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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Well, today has been a bit of a cruise! Left Neatistead before 8.30 and only moored up about half an hour or so ago (6.45'ish). We had intended to go to Beccles but just past St Olaves we started to doubt if we could get there in time to get a card for the electric posts from the Yacht Station Master. We spun around downstream of the abandoned railway bridge and went up (or is it down?) the New Cut. We wanted to find a mooring with electric, water and access to a food shop, so we tried Loddon. The Staithe was full, so we travelled all the way back down the Chet and up the Yare to our home mooring in Brundall. Plugged into the lecky, dimplex warming up the boat nicely and Graham has gone off in the car to Co-op. Time to relax after a very long day. It's raining again, but we really can't complain having had mostly good weather today.
  2. There was just over 8' this morning showing on the board coming downstream. We need 8' with our roof up and had no problems. We didn't measure it, but we definitely had at least 3-6 inches clearance.
  3. We'll, the first one was our first cruiser hire ever and the first week of the season before the clocks changed to BST, so starting off at dawn. The last one was an October break, so just about enough time to get to Horning if you started off at dawn.
  4. The three times we hired from Ferry Marina our final nights were spent: 1. Fleet Dyke. 2. Womack Staithe 3. Wild mooring in Womack Dyke. All quite dooable if you don't mind an early start, and you have time to do your packing on the way to the yard instead of the night before.
  5. Great minds think alike...we are awaiting delivery of our box and a pizza from The White Horse.
  6. Yes, especially as we have shore power again. Late morning we couldn't work out why there was power on the electric posts but the power on board had cut out. None of our our switches had tripped. Fortunately our management company's local agent arranged for an engineer to come out to us from Horning who fixed a problem with the wiring of our shore power cable. So, we are happy bunnies again.
  7. The two boats that were moored at the Staithe entrance have gone, so there's now lots of room for anyone looking for a sheltered mooring.
  8. Oops, forgot that Graham left those in place this morning. He'd taken in the rubber car mat that he'd placed over the hatch but hadn't taken in the bungee cords holding it down. It's an experiment to see if he can cut down on the condensation that forms on the hatch. There is (sometimes) a method behind our madness.
  9. Thanks Alan. We braved Barton Broad earlier. As we have no intention of trying to get under Ludham bridge whilst the wind is still strong, we thought we just have a pootle around for a while before finding another mooring on the upper Ant. There were a few wild moorings available which we spotted as we went up river. We went as far as Richardson's Stalham and Sutton Staithe before returning across Barton Broad. We reached Neatistead Staithe a short while ago and are now nicely ensconced on an electric point again, so should be cosy enough for the rest of the day and night. By the way, the water at Neatistead is still turned off. Doesn't appear that they've managed to fix that burst pipe yet. Just as well that we filled up at Acle yesterday morning.
  10. The wind has really picked up now. At least the wind is blowing off the mooring. Despite spring lines we are bobbing about a bit, but that's better than being blown onto the mooring and banging on the quay heading.
  11. It's always a pleasure to meet fellow forumites. I was so pleased that 'Rumpunch' came over to Irstead Staithe to introduce himself earlier. Thanks!
  12. Their takeaway menu says the deliver to Horning, Wroxham, Stalham, Barton Turf, East Ruston, Catfield and Hickling. The Lion is delivering to Ludham and Potter. Flegburgh, Martham, Stokesby, Acle and Hemsby.
  13. Nope, but we did pop in this afternoon to pick up their takeaway menu.
  14. Been there, done that this morning. I went on my own as I knew dogs are not allowed on the Board Walk (though the family sharing the viewing platform with me had obviously not noticed the prominent no dogs sign). We'll probably take a walk to the village store in Neatistead this afternoon.
  15. That's a shame Susan. I think I would have been tempted to report that boat at Rockland. We haven't moored at Bramerton very often, but have noticed that it tends to be busy at weekends. We were tempted to return south this morning to hunker down in Brooms. However, that's what we've done the last few trips when there have been high winds, so we decided to brave it out this time. Hope the rest of your week goes ok. It's quite nice going somewhere by car from Brundall.
  16. Started off from Acle early this morning and have already completed our cruising for the day, having moored up by the electric point at Irstead. Not quite as sheltered as Neatistead, but we should be relatively sheltered from a westerly wind by the church and trees behind the Staithe. I wonder if The White Horse is open lunchtimes?
  17. That's okay, I knew what you were referring to.
  18. Guess what...we changed our minds yet again. We did come north after all. Currently on Acle BA moorings. Got here about an hour ago and slotted in, unfortunately just a boat length away from being able to plug into the electic, even with the extension cable. Luckily, another boat has just left and we managed a switcheroo before anyone else came along to nab it. 75p credit too, a bonus! Now we can relax.
  19. How wonderful to be on the Broads again! A few showers just as we were starting off, but once we were on the river we somehow managed to dodge them. Turned up the Chet and are now ensconced on a Loddon Staithe electric point, having waved at Malcolm (Moudly) and Debbie as we passed Pye's Mill. Oh, and before we left Brooms I met Susan, another forumite currently on Lightening. We were intending to go 'oop north' tomorrow but are having second thoughts. It's nice and quiet here down south, so why go up north in the middle of a bank holiday weekend? North can wait.
  20. Good luck with the search for your new home.
  21. Since when did Broads vlogs exclude underwear? A very essential subject when boating . Our Spring weather is so unpredictable that I’m packing both cosy PJs and cool nightie. Hot water bottle also packed, just in case the nights are chilly. May weather...unpredictable.
  22. I just don’t understand why people want the tranquil stretch above PH bridge to become just like the rest of the Broads. It’s different, because of that bridge. Destroy it, and you destroy the uniqueness.
  23. Hope you continue to feel better. Nothing worse than going on holiday only to go down with some lurgy.
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