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Everything posted by Islander

  1. Just tried. All working ok at the moment. Colin
  2. What a waste of a good car. I blame leasing. Put him in an old Fiat 500 and they will think twice next time or receive a Darwin Award Someone else's bad day yesterday too. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/barton-turf-boat-fire-in-staithe-road-1-5784752 Think the Sunday morning fry up didn't go well. Report says no one hurt. Colin
  3. Morning all. Can't stop as of to have lunch with friends as its Ruth's Birthday. Vaughan, the new steel pole now provides the power to the island. The old pole was not going to last much longer. There is a story about Roger and the electric which I will relate when I have more time or next time you and Suzi are here. The trees have been reduced or removed to protect the wall and old gaol but while the quayheading was being replaced they caught the wall with the digger bucket and half of it fell down. We had lots of bods with clipboards discussing what was to be done but in the end just a flint wall was put there and no gaol. As Mark has pointed out we have our share of undesirables who during the warmer months think it's their right to mess with the boats moored on the green. Several have been taken only to be recovered in the city. There are many improvements that could be made at the green. The webcam is a step in the right direction but I would not want to moor my boat overnight without being onboard. Anyway, the sun is out and the green looks a picture. The fishermen have moved in and people are feeding the ducks. What more can you want in the middle of November. Colin
  4. Hi Smitch6, welcome to the funny farm. You may be lucky to get a sensible answer on here but don't hold your breath. I think you will be very lucky to find an exact replacement for your wheel centre but here is my offering. You could try chatting with a very nice copper who does wood turning and make you a bespoke centre that would look well posh. There is also the possibility of getting someone to 3D print something to do the job. There are a lot of people here with many talent, sadly not me. Colin
  5. Sailing. The most expensive way of getting from A to B for free. I learnt to sail as a boy up at Barton Turf and with my father on the Essex rivers and loved every minute of it. Even the odd problem of demasting. I haven't sailed for some years now but there is a Mirror dinghy needing a lot of restoration at the end of my garden which I intend to get back in the water again. Last sailed her in my mid teens, now I'm 65. Robin, you and the lads must have another go, if only to post another video. Colin
  6. Looks like you picked a good week. Getting warmer as the week goes on. Have a great time. Hope you left some beer in The Bell as we hope to be back on Lady Linda Thursday or Friday. Then off towards norwich. All the best Colin and Ruth
  7. Sadly you had loads of room, maybe next time. better drop those aerials. Suppose I'll have to drink all this beer myself. Colin
  8. We are not in the pub yet! Take me 10 mins to get there. Crown waters mooring river end of our cut just big enough for Indy. C
  9. Give us a blast on the horn and if you go to the Bell I might open my wallet. Ruth and I are in the first cut on the right as you turn up towards St Olaves. Safe trip anyway, the boat looks amazing in the pics, can't wait to see her pass by. Colin
  10. It looks like the front half should break away and speed off leaving the back section behind like a small version of the boat in 'Thunderball'. The boat in 'Thunderball' had better lines IMHO. There is no reason that luxury fit outs couldn't be done to any boat including bathtubs. Colin
  11. Where did come from? I'm sure I didn't press that. Time for a drink I think Colin
  12. We will be of to Goodchilds tomorrow for a pump out. Just the two of us onboard and last pumpout three weeks ago. Not sure if we are full but getting a bit smelly if you are outside when one of us pumps the toilet. It could be because it's been so warm but will have to fit a gauge. More money When we are in Thorpe, our other boat needs a pumpout every two weeks. This is a diy service but is included in our weekly services charge of £5 which include waste (rubbish) disposal, electricity connection and water. I will agree that it is not the best job in the world but approached in the right way does not have to be messy. As for giving tips. That depends on the service I get. I will be generous if it's deserved. We were told by Goodchilds man that some boats they now charge double where they have four toilets! (£32). Thankfully we only have two. Colin p.s. Forgot to add our pumpout at Thorpe has just been rebuilt at what cost, I don't know but it is driven by a 7Kw 3phase motor.
  13. I'm sure someone correct me if I've got this wrong but here goes. The BA bought the acle moorings for £180k from the Nav budget. ? The BA now want to develope the land with a NP visitor centre thus stealing moorings which they are struggling to maintain let alone increase. Should not the navigation budget be reimbursed to the value of the land annexed at commercial land valuation? If it is necessary to purchase more 'farm' land in order to build this....thing. Then surely they can buy more land for moorings to replace those that will be lost. Personally, this site seems far from ideal for the BA to build a flagship visitor centre when more appropriate sites must be out there. Colin
  14. Should a safety/warning device be deemed necessary then a simple flashing Amber light that comes on when both ramps are up and a notice not to pass while lit. I've had no problem passing the ferry but sometimes holding station with high winds and a following tide can be fun. Colin
  15. I can make no judgement here as I wasn't there. I will only pass the chain ferry if I can see the loading ramp is down or being lowered. The ferry being hard against the quay. I have had other boats pass me while I wait for this to happen! Regardless of bylaws, regs, whatever, it's me at the helm that is responsible. I reiterate, I make no judgement here. Just someone having a really bad day. Colin
  16. Be interesting to see the planning application for this. Colin
  17. Bit of a wind shadow. You may have to paddle a bit further in the 3rr. Try this link. Better than the edp write up. http://thebroads.tv/winning-design-selected-for-broads-national-park-visitor-and-education-centre-at-acle-bridge/ Colin
  18. Hi Mark, glad to see you are up and running. We were unable to stop on Monday this week and you looked busy too. We will be back for a few days come Sunday and will walk down for a chat. Wish you a very busy season. Regards from us both Colin and Ruth
  19. Thanks Griff, that looks almost a carbon copy of the one I have. It's basic but puts a good load on the batts. I always give the battery to be tested a good charge and then leave for a couple of days before testing. If it will hold a charge and handle a load I consider it serviceable. Fingers crossed you only have one iffy battery. Colin
  20. Which Sealey drop tester have you bought Griff. I'm working with a Machinemart simple drop tester with analogue meter. This is fine but a bit basic. Colin St Olaves 31degC
  21. Hope Lana gets the chair but I won't hold my breath. Colin
  22. If boats were fitted with battery monitors and a simple instruction not to let the batteries go below, say, 65%, then we may have less running of engines at moorings. Colin
  23. Adverse? We are having a proper summer like I remember when I was a kid. It,s just hot. Just sort it and fix it. Colin
  24. Islander


    £10:00 for a G&T and a pint of Carlsberg at the Bell Inn, st olaves. Think I'll stick to drinking onboard. Colin
  25. Still waiting to go through Yarmouth. Any news on the bridge. Colin
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