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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Yet again Jean, why can't I both love your post and respond with a laugh.
  2. Don't know why you are the one hiding behind the sofa Liz. I would have thought that should be LondonGuy.
  3. Er hum! Is this a troll post? In our case I do the helming and my husband looks after the mooring ropes. Also, I take exception to the implication that women are worse at parking than men.
  4. Also, if you are thinking of traversing Yarmouth, it would be a good idea to check the tides beforehand. Sometimes during our winter breaks we've decided not to attempt it as slack water at Yarmouth has been before/after sunrise/sunset. If you have a fortnight I expect it will be doable for about half that period.
  5. Making our way up the Chet just now. Poor visibility due to the drizzle but not met anything going the other way. We saw Lightening earlier, well Harry did (and waved) but I missed it, having my head down until too late. (Sorry!)
  6. YnysMon

    Hit And Run..

    Wish I could put multiple likes on your post Jean.
  7. Glad we came back south when we did! Sounds as though there’s a huge difference between river levels north and south today.
  8. Wow, that was interesting Jean. On the Yare, the opposite seems to be the case. We went to Norwich and back today. On the way the river levels looked as high as they have done the past three days. We just about got through Trowse bridge late morning. When we returned mid afternoon we had about 9 1/2’. Loads of room, and by the time we got to Brundall water levels looked about normal.
  9. She likes anything that moves. Just about trained her not to bark at ducks and swans, she whines when she sees rowers and canoeists. She prefers being on a busy river, with lots of boats passing. She got so bored on the passage from north to south last Thursday she just went to sleep!
  10. Harry on board and helming on our way to Norwich. Seren is keeping a sharp eye out for rowers.
  11. Unless we get another spell of high winds or another downpour, I would imagine that the river levels will return to something like normal within a few days. Not being local I have limited experience, but we had high river levels after storm Ciara in February and then unusually low levels, with some boats grounded on their moorings at low tide.
  12. Harry is now on board, so we are free to go cruising again this morning. (Yippee!) Graham drove back to MK to fetch him yesterday evening, as we didn’t want to waste a day hanging around Brundall again waiting for him to arrive by public transport.
  13. Or, you could opt for the assumption that they were struggling as newbies in controlling the boat in strong wind. .As such their primary concern would be to try get get on course, and not attempt to go back to apologise and perhaps get into further difficulty. I should add that I opted not go cruising about these last few days because of the wind and, from our mooring in Brundall, we have observed that there are very few private boats out and about.
  14. Well, that was a surprise. Had a call mid-afternoon from our eldest to say he’s unexpectedly been given the week off work, so by tomorrow he should be able to join us. Just as well we stayed in Brundall. We took Seren to Potter H this afternoon (by car). Water almost over the quay heading and that was only a couple of hours before low water.
  15. That’s okay Warren. Brooms engineer has been and sorted out the heating. It wasn’t anything major, just tripped something due to low voltage, so back up and running after a reset. By the way, another thing for the manual...if there’s a problem with the heating take note of the sequence of flashing lights on the switch, it helps the engineer in diagnosing the issue.
  16. Glad to hear that you are settling in on Lightening Sue. No doubt you’ll have noticed Moonlight Shadow moored up facing you further down the Dyke. Sorry we haven’t been to say hello, it’s been too wet to stand around outside.
  17. I wasn’t very happy when we returned to the boat yesterday evening, despite having had a lovely evening out meeting Malcolm (Mouldy) and his wife Debbie at the Bridge Inn, Acle (very impressed with their Covid precautions by the way, and the food was as good as ever). When we got back to the boat we found the shore power was out. We put the Webasco heater on, but after half an hour or so I smelled the same sort of exhaust smell that we’d had on a previous week when the heater had failed. We switched the heater off and dug out our warmer PJ’s and the hot water bottles that are kept on the boat (they are under the sink). It wasn’t that bad overnight. It’s not that cold as yet. This morning we have shore power back on, our friendly neighbouring liveaboard showed Graham where the trip switch is, so at least we have our electric heaters going again. I emailed BCBM and got an almost instant response (pretty good for Sunday morning). Hopefully, we’ll hear from Brooms soon too. In the meantime we are saying put for the morning, although the wind is less strong than it was.
  18. What about Hickling, Salhouse, South Waltham, Bargate, Rockland, Oulton?
  19. Looks a good spot. Shame about the road being flooded though. Wonder how high the tide will get tonight? It hasn’t dropped much in Brundall.
  20. Well, we could manage without the inverter really, it’s just that us softies have got used to having the dimplex on overnight, so having shore power helps. Inverted was newish and has gone back to the manufacturer under warranty. They seem to be taking their time though. (Grr!) This morning I tried posting my second instalment. Took ages sorting out photos for it too, but when I tried saving it the Brooms internet died on me. Sigh. I think the rest will have to wait until I get home. At least I wrote it out in Word before posting, so all is not lost.
  21. Sounds a good plan Alan. Not found a fishing box (yet), but did find some small (children’s?) rods.
  22. Looks like there’s a sailey with mast down just the far side of the apparently wedged boat too.
  23. How about agreeing some ground rules first? If only one person wants to retain something then perhaps we could give the item to them to bring with them each time.
  24. Saturday 19th September We were remarkably relaxed about getting on our way this morning. In our hiring days we had always started off as early as possible, even if the handover wasn’t until 2pm. We always wanted to get our holiday going as soon as possible. Today we didn’t get up until after 8am, Graham took Harry to work, we finished doing our packing and got on our way around 11am. Despite the late start, we tried stopping off at La Hogue Farm Shop Café for lunch, but when we saw how busy they were we turned the car around without even getting out. So we ended up approaching Norwich around 1pm. Our first stop was the Sainsbury at Thorpe St Andrew, were we did our food shop and picked up a couple of sandwiches for our lunch. By the time we had finished there it was just after 2, which was the earliest we were supposed to pick up Moonlight Shadow. Unloading the car took a while, as we had brought the proverbial kitchen sink (almost), and it was about 4pm by the time we got on our way. We weren’t intending to go far anyway, possibly Langley Dyke if there was room. However, when we somewhere between Fleet Dyke and Beauchamp Arms Graham realised that he’d left his phone charger cable in the car, so we decided to go back for it and stay on our home mooring overnight. The advantage of that was that we could have shore power overnight (as the inverter has been taken away for repair) and pick up Broom’s Wifi. We had a lovely peaceful evening, not doing very much at all, not even watching telly, though we did stick the radio on for a time. I stuck a couple of baking potatoes in the oven, and later on some Sainsbury’s Easy Cook BBQ Pork with Vegetables. Very tasty it was too. One of the good things about the syndicate boats is that there is generally a supply of foil, cling film and so on. We had an early night, as we were intending to get up fairly early tomorrow, to catch the outgoing tide.
  25. Graham has just returned from taking the dog out. He’s commented that the Brooms fuel attendant will need wellies, as that bit is flooded out too.
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