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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Stupidly left mine at home. Graham has his, so it may be piggyback time.
  2. Well, the water has crept onto our key heading at Brooms this morning.
  3. That was a different world, when a working man’s labour was dirt cheap and when even the middle classes could stiil just about afford servants. It would be interesting to know how much the cost of hiring a skipper in those days was in proportion to the cost of hiring the boat. As Grendel has pointed out, if you want to learn to sail you can hire a skipper. The demand is there, otherwise the service wouldn’t be offered. If there was any demand for being able to pay for extra tuition on a motor cruiser I’m pretty sure that would be available now. Yes, more expensive boats are being built, but even the cost of hiring during peak season must compare pretty well with taking a whole family abroad during school holidays.
  4. An accident just requires a moment’s inattention or poor judgement. That is compounded if you are in an unfamiliar environment and get in a panic. In the end, none of us are infallible though.
  5. Thanks Warren. I had hoped to have posted the first instalment today, but I can’t get my laptop to reliably connect to Brooms internet, even though my iPad is picking up the signal. I don’t want to post without attaching photos. (By the way, did you find the password for the Brooms WiFi in the log book? We didn’t discover the password until our second trip)
  6. Err..I should offer apologies to Warren for hijacking his thread. At least it’s all Moonlight Shadow themed!
  7. I have a cunning plan which will hopefully absolve me from responsibility. I have an idea to circulate a spreadsheet containing the inventory so that people can indicate what they want to retain or not. The best laid plans though...
  8. I don’t think I would ever have discovered the Broads if the extra expense of a Skipper was necessary. Are you proposing to make the Broads the exclusive preserve of those who can afford such things? Anyway, I doubt that those who can afford it would bother with the Broads. They are probably hiring boats abroad.
  9. The one under the sofa is even smaller. Only 15”. I’m finding the current TV a bit small too.
  10. Unfortunately not. We did find 4 x litre bottles of mineral water past their sell by date. Obviously Jay wasn’t going to touch them!
  11. Well hopefully once we have an inventory we’ll be able to agree between us what items can go and which are needed. Found a whole stash of mismatched crockery and glassware under the sofa too, plus the TV that must have predated the current one. I think the problem is that no one wanted to be accused of throwing out something that someone else might want.
  12. It isn’t exactly Newfie sized. LOL.
  13. We are! It’s just that we have a good view of the river from our mooring. A surprising number of hirers still out on the river, probably looking in vain for a nice sheltered mooring. Hardly seem any private boats (not surprising), but did see a ranger go by earlier. Quite a few of Brooms own boats have been turning up over the course of the day. Wind and rain are unrelenting. It reminds me of the weather we get in Anglesey.
  14. We found them! They are hiding under under the sofa. We’ve been using the time we are stuck on our mooring due to the strong winds usefully (well, I hope it will be of some use anyway) and made a start on that inventory of MS that I offered to do. There’s all sorts stashed under that sofa, including a small cuddly toy bear.
  15. I’m just glad we followed Malcolm’s example and came back south yesterday, not that we needed to as we are on Moonlight Shadow next week too. It is lovely to be sitting on our mooring today without having to worry about leaving one sheltered 24 mooring to find another.
  16. Yes, hope to see you when you get to Lightening. How exciting to be taking her out for the first time!
  17. Nope. Spur of the moment decision to high tail it back south. The crew of Norfolk Lady had made the same decision about half an hour or so before us. Somehow waking up on Thurne Dyke Friday morning with a hoodie blowing from the north wasn’t appealing.
  18. We’re on Moonlight Shadow this week and next. We’ve also decided that staying on our home mooring tomorrow and Saturday is the best option. I We were in Potter H this morning, Brundall this evening. We noticed that Lightning is back on her mooring too.
  19. Like that boat moored opposite Barnes Brinkcraft?
  20. Furthest I got is Latham's. Just as I think the sun is coming out we get another shower, so I've cracked open the wine instead.
  21. That's okay Mr CC, we figured out the posts weren't installed when we passed earlier today. The moorings were being used though. We struck lucky with a space near an electric point in Potter instead. Maybe I shouldn't say that until we leave in the morning though, as we've had several near misses from people not being aware what their rear end is doing as they turn in Herbie Woods.
  22. We noticed the Locks was closed when we walked past early afternoon on Monday. Gate padlocked too. The Wherry was very welcoming though.
  23. Not sure my nerves can stand it. We are moored opposite the entrance to Herbie Woods.
  24. The only thing that I’ve not been able to find this time (so far) is the low wattage tube heaters that get left on in the winter when the boat is unoccupied, to deter damp. Haven’t looked under the sofa yet though.
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