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Everything posted by Islander

  1. One of my father's friends started a caravan park in Dovercourt after the war and offered my dad chance to partnership the business. He turned him down saying it would never take off. A few years later he had 7 fields full of static caravans. He bought himself a mk10 Jaguar with the number CJV123. His name was Charles Jack Vidler. Shortly after he told his wife her birthday present was a secret. Eventually the only clue he gave her was OO1010. This was the plate on a brand new mini. As for me I wanted COL1N and tried to save enough to put it on a moped. I didn't get anywhere near enough. The best plate I've seen on our travels was on a beautiful red Ferrari. S70LEN. Colin
  2. So can they get the haven bridge open now or are they still looking for the right hammer? Twitter/BA....Deben or Debon. I think I'll let that one go. Colin
  3. Melksham wonder is new to me. Kelvedon wonder is an old variety.??? Is this a variety that has died out I wonder. Colin
  4. Doesn't look like the tide level is going to improve, it's still going to be high. The low tide was yesterday ( when we should have left Thorpe ) This morning we left Thorpe and almost scraped through under the bridge (less than 10mm). 10 mins later and we would have not made it. Tonight's low doesn't look any better. Is it just coincidental these bridges have failed this weekend!!! We only need Reedham now to do the same. Is it not time to lobby the BA and get them to put more pressure on to get these bridges serviceable if not replaced. We are lucky that we can fold down to 8ft for bridge clearance but one day I might have something bigger. Colin n.b. http://www.ntslf.org/data/realtime?port=Lowestoft
  5. Hope they come through Thorpe, no sign of them so far. Colin
  6. So, just to keep things simple. Should my CO sensor/alarm be mounted at floor level or ceiling level. Thankyou for the scientifics but I'm sure some people here are/may still be a little confused. Colin
  7. Update! http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/s-lord-nelson-saved-from-scrap-yard-1-5545188 Martham ferry? Colin
  8. Very true Phil but I wouldn't stick one onto 8 coats of varnish of a woody. I would make something to stick them on and did. In this case what I see is the ranger not taking enough care in confirming facts before issuing a penalty notice. Colin
  9. Something you had to display but not necessarily on the bow/hull. Ours were fix to Perspex plaques hung off our pulpit. Any damage to a boat could be said to have been done by the owner. In this case the damage has been done by a BA ranger. Colin
  10. A simple toll disc would have saved a lot of time and stress. If the system ain't broke don't fix it. Colin
  11. Well, needless to say, nothing is happening in Norwich so it looks like the tweet was incorrect. I only posted it as it had been retweeted by Broads Beat. I thought they would have checked the facts. Sorry folks. Just another bit of fake news. Colin
  12. I think those spare two inches have gone on my waistline. Colin
  13. This is from June last year. The Authority has been informed by Network Rail that Trowse bridge has been repaired. It will open given 24 hours notice. No question of can it open just when. Colin
  14. I don't see this as setting a standard at all. This is a one off, well planned in advance and not likely to happen again for some time, unless they decide to tow the abandoned restaurant while it's still afloat. That I think will be chopped up on site until it fits under the bridges. The cadet boat is the only vessel that needed to be removed before the proposed new 'fixed' rail bridge could be approved. Colin
  15. Aren't the bridges required to open because of the navigation. It seems ok to shutdown a network for maintenance over a bank holiday but not for a navigation request. Who's going to pay for a tow boat to sit until night to get a bridge opening. I see this as the bridges are booked and if it makes a train late from Norwich it won't be the last time. Just get on with the job boys and ignore the clipboard bods. Colin p.s. Forgot to add, they've got to get through Reedham too and I would not want to stop this tow without good reason.
  16. It's going to be more than one bridge that needs to open. 3 or 4 will have to open. Colin Hope to bee there to take a pic or two.
  17. Oh, am I allowed to link to Twitter. Thought this was an important navigation issue. This was my first attempt at posting a new topic too so I hope it's in the right place. Colin
  18. Just lifted this from Twitter. Something to see or avoid. Nick Goldsmith @NickEGoldsmith A date for the diary @NorwichNow Next Thursday, 31st. 10 am.200-year-old Carrow Bridge to open for the first time in years to allow old Norwich Sea Cadets boat through on its way to scrap in Great Yarmouth. https://mobile.twitter.com/nickegoldsmith/status/999734232082735105 Colin
  19. We brought Lady Linda back from Stalham in August a few years back. Got as far as the Berney Arms and stopped for a break where a ranger pulled in moments later. Paid a short visit toll to him and were given a couple of stickers. No problem. Went and paid the full toll a week later plus all the paperwork. It all took about 15mins. just use your boat. The good weather is not to be missed just for a piece of paper. Have fun. Colin
  20. So you didn't make Thorpe then. Probably better for me as I've got on with the repairs to Lady Linda. Hope to see you and Susie should the camper be parked in The Buck for a chat and a drink. Seems you have been blessed with the weather. Regards from Colin and Ruth
  21. Here's a possibility. Not seem many of these. Needs a bit of a polish. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Broads-Cruiser-Motor-Boat/263689512518?hash=item3d651ea646:g:kU0AAOSwBCFalmEc Colin
  22. Our mooring at St Olaves means reversing past 5 other boats before I can turn around. Was the 4K worth it. Of cause it was. I may have been around boats from my teenage years and lived aboard for the past 17 but that does not mean I'm proficient at trying to handle a 35' boat with a side wind in a narrow channel. Also, as a lot of others here, we are not getting any younger. Arthritis has taken its toll and I need to get our boats fenders touching the quay head before Ruth can get off to moor up. If a bow thruster can be fitted then get one it will make life so much easier. My next purchase will be a winch for the mud weight. Colin
  23. Hi Phil, 100% agreement would be a rare thing on a forum but I'm quite happy that we may think on similar lines whatever the percentage. What I would like to see is upper/middle white collars not going on team building weekends but spending time on the shop floor. The company I worked for in Cambridge did this and the salesmen had to spend a week working with us engineers. It was amazing the change of attitude between the two departments. Will this happen with the RNLI, I can only hope so. Colin
  24. I will always support the RNLI as long as I can. I'm glad to say I have never needed their help but have been close to it when diving off the Farne Islands with a dead outbound on a rib. We got a tow from another boat back to harbour. Any future restructuring within the RNLI should require ALL middle and upper management to take basic training and serve one month each year at a lifeboat station and be available to crew if required. Maybe a spell on the frontline might make men ( or women) of them. I have every admiration for what these guys are prepared to do. I , in the past, have trained divers in rescue and diver emergency recovery in all conditions but even in my younger days I don't think I could do what these guys call just another day. I don't care if the guy pulling me out of the water has a mug with a nude lady on it or has had an 'unscheduled ( allegedly ) boat trip' saves my life. I would be forever grateful as I'm sure my family would be. Upper and middle management don't see the real world they only have 'visions' of it. Sorry, rant over, but I know who I support. Colin
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