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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. and another lot jumping up and down on the top of another boat!
  2. Sorry, yes I did mean downriver. Doh!
  3. It took me ages to spot where the one upriver from Somerlayton Bridge is. I'm not sure whether it was just obscured, as it's between moorings, but I searched on several occasions before eventually spotting it. Maybe I was just look in the wrong place!
  4. We've got a bag of antibacterial wipes in one of the cool bags that we take when we go shopping.
  5. One of my work colleagues is currently off sick with (normal) flu. It seems inevitable that, as restrictions are lifted and more people go around without masks, we'll probably have a wave of colds and flu hitting us. Like most people, I haven't had a either a cold or flu since before the first lockdown.
  6. Total lack of awareness yes, but not necessarily disregard of the safety of the crew. On our last trip on the Broads we were heading upstream the Ant on a busy Sunday morning, approaching Ludham Bridge behind a rather high dual steer cruiser that had several bicycles on the roof. It wasn't until they turned the corner and saw the bridge that they proceeded to move the bicycles, so I'm pretty sure they were completely unaware that they'd have to go under a bridge to get up the Ant.
  7. Me too. I've always found the bacon from Ludham the best. Their other meat is excellent too.
  8. Not a good day Carole. Hopefully you’ve used up all the bad luck stored up for you for a while just in one day.
  9. Love that final moody shot Malcolm with the spiders webs. It always look forward to your tales, for the wit and the exceptional photos. Thanks.
  10. I haven’t used any guidebooks. There’s just so much information available online nowadays. For instance, the Herbert Woods website has a great section on places to visit, walks and do on, as do most of the other hire yards sites. I also like this site: http://www.broadsnet.co.uk
  11. What a lovely week to be on the Broads.
  12. I’ve been wondering about that one too. I have also been considering getting one of those cookers that like a super insulated flask where you start off the dish on a normal stove and then transfer it and leave it all day to cook. The ‘Foxes Afloat’ did a demo of a curry cooked in one of those. Seems a very fuel efficient way of cooking.
  13. We’ve all been there Malcolm! My worst one was thinking a really strong wind would have more effect than the tide. It didn’t! I’m now thinking back to our stay at Polkey’s Mill in July when the tide on the surface kept streaming down towards Breydon whilst the water level was rising quite quickly up the key heading. Weird!
  14. If you enjoy the experience do think about doing the RYA course. Conditions at sea, like the mountains, can change pretty quickly. It’s good to be prepared.
  15. I think we’ve been unlucky, they always been serving people when we’ve gone past.
  16. Lovely to hear tales from those still on the rivers (holiday tales tend to peter out toward autumn). I’m a bit confused though. NBD and Faircraft used to be the same company. Have they split since Len Funnel bought the hire fleet?
  17. I like these ideas! Mind you, we’ve not even managed to flag down the ice cream boat yet.
  18. Not today I hope! It’s been positively sweltering on our allotment.
  19. Lovely write up as always! I know the weather for the bank holiday weekend wasn’t the best, but I still envy people who were able to get out on the rivers. We aren’t on Moonlight Shadow again until November. Too long! Mind you, we do have a fortnight so that’s extra special.
  20. Mine are: North: The White Horse Neatishead. South: The Wherry, Geldeston. Most visited (last couple of years anyway). North: Acle Bridge Inn. South: not sure. We haven't visited that many recently, but we have had a few trips by car from Brundall to Acle.
  21. Have a great time! Hope the weather is looking up for you. It was positively summer-like when I went for a walk with a friend lunchtime.
  22. Flippin’ ‘ek. Is being a member of NBN becoming hazardous occupation? P.S. Our son Harry has a complete Stormtrooper outfit you can borrow (yes really). Actually, he’s talking about selling it, so if anyone is interested…
  23. Thanks Jean, lots of good tips on places to visit, especially those on places to park on the coast. We will certainly be checking out North Denes. I’ve been wanting to go to Somerlayton Gardens and Hall for some time, but inevitably, when the weather is good for a visit it’s too warm to leave Seren in the car. Our ‘exploring Norfolk’ time is out of season, as we are too busy cruising in the summer.
  24. Those Portuguese tarts. When we were on our last trip I wish I’d bought eight instead of four and hidden away the extra four in my own secret stash, and then gobbled them all up in one feast. Yum! I almost didn’t buy a loaf there as it seemed pretty expensive, but when it was handed over it was huge and warm, just out of the oven. It accompanied three meals and stayed really fresh, so I ended up thinking it was good value. Does anyone know if the bakery stays open all year? We aren’t on Moonlight Shadow again until the beginning of November.
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