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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Gracie, You forgot the Whisky, I'll have a Highland Park. ( that's a whisky, not some thing for the money's no object wish list thread...on the other hand....)
  2. Having worked on the odd archaeological excavation, many years ago, I remember them occasionally saying this trowel is worn out I need a new one. sSince many on the digs were of the physically active 18 to 25 age group I now wonder what they were meaning.....
  3. It seems to be a bit more than a simple pump change, they had a mechanical digger with a pneumatic drill on its arm digging away today and the spoil heap was over 6 ft high.
  4. Stonehenge is £15:80 (£9:10 for children) to get in now, but free for locals, A good money spinner for the National trust. You cant get with in 30ft of the stones any more. I used to play on the stones and get in free, but then I used to be fairly local and cycle there. It's part of the deeds that transferred ownership to the national trust from Sir Cecil Chubb that local that locals get in for free . Interestingly part of the agreement was also that the entrance fee should never be more than one Shilling....One wonders how the national trusts ownership would stand up if that current price were challenged in court.
  5. I've got my jab due next week at work, which is good as I avoided the huge queues for the jab at stalham staithe surgery.
  6. So you're not coming down to the broads again? you're too late the kilts are already in Yorkie land http://yorkshirekilts.co.uk/ There's some kilts down this way too..
  7. I don't need a bigger Motor boat if anything the Elysian 27CCP is a bit too big, So I'd just have the rest of it done up now I've already done the engine. Now as for sailing, I'd probably get a White boat for the summer, and a Yeoman with central seat for the winter.. Elsewhere I'd buy up the marsh land opposite Horning and restore the wherry bypass mentioned in another thread. and have a new big sign made, Please use the bypass during Horning regatta week unless you like having a heart attack The terrace of houses down river from the Horning village green would be demolished and the green extended, also the terrace of houses upriver of the sailing club would go ( and we need a new sailing club building).. I need more wind for sailing. How abut a canal from Barton to Hickling A canal to join the Bure to Breydon Half a mile before the Great Yarmouth roundabout.
  8. Not had my 125 motor scooter out much this year, its reviews show it get 5 stars for everything except ride which is hard, which is why it's only been used to go to work for 2 weeks this year due to back problems...
  9. The pumps are going to be replaced.
  10. They're only Green if you start in the UK therefore no flights, but are they number 1 or number 100? I suspect near 100 if you're motoring round the broads... Some sailies can't put the engine on, they depend on a long stick or two short sticks.. when the wind decides not to play. (where's a quanting Icon when you need it?)
  11. I'd definitely agree Hoveton Great Broad should never have been blocked off.
  12. RightsaidFred, The rights to navigate on tidal water only Apply to NATURAL waters, Most Broads are not natural but man made, therefore the right to navigate applies only to those where a right has been gained over time. Docks Harbours and the odd tidal canal have no right of access...( except to shelter from a storm) Just because you tarmac your front drive, doesn't give anyone the right to drive on it. If however it has been used as a foot path over many years then that right may be earned. Poppy, yes we pay the BA for the broads, BUT do BA actually have rights over all the man made bits, if they don't own them? Could they force access for all, to a boatyard dyke?
  13. Here's an odd thought, the St Benets straight is man made and therefore not part of the original river could someone charge for the use of that? Certainly I would have thought someone could charge for the use of Waxham cut and any of the other cuts if they haven't been transfered to the BA. Don't tell network rail about the Norwich to Lowestoft navigation....
  14. It looks an interesting book but I'm not sure I have a spare £23 for it...
  15. OOps sorry I remember there is a broad that they don't know the owner of and thought it was Oulton, I'll try to dig around and find out which broad it was....
  16. I believe technically all broads are owned by someone even if that person is unknown. Oulton broad I believe has no known owner. Most (Not Wroxham) broads have a right of navigation, this doesn't give a right to moor or mud weight. However for most owners it is not economic to collect the money, paying someone to row around Salhouse all day would not bring in anywhere near enough money to pay the minimum wage. Therefore the owners don't bother to attempt to collect any money even though they are entitled to. Wroxham broad although they don't bother to collect mud weighting fees, NBYC as they hold the lease, are entitled to ask you to move ( and will) should you go and drop anchor somewhere awkward like the start line. The crown estate collects to money from many rivers ( where they become salt water) round the country for moorings in those rivers. This money goes to the government along with all other crown estate monies to pay the civil list though most is retained by the government giving the equivalent tax rate of about 90%. Had Breydon water been suitable for mooring it would have been possible that the crown may have claimed fees for there. Rivers. Mooring on mud weights outside of some house would probably be viewed the same as parking across someone's drive, a denial of access. Out in the country that would not be the position, but you would have to moor where you are not obstructing the right to navigation.
  17. I liked listening to the musical Christmas lights as I walked down the corridors of the shopping centre.'....... It was in the Shula shopping centre in Saudi Arabia, good job the locals don't know the words to the tunes!!!!
  18. Leaping on board on the board the bow of a sailing boat with the mooring rope..... To find its covered in ice as you slide off the other side into the ice covered water.....
  19. I'd totally agree with this, keep it on the compound no problem, take it out in bottle or body ( enough to be noticed) and you're in deep trouble!! Mind you when someone blew up their villa when they went out for lunch leaving the "sidiqi still" running it did bring the authorities !!!!! Sidiqi is the neat spirit brewed from sugar or spuds sidiqi roughly means friend in Arabic. Amazing how some supermarkets have the fruit juices stacked next to the Sugar next to the yeast ( for bread making of course) I generally made cider in a plastic water jerry can.
  20. A simple solution.... to not turning off a serviceable engine is save money on fuel and don't have one
  21. A final bump for the Alysham show on Saturday if you want to go and hide from the forecast wind and rain. I can't post this tomorrow as I'm moving layouts to the show, followed by 10 hours on my feet at the show on Saturday, Sunday will definitely be my day of rest!!!
  22. I didn't see it in the EDP and I've not watched the video But Kingline in Horning have an Electric day boat with lift, I found it very good when I took out elderly relatives.. http://www.kingline.co.uk/index.php/day-boats
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