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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. When we first visited the Broads (not that long ago…2014’ish) I noted that the advice was to keep within the marker posts on Hickling but that most of Barton was navigable for sailing boats. We mud weighted on our first evening near the sailing club just outside the posts, but only because two or three saileys were already mud weighted around that area, so we judged that would be a safe place. Apart from that we have kept strictly within the marker posts when sailing. We have ventured past the posts on Barton when sailing but never on Moonlight Shadow. We have noted though that there seems to be a favoured spot for cruisers to mud weight on the north east corner of the Broad, not far from where the Broad narrows to up river.
  2. That is disappointing, though I must admit we weren’t planning to stop overnight at Whitlingham again. (Those rowers!). It’s only a couple of hours from our home mooring, so we have cruised there several times out of season for a lunch stop and a walk for Seren before making our way back to Brundall.
  3. We stopped overnight at Whitlingham for the first time in May. Actually, the noise of the trains didn't bother us, maybe because we often stay on our home mooring in Brundall during winter breaks, and that's pretty close to the railway line. What did wake us up in the morning was rowers. Firstly the rowers chatting to each other (bordering on shouting at each other) and, even worse, the guy in a rather noisy training boat shouting instructions at trainee rowers through a megaphone. I thought that was a bit much before 7am!
  4. Lovely to read about your week. I read your review of the Rushcutters on Google, so not surprised you weren’t impressed. We had a similar ‘doh’ moment, as we’d been searching for the shore power adapter that lived in the aft wardrobe, only to realise later in the week it was being employed on the mooring shore power link. At least we know where it is now! Looking forward to our next stay on MS. Only 10 sleeps to go!
  5. I can’t help wondering how The Wherry is doing. They were doing brilliantly as a pub attracting the locals last time we were there (very friendly locals too), so I hope their business won’t have suffered. Hopefully there’s enough business for both to flourish.
  6. Last time we sailed I adopted the practice of pointing to me first then where I was intending to go, either that or pointing at them and then where I wanted them to go. Seemed to work apart for the occasional idiot. Take care if you go up to West Somerton, as someone else mentioned, it tends to be very weedy there. Don’t do what we did with a Hunter’s boat. Coming back from West Somerton the weed was too much for the Torqeedo and we had to tack against a stiffish breeze past Martham Broad. We overshot one post slightly and got stuck in the mud. Luckily a BA weed cutter was going past and pulled us off.
  7. Great to hear that you had such a good time. We had our first trip on the Broads in 2015 and haven't missed a year since. We've also transitioned from hiring to syndicate ownership, as we love the Broads so much.
  8. I agree CC, but some of 'management speak' really gets my goat. The latest one is 'on boarding'. For goodness sake! I'm convinced that some people just use the latest favourite phrases to hide the fact that they haven't a clue what they are talking about.
  9. Take care Ian. One thing I’ve learned with my father-in-law moving in with us, it’s easy to contact NHS services wherever you are in the UK. We currently have Dad temporarily registered with our surgery in MK. Just as well, as Graham took his Dad for an eye test today. Result: optician is making an urgent referral for serious cataracts, so is sending the results to the MK surgery.
  10. That was lovely. Thanks.
  11. We had a week with my cousins back in 2017, we were two couples and a single, so five of us and the dog. We hired Fair Royale from Ferry Marina and found that the accommodation worked well for us. Everyone had their own ensuite and the aft lounge was huge and comfortable.
  12. Once they turn away from your side of the river scoot past. For some reason some people wait until the sailey is on the far side before making their move, which might mean they haven't cleared the sailey's path when the sailey in on their way back. From the perspective of the sailey, that's a tad annoying. It's okay on wide stretches of the river, like the Bure below St Benet's, but on a river with restricted width it effectively stalls the sailey as they aren't able to build up speed before the next tack.
  13. A warm welcome from me too. Helen
  14. Like SwanR, our experiences of motor cruiser hires were in March, May and October. We like that it’s quieter, but generally found the weather better in the Autumn, the nights during early Spring are generally colder than those early Autumn. We have now bought into a syndicate boat and enjoy all seasons on the river (except when it’s very windy...and that can happen any season). Also, if you like less busy rivers, consider hiring from a yard on the Southern rivers.
  15. Hope you have a great time. Enjoy!
  16. Sorry to hear of your wife's accident. Take care out there everyone...you know what they say about trouble coming in threes!
  17. Hope it’s recovered. We loved being offered the use of the canoe the first time we went out on Water Rail. Seren wasn’t quite as keen though.
  18. I love the trip up to both Neatishead and Dilham, especially the latter. Well worth the effort!
  19. Oooh...an indirect route..that’s a bit of a teaser. Lovely sunset photo. Thanks.
  20. Oh my goodness, what a shame. Hope your ankle recovers in record time so that you can be on Cerise Lady again.
  21. It's quite common for it to be out of action during hot weather.
  22. That sounds like a recipe for generating a lot of disappointed customers. Okay, it does say up front which bridges the boats won’t go under, but I wonder how many first timers check out where those bridges are?
  23. They probably mean there’s a good chance that it might get stuck...so we’re not going to risk it. Which is fair enough. Imagine all the disgruntled fare paying passengers if it did get stuck open.
  24. What a beautiful morning. Shame some of us are back to work today.
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