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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Think ‘naffness’ pretty much sums it up Malcolm. I was just trying to be diplomatic!
  2. Given strong winds are forecast (again!) for Saturday we are thinking of making our way to the Yare on Friday afternoon, as there’s a nice early afternoon low water transition from Waveney to Yare, and then continue up to the upper, more sheltered sections above Brundall Saturday before the worst of the wind comes along. Maybe back to the Waveney on Sunday. Who knows. I’m always making plans and then changing them.
  3. Thanks Malcolm. Hope to see you and Debbie. Worlingham is a lovely mooring!
  4. Well I suppose it could be worse- a more garish colour, but I’m not sure it quite suits the building. Maybe it’ll grow on me. At least they are trying to spruce the place up. Presumably (hopefully?) the plywood is temporary.
  5. Yep! Just checked...Graham has already packed it ready to go.
  6. As I mentioned last week, we will be on Water Rail from tomorrow until Monday. If you spot us, give us a wave! Watch this space for the weekend's tale. Helen
  7. Others might correct me, but my understanding is that the clearance should be at its maximum at low water, even though the tide still appears to be flowing out. I suspect that the surface waters might still be flowing out whilst the current starts to flow up river nearer the river bed, something like that anyway. If you're worried about the air-draft under the bridges it's best to phone the Yarmouth yacht station and ask their advice as the actual time for low water on the day might be different from the published tide tables, as the tides are affected by things like atmospheric pressure. We were on the Broads during and after storm Ciara in February, and we noticed that the tides and river levels were all over the place for the few days after that. We had flood warnings for a couple of days, where the tide didn't seem to fall at all (this was in Brundall) and another day the levels dropped so much some boats were grounded on their moorings. It was quite an something for us, as we hadn't experienced that before.
  8. Have they reopened then? I‘d be glad to hear that I’m behind the curve on that one.
  9. Doesn’t the tide ‘normally’ flow from and to the Yare end? I say ‘normally’ given JennyMorgan’s advice that it can be a bit fickle.
  10. Aren't there fewer moorings at the Fisherman's? Or is it usually quiet there?
  11. Given I would want to be going through Yarmouth at slack water (an hour after low water), I think your window of opportunity for going south is Sunday to Wednesday in the first week. If you leave it until Tuesday or Wednesday you'd probably have to rely on mooring at Berney Arms as there wouldn't the time to get to other moorings before sunset. Returning, I would think you'd either need to return by Wednesday 30th (a late afternoon passage) or wait until Wednesday 7th (early morning passage), or Tuesday at a push if you moored again at Berney Arms). I tend to take the cautious option though. I suppose there's no harm in punching against the tide, provided you have confidence in the boat's engine. We hired one boat that was miserably under-powered for that.
  12. This sounds a lot better Griff. A breeder more concerned that the pups should go to a good home. Seems like she has her priorities right.
  13. Beauchamp is just around the corner virtually from Short Dyke (leading to Rockland Broad), and it’s not that far to walk from there to the New Inn (need to check that it’s reopened though).
  14. Welcome. I agree with the suggestion to buy an Explorer OS map. However, if you google Norfolk walks there are quite a few websites out there with suggested routes. Also, I found the Herbert Woods site particularly helpful, with links to details for a variety of walks all over the Broads: https://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/norfolk-broads/walking/
  15. I find having a railing is far safer, one hand for your line, one to hold on keep you safe. A few of Dave Whitworth’s YouTube videos capture his wife preparing to step off to moor up the bow.
  16. A very warm welcome to the forum. We are always interested in people’s tales and pics, including reminiscences of childhood trips. 😀 Graham and I will be on Moonlight Shadow for a fortnight late September, so give us a wave if you see us. We are normally flying a Welsh flag on the stern.
  17. Is it very windy on the Broads today? I saw the warning posted for high winds, but it's not been too bad here in MK so far. Helen
  18. Yes, apologies. Holiday tales are the best!
  19. Hope you have a great time on your holiday. Helen
  20. I think you’ve probably nailed it there David. Medics are learning, and hopefully sharing experience on how best to treat it.
  21. As far as I’m concerned this ‘man made virus’ thing is just a conspiracy theory. There have been plenty of viruses and other diseases that have swept the world previously, including the bubonic plague in medieval times and the so called Spanish flu toward the end of WW1, also the SARS virus not that long ago.
  22. Hmm, it’s my son Alec who’s the cider drinker. I think he’d like a Monkey Mango.
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