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Posts posted by Islander

  1. I haven't even started yet, hick, but the music and the girls were discovering a new freedom. Having said that I do like these new leggings but not in OVER rounded girls. 

    Back to the medication!


    Forgot to add, I spelt it right this time... I think:default_biggrin:

    • Like 1
  2. Sorry to hear of your loss. I would inform the likes of Cash Convertors, Cashmakers and any auction houses with as accurate a discription you can. From my experience the police will just add to the list of stolen goods and eventually publish it.

    My company car was broken into many years ago and they took my tool case and briefcase. A lot of the tools were special to my trade and almost impossible to replace. Sadly my briefcase had all my BSAC diving qualifications and all my dive logs. 

    As to what should be done to these b.....ds I can type here!


  3. We have used the mooring near Morrisons on several occasions. We usually take our boat up to the wide area near Weatherspoons to turn and the back to the new bridge to moor port side. Ruth will then go to Morrisons while I stay with the boat. The yacht station is a long way from any good shopping when you have arthritis even though we have a granny shopping trolley. I also like the fact the bridge pier affords a little protection from passing boats.


    • Like 2
  4. Hi Ricardo, thanks for the update, glad to hear it's not the people I thought it was.

    l suppose now the BA will have to clear up the mess and at our expense any costs recovered will prob be at a £1 a week.


  5. Fingers crossed then Richard. From the edp pic I can't see any row boats near it so there shouldn't have been anyone onboard.


    • Like 1
  6. Oh this is such a shame. Although we didn't know them well, every few weeks dad and son with 2 dogs would row up to the green end to get water from us opposite the church. I do hope they were not onboard, they were genuinely nice people and wish them well.


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  7. I wonder how long it will be before the BA will want brokerage boats to have valid toll. Why should a brokers yard be any different from other adjacent waters.

    As for increases in costs. It's something that happens every year. 3% is not much above what I was expecting.


  8. At least your Mirror floats, mine still has a big hole in the bottom and needs a new transom too. Putting her back on the water will cost more than it's worth but I will still do it for sentimental reasons.

    As for also owning two 'half timbered' woodies I must be mental but it's more fun working with wood than plastic, IMHO.

    My only advice would be set your budget but don't be surprised if (when) you exceed it. Our budget for Lady Linda x738 has already more than what we paid for the boat BUT when she is finished she will be what we always wanted and refitted to our needs.

    Roll on the Spring.


  9. Oh I like that idea Stuart. I've not seen those before. Just found the propane version on fleabay for£9.99. I think I will be ordering a couple of them.

    Bill, glad to hear you got the most from your bottles. Just thought I'd mention it. Our first winter living onboard we had to keep swapping the bottles over to keep one warm so the heating would work:facepalm: not good practice. I hope your cooker will be ok for propane. Unless it is really old it should be ok. We also have used an old set of bathroom scales to check the content of a cylinder. Not that accurate but good enough to know if we were going to run out.


  10. Hi Bill. We had an older version of the Trumatic on the Green Lady also on butane. Our gas locker is in our aft deck well and although shielded from the weather would get very cold. If the gas bottle was only a third full the system would not work. We removed it in the end and fitted a multi fuel stove as this boat rarely goes anywhere. I do wonder if you can convert to propane as I suspect you are not getting all your 13.5Kg. 


  11. Happy New Year everyone. Spent our new year watching the series of detectorists. Magic, can't wait for more. Oh, and finished my bottle of spiced rum:default_crying1animated:but I have got another:55c8f94983015_default_happyparty:

    Norwich started the party early this year with fireworks going off at all hours!


    • Like 5
  12. Before I would condem a boat with a bit of oily water in the bilge and or engine tray I would insist on seeing the engine start from cold. Any smoke should clear fairly quickly ( within a minute ) with the engine running smoothly with no misfires, also being exhire will probably have a wet exhaust so a decent quantity of water should spurt from the exhaust too. If the batteries are flat and have been for sometime they will require replacing.

    I am no expert but it sounds as if your survey was a quick job. Was it lifted for a hull survey as well?

    My advice is, remove the rose coloured glasses and get in there with a torch and a screwdriver. Don't forget the camera and make notes to remind you what you have seen.

    I hope the above is of some help.


  13. Never mind Lulu, I bet you finish on Friday. I'm sure it won't be long before your on the water again.

    Hi Jay, def best choice, it's 2hr past HW at Thorpe and only dropped a few inches. 

    Reedham bridge should open if they are not frozen up. We have always cleared the bridge when close to HW and we need 8' with everything folded.

    Mind you, by this time I bet your through. Have a great holiday.


    p.s. Just done the Christmas shop:default_crying1animated:back home and just testing a bottle. 

    • Like 3
  14. Hi NN, it's not the Classic of Thorpe Lady Linda as that one is mine and moored next to me right now:default_icon_e_biggrin:.

    Is there a pic of the boat in question.


    p.s. This is the Classic 35ds called Lady Linda



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  15. As I said John, I can't remember for sure. Ricardo will be able to answer this for us I hope. Being as each post supplies 3 outputs I would expect each to be protected individually. I don't know of any other moorings having the same problems.


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