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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Phew. Glad to say we have had the most delightful neighbours one could wish for since they moved next door to us around 1989 or so. We were gutted when Mrs Neighbour succumbed to Covid in March. She was a real gem. When we kept chickens and had cats she used to look after them for us when we were on holiday. I have always thought that having nuisance neighbours is a rarity.
  2. Haven't I read somewhere that northern yards that are still hiring into November and later are advising that craft should not be taken beyond Stracey Arms?
  3. There are some hire boats that have electric winches for the mud weight. Probably the more expensive ones though. None of the hires we took had that luxury, but we managed. It’s one of the things we appreciate having on our syndicate boat though. Actually, thinking back, the only time we’ve mud weighted has been on sailing boat hires. We first mud weighted on Hickling Broad on our first ever night on the Broads. It was magical.
  4. Not a lot really. It’s mostly a doddle if you use common sense. We have a dog, so the only thing currently preventing us mud weighting is having to take the dog for her pre-beddy time comfort break. If it wasn’t for that, it would be one of our favourite types of mooring. Can’t wait until we have a week on Moonlight Shadow near midsummer, as our home mooring is very close to Bargate. We’ve always avoided mud weighting when it’s windy as I gather the mudweight can drag. Not experienced that myself, but then we’ve avoided that risk. On most of the northern Broads there’s not that much rise and fall in the tide, but if you were somewhere like Surlingham Broad (Bargate), that’s something to take into consideration, allowing appropriate slack for the mud weight. I’ve read lots of advice not to chuck your mud weight overboard as it might be difficult to extract it the following morning, but recently saw a reminder that, actually, that might be a good idea, as you do want your mud weight to be ‘stuck’. You can always use your engine to reverse slightly the next morning to ‘unstick it’ so as not to put your back out trying to retrieve it. Oh, and remember the boat will swing around in the night if the wind changes, so don’t moor up too close to other vessels or the margins of the broad. If you take those things into account you should have the most peaceful night’s mooring ever.
  5. Wow, that’s quite an eventful day. I was going to comment that you don’t need to worry about mud-weighting, but then read your comment about it being very windy, so it was probably a wise decision. If you do get the opportunity on future visits, a night mud weighted on South Waltham Broad can be really special.
  6. I really appreciated the information though, and have noted the Broads Control contact details. That’s more than we had last year when we were on MS the beginning of November. Are the electric posts at Reedham also out of action? I had got the impression from other forum members that they were available last year. The posts at the Yacht Stations were boxed in for the winter.
  7. That's why our little electric radiator is so handy. We only use it on shore power though. I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving on the boat's heating overnight.
  8. The downside about the new mooring fees at Beccles is that it encourages boats that can't link to shore power to moor on the 'town' side. I don't suppose that matters in the summer, when most boats book in advance. However, last time we were there the Yacht Station (late September) it wasn't that busy, but late afternoon an older bathtub type boat squeezed in the gap between us and the next boat, although there was masses of space elsewhere. They were quite within their rights to do so of course, it just felt they were a bit close for comfort given how quiet it was.
  9. Yes, I'd been thinking that. However, with Covid cases rising in most areas Graham and I might try to avoid indoor public spaces as much as possible when we are on MS next week. No harm in being extra cautious given the additional areas that seem to be joining the higher risk areas on an almost daily basis.
  10. Wishing you well with the recovery Ian. I’m sure it will be a slow process, but building up your fitness sounds very positive. It’s good that the NHS now realises that’s a really important part of getting better. It’s not that many yearS ago when they just discharged people without thinking about that aspect. Helen
  11. Cruising on a sunny winter’s day on quiet rivers can’t be beaten, in my opinion. Evenings on a boat with shore power aren’t a problem either as we bring a low wattage electric radiator with us. We don’t have to run the noisy heating. I must admit though that Moonlight Shadow is far less draughty than any hire boat we’ve been on.
  12. Hopefully it will quieten down once half-term is over.
  13. We hired an NBD boat very early in the season a couple of years ago. Having been to the bridge before picking up the boat we thought we had no chance of getting under Wroxham Bridge, but our handover guy said it wouldn’t be a problem to take us under. I gather the board facing downstream is on the pessimistic side.
  14. Did they forget to approach the mooring against the tide perchance?
  15. Hope you have better weather tomorrow! Nothing worse than having wet bedding etc. How was the tide whilst you were at St Olaves? The only time we’ve moored there it was pretty fierce. We had a nice controlled ferry glide in against the tide. I’d hate to think what mooring would be like there if you didn’t use the tide to help.
  16. Isn't languid just a posh version of bored?
  17. I as going to observe that the ladies look bored. Then I looked closer and realised they all do. Presumably the person having all the fun is the hired skipper on the tiller.
  18. Hi Alan I very much appreciate that you go to the trouble to post these announcements. It’s a great help. We were thinking of going in that direction early next week, so good to be forewarned. Helen
  19. Thanks, I shall have to visit. A charity close to my heart as Mam had Parkinson’s.
  20. Thanks. Yes, we had spotted that one on our way through Brundall, but the online description didn't say anything about electrical goods. The website sounds a good option.
  21. Yes, I spotted British Heart Foundation but realised they weren't in the most convenient location and I didn't think just collecting one item would be worth their while. Doesn't matter now as a fellow forumite has offered to post it on a local website. Free to a good home!
  22. I’m expecting the young lady lounging in the foreground ended up in the drink though. All looks a bit unreal to me.
  23. Just wanted to express my thanks. This tip worked a treat. I was able to combine photos taken last Friday from three different sources and sort them in no time at all.
  24. I thought you’d gone a bit quiet Mr Fire. We’re not sure what our plans are for next week. We might head up north, though the tides aren’t the best. Depends on the weather really. Give us a wave if you spot us.
  25. My husband used to do PAT testing for the college he worked for. At the time he was working as a librarian.
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