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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Any news of the Ship Inn, South Walsham? I’d heard that had been taken up by the same people who own the Recruiting Sergeant and Rising Sun. Knowing the layout of the pub, I can see why making it Covid safe would have been difficult, so not surprised it’s been shut.
  2. Well done indeed! Our Alec has been really struggling with the second year of his politics degree, he hasn’t felt well supported at all and is considering switching to the OU for his final year. The OU has a very good credit transfer scheme, so it’s fairly easy to switch.
  3. Another great account. Lovely to see the kids wearing life jackets.
  4. YnysMon


    I happen to work in a Faculty that includes respected environmental scientists. They do engage in debate, but their research is firmly focussed on facts.
  5. Great write up and lovely pics. Good point about the emergency ladder, as not everyone is aware about it. As Vanessa has pointed out not all of them are clearly marked.
  6. We’ve driven through Martham a few times, and it did cross my mind that it looks a great village to live in. It looked like there were good local amenities. Hope this one works out for you. Sometimes the first thing you were aiming for doesn’t work out, but for a reason.
  7. Phew, I’m just glad Graham does the ‘Dysoning’ (I call it ‘hoovering’, but for some reason he takes issue with that). p.s. I’m very impressed with the new Shark we bought as a syndicate for Moonlight Shadow
  8. That’s what we do out of season. In October, kept on a low setting we can get away with just one card. In February, with the setting considerably higher, we usually have to put more than £1 on the post, unless someone has left a lot of credit.
  9. We used cards this year that we’d bought last year, so I don’t think they expire.
  10. We often get our electric cards from Bridge Stores, as it's nice and handy for Loddon Staithe.
  11. There is a list of the outlets that sell the cards on the BA webage. The same page also lists the moorings with electric posts. Here... https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/facilities/electric-boat-charging-points
  12. Hope the visit goes well.
  13. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. That’s what it’s all about basically. Good to hear you were supported by all that cheering and waving!
  14. Hunters Yard have reported that a lot more of the bookings this year are short breaks. I did wonder if that might be a general trend.
  15. Between Salhouse and Brundall suggests Reedham Bridge to me. Anyone got any other suggestions?
  16. Unless the stories about the Broads being too busy have put people off. I hope not.
  17. That’s good, I’ve just checked and Moonlight Shadow is 38’. Upton Dyke here we come! Maybe high season though when the Eastwood Whelpton fleet are out.
  18. I wonder if the water at Neatishead has been reconnected yet? We were a bit disgusted the first week of May to find it was still cut off. How long was your boat? I’ve been wondering if we could turn Moonlight Shadow at the end of Upton Dyke. We like it there, having been down there on Turqoise Emblem and one of the Hunter’s sailies. Did you make it as far as The White Horse pub?
  19. Thanks for the link Malcolm. That does look a very impractical boat for the Broads.
  20. Brilliant. Looks they they are having a wonderful time, and all with your support and encouragement. What a great way to start off syndicate membership.
  21. Absolutely stunning photos Malcolm. We love that Hardley Mill mooring too, great for dog walks, although Seren has occasionally disappeared around the bend toward Hardley Dyke chasing a boat down river.
  22. My son Harry has had a couple of bad experiences with non-UK online sellers, but as he'd paid by Paypal he reported the incidents and got his money back.
  23. A warm welcome from me too. Helen
  24. Ooh, lovely, another holiday blogger! Loving your account, weren’t you lucky at Horning! Fleet Dyke moorings didn’t look that busy either. More please! (And thanks!)
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