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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Might red be potentially confusing in locations where there are marker posts for the channel?
  2. Have you searched the Ludham archive? I came across some very interesting audio recordings of elderly villagers recollections of growing up in the village. http://www.ludhamarchive.org.uk
  3. Is your riverside cottage in Potter H? If so, bet a lot of people will be intensely jealous of your potential ability to get under the bridge in that day boat. Tides permitting of course.
  4. Not wanting to go in swimming is good! For a future boat dog anyway. We are so glad that Seren has never launched herself off any boat. She’s quite speedy on land though, like most collie dogs.
  5. Gosh, all that just after a few months. Whenever we’ve passed your boat has always been immaculate.
  6. Just one thing, the tide tables are tides predicted a long way in advance based on average conditions. All sorts of meteorological conditions can throw those out, so I would recommend downloading the Aweigh app onto your phone so you can check a more up to date forecast on the day. Either that or phone Yarmouth Yacht Station to check their estimate of the tide.
  7. I’ve never been under Potter Bridge in a cruiser. However, we have gone through several times when we’ve hired sailing boats (you drop the mast, obviously). Our first introduction to the Broads was hiring from Hunter’s Yard. A wonderful heritage fleet of saileys dating from the 1930s/40s. Recently they have fitted several of the boats with Torqeedo’s, (electric). Previously the experience of hiring one of their boats was a classic ‘Coot Club’ (Arthur Ransom) experience. When the wind died you just had to quant. The layout of their 4 person ‘Lullaby’ class of boats is pretty similar to the layout picture in Arthur Ransom’s book. https://www.huntersyard.co.uk/ When we were newbies to the Broads I found that reading the various tales in the holidays blogs section of this forum helpful. We picked up a lot of tips from there. Still do in fact. Our first trip on a cruiser was a four day trip on the northern Broads. Granted it was in early March, so short days, but we found plenty of places to explore without going south. Although we can’t get under Potter Heigham bridge in our syndicate boat, we love to explore the upper reaches of the Ant up to Dilham and the Bure up to Coltishall. These depend on getting under low Weyford bridge / Wroxham bridge (the latter with pilot), so very much depend on your air draft and/or the river levels.
  8. Nothing wrong with a long cruising day. My favourites. I’ve been a bit wary of going through Gt Yarmouth (going north) too close to sunset ever since our last hire. The engine didn’t have that much ‘oomph’ to plug away against the still outgoing tide and we ended up mooring on an emergency pontoon as we couldn’t get to Stracey Arms before sunset. Not good for our dog as we couldn’t get her to land to ‘relieve’ herself. More recently we have discovered that it’s much better to travel back north through Gt Yarmouth about half an hour after slack water, as the tide doesn’t really start flowing up the Bure until then. That’s assuming you aren’t hiring a boat with a high air draft though, as that will be an hour and a half after low water. There’s a bit of a disconnect between the turn of the tide at Yarmouth. It starts flowing up Breydon Water much earlier than it does up the Bure.
  9. I really appreciate you posting these links to the Nav Committee papers. Judging from the reports on actions there’s a lot to be hopeful about, including National Rail planning work on troublesome bridges and BA planning work on various moorings, and dredging plans. Looks like we might regain moorings at Burgh Castle again. That’s very good news. And before the doom mongers weigh in, please take the trouble to actually read the papers before commenting. Last time I commented on the last set of Nav Committee there were a lot of negative reaction posts from people who had very obviously not bothered following the links provided to read the Committee’s papers. I’m not claiming there is nothing to be concerned about, as the papers/minutes do highlight issues, but judging by the paperwork the governance seems reasonably transparent.
  10. When we were hiring in early or late months (mostly March or October) I used to check the tides before booking, so that we could get a week when low slack water made passage through Yarmouth possible during daylight hours. Mind you, we did cut it a bit fine one year whilst getting back up north and had to moor up on an emergency pontoon not far from the Five Mile Mill on the Bure overnight as we didn’t think we could make it to Stracey Arms before sunset.
  11. I do wish people would leave Greta out of these jokey observations. I for one don’t think global warming is a joke. Not at the rate that glacial melt is happening anyway.
  12. Southern Broads are just wonderf...no they are awful...just stay away!
  13. We have a car in the garage. The only problem is that it’s been there for about 28 years. Graham keeps meaning to restore it. It’s a 1960s vintage Wolsey Hornet. About 5 years ago I gave him an ultimatum to at least start the restoration with the next 12 months or sell it. But then my Mum came to live with us and Graham was her carer, so I relented.
  14. Hopefully that’s the case. Just because there’s a unit there doesn’t necessarily mean that will do the hiring from there. Good to see a business operating in Wroxham.
  15. I’m with Griff on this one. They aren’t craft that can move quickly, and they look pretty wide in comparison to canoes and paddle boards, so I think they would create chaos if they rented them out in Wroxham. Maybe on a Broad?
  16. There’s an oak similar to that one near us. Middle completely rotted away, most of the tree broke off last Spring and is lying on the ground, apart from one branch that was still bearing leaves last year. I must go and check whether it’s budding.
  17. Our first visit to Maccy DJ’s was in 1983, a few weeks after we got married. It stands out in my memory as it was our first visit to Milton Keynes. Graham had just graduated and had been offered a teaching job in Bletchley and, as a key worker, was eligible to apply for a rental in Development Corporation housing. We and our bicycles took the train down to MK for a weekend, found a B&B in Wolverton and cycled around the place checking out the different areas to see where we would prefer to live. At the time the Development Corp had a few ‘show homes’ in a few areas where you could check out what type of rentals were available. Seems a different world.
  18. Glad the move went okay Malcolm. Just rest assured it’s probably the most stressed you’ll be for years, so you can now relax (says us who last moved house in 1986!). Living in the same house for that length of time is lovely...apart from the thought of trying to sort out all the ‘stored away stuff’ you (we) have amassed for the last 35 years.
  19. Got to admit to being a bit tired of conspiracy theories. What’s wrong with ‘Always look on the bright side of life’. And I know the Monty connection...but then, Easter is all about the bright side.
  20. I’m keeping up too, though not going quite so far. Had a cycle around Willen Lake about an hour ago. I thought getting a bit of exercise would make me sleep like a log, but last night I didn’t manage to drop off until 3am, and then I woke at 7.30. On the other hand, although lack of sleep normally wipes me out the following day, I actually feel okay today. Maybe that fresh air is energising.
  21. Peter, you have inspired me to get more exercise. This afternoon, after a series of online meetings from morning through lunchtime and beyond I actually got on my bicycle for the first time since we’ll before lockdown. I really enjoyed the ride along our MK redways. Went north and then along a route which follows the old Wolverton to Newport Pagnell railway line as far as where it crosses the canal, then returned along the linear parkland that borders the canal. Such a lovely day too. I left my phone at home though, so no photos.
  22. Norfolk Lady looking very smart there. Moored up in Rockland St Mary staithe I assume? Beautiful photos, as always Malcolm.
  23. I like having the bank holidays too. If there are two of you working (or even four or more if you have adult children living at home) it means you can have a nice family day out without having to negotiate the leave. Unless you work in retail that is.
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