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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. What!? Are you kidding, or has someone just forgotten what canoes are for? Paddling!
  2. This video blew my mind. I wasn’t sure whether to post this here or the technical section, but anyway it shows what is possible if you have a lot of money and a big vision. By the way, the technical explanation of how many batteries/solar panels etc doesn’t start until half way in. I guess it helps that they get a smidge more sun than Norfolk!
  3. Glad to hear more people are considering syndicate ownership. We’ve been really glad we bought a share in Moonlight Shadow. Syndicate membership has its pro’s and cons, you can’t walk away from issues like you can when hiring, but we still think we made the right get move. When hiring I found it took a few days to get to ‘know’ the boat, how responsive it was and how it handled. I really like being able to ‘take off’ without any of that stress.
  4. Yes, we are crossing our fingers too. Oh to be allowed to cruise!
  5. What week do you have in November David? We are on Moonlight Shadow for the first two weeks, and hoping to make our way up north for part of it. We’ve never yet experienced the Northern Broads properly out of season. Looking forward to it and hoping the weather doesn’t foul up our plans.
  6. A warm welcome from me and Graham too (also from Seren to Finlay and Charlie). Don’t worry about slight boobs, they happen to us all. Hope your hubby gets better soon and discovers a newly keen interest in the Broads. If you’ve read any of my holiday tales, you might have noticed that Graham does a lot of reading when we are aboard syndicate boat Moonlight Shadow, leaving me to do most of the helming. He’s very good with ‘the ropes’ though, which I am not exactly hopeless at, but definitely not as experienced.
  7. Brilliant post Meantime. Nice to hear of those places that are doing exceptionally well despite the circumstances, and your post has changed my views on visiting the Falgate.
  8. Blue Desmond statue? He seems a very placid dog.
  9. That was a stroke of luck indeed! We love the Irstead moorings.
  10. Sensible move Pauline. It was far too hot anyway. You’d have probably be the first forum member to go down with heatstroke. I only went down to the allotment (at the top of our street) to get some lettuce and almost passed out with the heat. Loved the photo of Phill on the ‘old members’ thread.
  11. Ouch! I’m sure that will come up as a nasty bruise. I’ve just been in touch with someone to ask if they can stand in for me and play the organ in church Sunday morning. I don’t think my fingers will be up to it somehow.
  12. Ooh, that’s a lot worse! Ummm…I think we need to be careful, otherwise people will start to think there’s something afoot with NBN membership. Only kidding. My shredded fingers are just due to my own stupidity. Nothing sinister.
  13. I was so traumatised I forgot to check the spelling!
  14. Bridge Inn switching to outdoor service is sensible, but it’s very concerning to hear about the increase in cases.
  15. Hope I'm not on a run of bad luck...I got a bit carried away with a new mandolin this evening. Oh flip! Took ages to stem the flow! On the upside, Graham did the barbecuing that I was planning to do.
  16. I too hope that people will continue to exercise caution. I just have a problem with the idea that we have spent so much time following certain precautions and then all precautions are suddenly lifted. I’m not encouraged by news from other countries that lifted precautions before we did, like the Netherlands.
  17. Well, they say trouble comes in threes. You are clearly over the normal limit! Seriously though, hope the rest of 2021 is better for you.
  18. Actually, when we last on the Broads (26th June to 2nd July) there was a mysterious shortage of geese on that bend just downstream from Bramerton. On previous visits there has been a huge flock (gang).
  19. Loddon seems to be a honeypot though!
  20. We have limited experience of ‘high season’ on the Southern Broads, but from what we have experienced so far we have found that the popular moorings such as Bramerton have been rammed at the weekend but mostly accessible during the weekdays.
  21. That’s good to know. We have never ‘wild moored’ upstream of Thurne Mouth, so I hadn’t realised you could get to Upton from there. We love the pub there. There also a circular walking route from Acle that takes in Upton.
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