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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. It’s the cider names that I find amusing. Hardcore...Thrown Hat...Yellow Hammer, and the best...Monkey Mango! Though I guess that ‘Wild Beer, Bibble’ comes close.
  2. A few weeks back we were at the Nicholas Everitt Park on the shores of Oulton Broad looking for a bench to eat our takeaway fish and chips. As we were passing the Park Cafe I noticed a couple of young ladies doing a really good job of sanitising an outside table they had cleared and also sanitising the chairs. It looked like they were doing a thorough job of it. Although I really enjoyed the fish and chips I had from the Mermaid Fish Bar, I was slightly regretful that we hadn’t supported them.
  3. Personally, I’m comfortable with much of the ‘Nanny Statedness’. ‘Elf and Safety lark gets a bad press, but every life (and limb) has a value. If I recall correctly, there were a lot of calls about nanny state before the seatbelt regulations came in, but we don’t even consider putting a seatbelt on an imposition any longer.
  4. Good to see the Thurne Lion open again.
  5. Yep! At least ours has been in a garage though...which probably means we don’t have a true idea of her condition. She had quite a lot of work done to her in the early 1990s to replace floor panels etc. I was still driving her then. She was the first car we owned, bought from an Uncle who had owned her from new.
  6. We aren’t quite at that stage yet, but definitely need to start downsizing. Lockdown would have been the ideal opportunity if the charity shops and recycling centre hadn’t been shut!
  7. I really struggle to keep up with your changing avatars Jay. The latest one suggests you are really happy though. Have a good time on your new boat.
  8. Shame the boardwalk is closed, but I would probably be cautious of using it just now anyway. I tend to step onto the verge to let passing walkers past. That might be a bit squelchy on the boardwalk. LOL.
  9. Not to put people off coming south, just to take care. After all, the rise and fall is a lot less upstream. Not claiming any prize. Though it would be nice if Graham and I could meet up with you sometime in a pub of your choice.
  10. Glad to hear you only have 18 year of detritus Malcolm. We’ve lived in our current house for 34 years. The loft is stuffed, and we can hardly get into our garage (partly because we have an old 1967 Wolsey Hornet in it that hasn’t moved for years...anyone looking for a classic car that has only ever had two owners?). I’m already thinking we’ll need to downsize soon, but dreading it!
  11. Yay! Okay, I know, no prizes for guessing the location. Mrs V, I think you’re right about the big drops! Ably demonstrated by Jay’s photos. Actually, if the yards could show hirers similar photos it might get the message across about taking care where there’s a greater rise and fall in the tide.
  12. Where are you moored...Polkey’s Mill?
  13. Whoohoo! See you are afloat again Mr J. Lots more photos please!
  14. Ah ha! Does that mean you are out and about on that new boat of yours? (Good) Or still land bound? (Bad)
  15. Doh! Sorry Malcolm! p.s. sorry about the the thread drift!
  16. Now that you’ve decorated all your house, I don’t suppose you care to take on ours? Trouble is, we can’t afford to pay decorators, so we really need to get a wiggle on and do some diy of our own. The allotment beckons. (There’s always some excuse.)
  17. Re:The Swan. Isn’t that illegal...to advertise something and then say it’s no longer valid?
  18. Err, hope not. We were a distinctly tatty looking bunch! I really don’t know why we said yes.
  19. You put us to shame Ian. We have several rooms that could do with a ‘refresh’.
  20. Also, don’t think you can beat Surlingham Broad, also known as Bargate for mudweighting. Or so I’m told. Sadly we haven’t managed to do that overnight yet as we have a dog. I’m thinking that when we next get a summer allocation on Moonlight Shadow that we need to take advantage of our nearby home mooring in Brooms to take the dog for a walk shortly before sunset and then sneak into Bargate for an overnight stop over. I can but hope.
  21. Come on Jay. Admit it. You only think that because he’s got a Father Christmas beard.
  22. Could you also claim Geldeston Dyke as a wild mooring? Much less tidal rise and fall up there to worry about (provided you can get under Beccles Old Bridge). Also part way between there and Beccles is an area with new key heading but isn’t a formal mooring. Peter (Jenny Morgan) also posted last year about a number of wild moorings south of Somerlayton down towards Oulton Broad. There are three mooring spots between Waveney River Centre and Beccles that look idyllic. Only space for 2-3 boats on each, so very quiet: North Cove BA mooring, Worlingham Staithe BA mooring and Aldeby Staithe, which is private with an overnight charge...possibly £5?
  23. That’s good to know! Handy if you want a short stop off at Beccles. I gather the new Lidl that’s near the Yacht Station is now open.
  24. I was reminded about the ‘unusualness’ of people wearing life jackets the morning of the final day of our July holiday on Lustre. We had spent the night in the yard and were preparing to set off when a guy approached us asking to take our photo. He said he worked for the BA and one of his guidelines was to photo people wearing life jackets. He must have been scraping the bottom of the barrel. We aren’t the most photogenic bunch and we were rather unkempt having been on a Hunter’s boat for a week. I very much doubt that those photos will appear anywhere!
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