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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Have you clicked on those three dots to the right of ‘author’? Top right of the text box. When I do that I get a drop down list that includes ‘edit’.
  2. Thanks Warren and Julie. MS looked immaculate. Graham has just checked under the sink. There’s a (new?) rolled up flat water hose there as well as an older one that was on the boat last time we were on her. Thanks for the tale. I probably wouldn’t be posting this if we had got to our intended destination today. Half way there Graham realised he’d left his phone charger in the car. So we are back at Brooms for the evening, and making use of their WiFi.
  3. I think you all deserve a medal, or better! More seriously, I hate to think of the work you’ve all had to put in to fix it all. If only I was Queen for a day (and even that would be too much)...Knighthoods all round I say
  4. Not just driving the boat. Isn’t the Captain responsible for their crew?
  5. Does anyone know whether the BA moorings at Acle have reopened yet?
  6. Looks wonderful Malcolm. Just hope the weather holds! We are expecting a mixed bag of good and not so good weather though. Just looking forward to being on the rivers again and relaxing. Also...looking forward to being offline. That’s a legacy of home working!
  7. I did say I was just kidding! Like Jean, I’ve never used the app much anyway. Thanks for the info, though I have no idea how to ‘hot spot’. I also have a very cheap mobile package, which I opted for because I didn’t used to use data much. Doh!
  8. Indeed, but no nut is infallible (though practise does help).
  9. Just in case I forget to post tomorrow evening, we are back on Moonlight Shadow on Saturday, and for a whole fortnight! (I’m so glad we gave up our summer June allocation to do some other syndicate members a favour...hasn’t that worked out well for us! Who says good deeds don’t get rewarded.) I’m not the best at posting when we are on the Broads, so watch this space in early October for the tale, though I might post the occasional photo in the meantime. Tomorrow evening (after finishing work) I’ll be feeling like this... and like this... and probably like this (once packing is done)
  10. Thanks for posting. Lovely photos (especially the one of the kingfisher) and interesting to hear a perspective from a guest on a syndicate boat.
  11. If we haven’t already ‘been there, done it’ I’m sure it’s only a matter of time! (Just as you think you’ve got the hang of this boating malarkey.)
  12. A really big thank you to the techy team. Must have been a nightmare! I know we are not ‘out of the woods’ yet with ongoing issues with the app, but you’ve done wonders. No pressure guys, but I’ll be on the Broads from Saturday with no WiFi, so that app would really come in handy. Just kidding. You know I normally stay pretty much offline when chillin’ on Broads time.
  13. Thanks David. Good to see some photos posted the Broads.
  14. The guy on that unfortunate boat was obviously trying to do his best. Didn’t smash against the bridge, so even though he needed help to get out of the situation, he didn’t do too badly.
  15. Ah, naughty Jay back again! How come every time you show the best of you you do a slightly subversive post to follow?
  16. I wanted to like all the posts on this thread, but can’t at the moment due to our technical difficulties. Unlike a lot of mocking commentators on places like YouTube, the empathy and sheer friendliness of posters here shines out. Just concerned for someone in trouble. Thanks guys. The friendly forum showcased at its best.
  17. There’s a Travelodge in Acle, which is pretty handy for Horning. Haven’t stayed there though. The only place we’ve stayed overnight in the area, apart from on a boat, is the Norwich Holiday Inn on the Ipswich Road, just off the A47, which is pretty convenient for getting to the Broads.
  18. We will also be going back to our mooring in Brundall by lunchtime our final Friday and cleaning the boat in the afternoon. Trying to get a refuel and pump out Saturday morning is pretty much impossible with all the Brooms hire fleet taking precedence. Anyway, Seren has agility classes Saturday mornings, so Graham wants to get back for that.
  19. Hi, really looking forward to your tale, especially as we’ll be on Moonlight Shadow just after you vacate her (any chance of a meet up?...socially distanced of course, we can’t board until 2pm.) We’ve not been on her since February either, so very much looking forward to our time on her. The weather forecast for next week looks great, so we hope you have a super wonderful holiday. Enjoy! Helen and Graham
  20. Like Grendel I didn’t have a clue for most of the day. When I got home from a busy day at work Graham had the news on. I recall they were replaying the footage of the two planes smashing into the towers just as I walked into the living room. It took a while for my brain to process what I was seeing. Just horrible.
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