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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Don’t the boat descriptions specifically say ‘shore power’ when there’s a cable provided. I’ve come to this conclusion, having been confused in the past when we were hiring with reference to 240v. On our recent trip on Moonlight Shadow we didn’t have an inverter, so no 240v when underway, but could link up to shore power, so there is a distinction.
  2. I’m not against the BA promoting paddle boarding, at least responsible paddle boarding, but why promote it so heavily in a vid that is supposed to be about something else? As I said, I enjoyed watching the vid. It did leave me with a number of questions though.
  3. I think the heating sometimes does that if the thermostat detects it’s up to max temperature.
  4. Can I just say that I was impressed that the first mooring you did was stern on. That was something I avoided until our second trip, so congratulations! Looking back, I think we were very lucky on our first trip. It was the first week of the season (March), so most moorings were empty...which took the pressure off trying to moor before an audience, and the weather behaved itself, so we didn’t have to contend with wind blowing us about either. As Jean (SwanR) has already pointed out, we have all started out as nervously as you have. To be honest, I’m still learning.
  5. As Jay has suggested, just because you couldn’t get through Wroxham bridge a couple of days ago doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get through in the next few days. The river levels can change back to normal quite quickly once the weather starts to behave. Glad you missed the strong winds and rain that we had a couple of weekends ago.
  6. I hope your appointment at the hospital goes okay, and that you find you don’t need an op. Hope too that Maria’s neck is on the mend. Take care and stay safe both of you. Also, hope the rest of this stay on your boat is relaxing. Enjoy the Ferry House.
  7. I looked it up, Slack on Sunday is just after mid-day.
  8. Well I enjoyed watching it, and didn’t think the National Park thing had much prominence, apart from a banner headline near the start, all the interviewees referred to ‘The Broads’. I did wonder whether it was a promotion for paddle boarding rather than about stakeholders though. If it was, it worked, ‘cos I’d now quite like to try paddle boarding out. I liked that the paddle board company interviewed were based in Coltishall, which seems a safer environment for it than busier parts of the river.
  9. Don’t feel you have to visit or go through Yarmouth. The tide is already stronger at Acle than it is further up stream, so don’t let a less than perfect mooring put you off. there’s lots to do and see on the northern rivers. If you want to visit Yarmouth why not go there by bus or train? There are trains from Acle and Wroxham to both Yarmouth and Norwich.
  10. Don’t think there are stores of that type in Acle, so not worth the walk.
  11. I would have thought that it would be better for a newbie to go through Yarmouth at the recommended time of slack water (an hour after low water) unless on a boat with a high airdraft. Easier to control the boat.
  12. Good point. Though there is usually more room to turn in the summer when most of the Eastwood Whelpton boats are out. We first went down there out of season, luckily in a smallish boat, when their whole fleet was tucked up opposite the staithe. I think we took the precaution of turning the boat on it’s ropes rather than trying to manoeuvre.
  13. First thing I would check is whether the heating vent to the bedroom is open, and I would invest in a couple of hot water bottles and an extra blanket or two, maybe even warmer nightclothes. Unless your boat has a shore power cable there’s not much point in getting heaters. We have a small very low wattage dimplex radiator that we bring with us to the Broads, but we only use it overnight if we are on shore power.
  14. There are other drinks...
  15. Don’t apologise! Well done!
  16. You’ve been caught out by the same autocorrect thing that I was a few weeks back, where Loddon got changed to London. Don’t you wish sometimes that you’ve disabled it? I do. But then, it’s so handy!
  17. Most really, but shovelling them down seems a bit pointless.
  18. Upton is a bit elusive on Google. I wonder if Pauline (Polly) has any info?
  19. I have a confession. I don’t like Hotel Chocolat chocs. They look lovely though.
  20. Second that! Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. I was hoping this trip would have been the relaxing time you’d wished for. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
  21. I’m extremely cautious about such things. Though it worth checking whether anyone else has received anything similar though.
  22. We always admire your boat as we pass by Mark.
  23. I’ve checked out their store pages. It does say that you may have received the email due to an email address having been wrongly spelled. I suppose that’s plausible given it was a Welsh store and my email address is based on a Welsh house name. The Welsh term that I’ve used is pretty unusual though.
  24. Has anyone received an email from a store (in my case Debenhams, Swansea) containing an e-receipt for purchases made in store today? Luckily the ending of the card number it quotes isn’t one of mine. Seems odd though. Is it a scam trying to provoke a response? The whole email looks like a genuine e-receipt, including the normal contact details for the store.
  25. We’re all different though. I think if I’d put off doing Breydon it would have loomed in my imagination as something very scary. As it turned out, it wasn’t, but then I’d planned it carefully.
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