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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. It was one or two the first year they fitted them, but they are proving so popular that quite a few of Hunter's boats have been fitted with Torqeedos. A quant was quite fun the first few hires, but it gets a bit wearing at times, especially on the Ant.
  2. Hope you have a wonderful time and a good meal at the Paul Ainsworth restaurant. Luckily, the weather seems to be improving. The only time we visited Cornwall (September 1992, when our eldest was almost 2) we had showers every day. Sun too, but it was a bit difficult to know where to go each day, considering the weather.
  3. Hope you have a wonderful time, especially after all those postponed holidays.
  4. Have a great week Warren. Hope the weather behaves for you and that you find some good walks for the dogs. Carlton Marshes walk from Beccles is one of our favourites.
  5. No more boaty social distancing then?
  6. Agree, though recently I’ve switched from butter to Mayo.
  7. Even worse.what’s with the latest craze ‘dirty fries’? Chips with various gubbins (chilli, cheese, whatever) on top. Just makes the chips soggy.
  8. We love eating outdoors when the weather is up to it, but are often put off by ciggie smoke drifting our way. Puts me completely off my food.
  9. Graham had a short term contract as a postie last January. He soon learnt the technique of posting through a letterbox without inserting your fingers in too far, having got bitten by a dog that was lying in wait below the letterbox. He has developed a theory that it's the silent but deadly types that are the menace, not the ones that bark loudly and enthusiastically.
  10. Sounds like you had a great weekend despite the weather. Thanks for posting the lovely photos.
  11. There's a park in the field next to The Lion at Thurne.
  12. 18 months! Bloomin’ heck... and we thought we were a bit hard done by in losing a few of our syndicate allocations. Hope you had a wonderful week.
  13. Hope the weather improved for the rest of your trip. Hunkering down the first evening in The White Horse sounds like a good plan. We love that pub.
  14. I've started looking forward to our next trip at the end of June, and have recalled that I found Herbert Woods website very helpful for information on good walks. Hope you find this useful Warren. https://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/norfolk-broads/walking/
  15. Never too many photos of your best buddy enjoying his time on board.
  16. We love that walk along the bank toward Potter too. Wonderful dog walk.
  17. Graham packs a whole bag for Seren, and then some more. As we are on a syndicate boat we also have copious rugs, non-slip mats etc. to ensure Seren doesn’t mess up the furnishings. At least you don’t have to worry about that. One thing about collies, they are really skinny dogs disguised in lots of hair. At least you don’t have that problem!
  18. Don’t blame you. Desmond took priority on this trip. And, if you are like me and Graham, will inevitably be on each and every trip. (We are still refining our packing list.)
  19. Wonderful photos Malcolm. Especially the wildlife ones. I think my favourite is the swan.
  20. How lovely to hear about your first trip with Desmond. I’m glad to hear he’s settling down well on the boat and loving all those walks. Where and what is ‘Bond Island’ by the way?
  21. More on that Trearddur Bay lifeboat rescue that I mentioned in my previous post. They successfully rescued a surfer. https://rnli.org/news-and-media/2021/may/20/trearddur-bay-lifeboat-launch-in-heavy-seas?fbclid=IwAR1PQGT1u5cjb6j0J1_4mzsuLgai4qIRdTr4asHdHUZFYZMxV-AGt3i4Gsg
  22. Another update on my 17th April post (in which I recounted our visit to Anglesey, when we found my father in law in a bit of a 'state'. Lockdowns haven't helped many isolated and elderly people). Anyway, the latest is that we travelled up to Anglesey again Wednesday evening. Our satnav (Shirley) got very confused on the way and called 'Northwich' (Cheshire) 'Norwich'. She's obviously been to Norfolk a few too many times. She was trying to make us go 'the wrong way' anyway, as we were heading up the M6 aiming for the M56. I'd arranged an appointment for a Social Worker to call around to Dad's house Thursday morning to do an initial assessment. Very impressed with how quickly this happened (we had to wait months for an assessment for my Mum when she moved down to Milton Keynes). Dad doesn't need carer's as such, as he's very capable physically for his age (89 - lots of ballroom dancing right up to start of lockdown and regular walks during lockdown have helped). However, his memory is getting quite dodgy, so he needs other support. It's been suggested he could have an assessment team call in on him regularly over six weeks to see how he's coping. Yesterday evening Graham and I managed a short walk with the dog on the local beach (Trearddur Bay), the rain having let up slightly. The wind was still very strong though. When we got to the beach the lifeboat was just returning from a call-out. I can't imagine what it would be like to willingly go out in that sea. I took at couple of photos from the same spot, one of the lifeboat station and it's (beach) launching point and another out across the bay. They had to get through all that surf (between the rocks) before getting out to sea. Scary! On their Facebook page they have the following post: 'Our volunteers at Trearddur Bay were involved in one of their most challenging rescues yesterday, testing their training and equipment to the limit. Your donations help fund the training and kit they need. Donate below to help save lives at sea. Helmsman Lee Duncan said: 'The conditions were treacherous with a strong south westerly blowing in excess of 50mph. We had pretty much our most experienced crew on board - three helms and the lifeboat training officer - and I think in my twenty years on the crew at Trearddur Bay that was possibly the most touch and go shout I have been on.’ Thankfully, although there were paramedics on site for their return, there didn't appear to be a medical emergency. I hope that's the case, as the coastguard helicopter was on the scene at the time too. Couldn't help have a smile at the 'mascot' they have on the front of their lifeboat launch vehicle.
  23. Happy birthday Malcolm. Glad it was a good one. Good thing you intended heading back on Wednesday, the weather today is atrocious. At least it is in not-at-all-sunny Anglesey. The wind is battering strength and the rain lashing down.
  24. It would be interesting to know whether the crab sandwiches at the Dunes Cafe live up to Staithe and Willow. Hopefully equally as good.
  25. That's the impression I get too. Even their older boats are very well turned out at the start of each season.
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