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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. They are lovely moorings. First time we’ve stopped there, though today it was just for a few hours so that we could take a walk. I would very much like to moor overnight there when the weather is warmer.
  2. What a change in the weather. It's a beautiful morning here at Polkey's Mill.
  3. Thanks Ian. Love the cooking tip in the middle. Must remember to get my meat out of the fridge in time in future. It's a blessing having a good Mum. My Dad died when I was 8 months old, so I know just what that was like. She (reluctantly) went out to work too. Don't know about you, but most of my school friends mums didn't work, so that made our household a bit different. My grandparents were great and helped out a lot.
  4. Love the snowy pics especially, and what a cheeky heron!
  5. Well we've got to Loddon today. Moored up at the staithe. Got a bit worried as we were approaching as three boats were moored up side-on. A couple of them changed to being stern moored though, so plenty of space here now. Also, Brooms have confirmed the fuel kiosk is open 9-3 on Friday, so we are happy bunnies.
  6. We are determined to enjoy the cruising time left to us. I’m not getting stressed out about it, bearing in mind that on Saturday we thought we might have to go home the following day. Any additional days are a plus. The wind has dropped, tomorrow we are casting off! Not that we can go very far, as we don’t yet know if we have to go home Wednesday. We are thinking Loddon might be a good plan.
  7. Ah but, it’s only people who have already started their holiday who are allowed to continue. Holidays starting tomorrow are a no-no. Even if we are technically allowed to stay, in the end it depends on whether we can get fuel and a pump-out on Friday. If Brooms close their fuel kiosk on Wednesday that will probably mean we’ll have to go home Wednesday...unless I can find out whether Swancraft or Silverline might do fuel and pump-outs on Friday. I haven’t yet given up hope on Brooms though, as they didn’t seem sure what their plans were when I went into their office this afternoon.
  8. I see that the BA has updated the Covid advice page on its website. Here: https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/coronavirus-covid-19
  9. What a beautiful day it's been! We had a trip to Southwold today. Really enjoyed it. We had a message from our management agency this morning saying that the Government advice is that people already on holiday can stay the rest of the week, but it's quite likely that Brooms will close their fuel kiosk on Wednesday. Oh well, Wednesday's still better than having to go home today!
  10. We went around to the fuel station yesterday to have a chat.
  11. We’ll go along with what our management company recommend. We need to get refuelled and a pump out, and the Brooms kiosk will probably close 4pm Wednesday.
  12. Stronger winds forecast for tomorrow, so I doubt it. That’s why I wanted to cruise today. The wind is already picking up.
  13. We were all set to cast off this morning, but the wind was blowing us off the mooring so strongly that I changed my mind. Seren had a lovely walk and we discovered Winterton.
  14. I think you’ve nailed the point there Malcolm. I agree with the need to lockdown (despite it cutting our week on MS short), but I saw someone on the news earlier this evening quoting stats showing that school age kids are a major source of transmission. They don’t tend to get it badly, but from my point of view, its more about them spreading the infection.
  15. I’m sure she would vote for Caister too. I’d like to check out Winterton, as I know that’s popular with other forum dog walkers.
  16. Yay! We have until Wednesday at least. Slight dispute on board. Graham wants to go to Caister-on-sea tomorrow. I’d like to cruise (depending on how strong the winds are) or at least go somewhere new. Doesn’t really matter. Now that we know we have a few more days we are chilled.
  17. Still waiting for the press conference! Thursday I wouldn’t mind so much, I have been fearing Monday. Would be a bit gutted to have to go home tomorrow!
  18. That’s great news Ian. I’m sure they give you hours of amusement.
  19. Having seen the news this morning that BoJo is considering another lockdown, we did wonder whether it was worth bothering to go to Norfolk today. Depending on what they announce on Monday, we might well have to curtail our visit. Still we are all packed up and almost ready to set off. Even a few days on MS are better than none at all.
  20. Glad to see you back Robin. I’ve been catching up on some of your latest YouTube videos. I quite like the new ‘simple’ mobile recorded format.
  21. I love how people so love the Broads that they travel across from NZ or Auzzie land for their Broads ‘fix’. Makes me realise how lucky we are to be only a couple of hours away.
  22. Mooring up in Stalham on the last day? That must be a doddle compared to mooring up outside Ferry Marina on the final morning into a tight squeeze, with a brisk breeze and tide to help matters, and all at the end of your first ever full week of hiring a Broads cruiser. Well, we got in that space, but I can’t claim it was our finest hour.
  23. I think ‘heatwave’ the beginning of November might be slightly on the (madly) hopeful side (LOL). I’d settle for some nice crisp sunny autumnal days.
  24. I'm starting to think we a jinxed. We had storm Ciara for the beginning our February week on MS, then high winds the middle weekend of our September break, and now they are forecasting winds of over 40mph for this weekend. At least it should settle down for the latter part of our week. I don't mind that much, to be honest. Just being on MS = unwind time.
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