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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Not sure why, but we managed to do from Friday to Monday last time without topping up the water once. We were pretty frugal in using the water and had bottles of water with us. Anything changed since last time Peter, apart from you fixing the auto bilge pump?
  2. Go for it Malcolm! The idea of moving to Norfolk appeals to us too.
  3. Considering the location of the building...how on earth did someone manage to crash their car into it? It’s not exactly on a busy bend on a 60mph road, is it!
  4. Was the butcher’s in Horning just temporarily shut? Hope it hasn’t shut down permanently.
  5. We’ll be on Water Rail from Friday 28th to Bank Holiday Monday, and yes, I’ll post a tale of the weekend on this thread. Hope the weather calms down a bit!
  6. Hope you enjoy your early retirement Malcolm. More time to spend on Norfolk Lady! Thanks for the update and posting the photos.
  7. Just got the word that we’re good to go on Water Rail again over the bank holiday weekend. Whoohoo! I feel like dancing. Thanks Dave!
  8. I think so. We have been up to Geldeston a few times when we hired Fair Regent, and been up to the Locks and the Dyke, so I would think that it has a reasonable depth there. When you get to the top of the Geldeston arm you have the choice of either turning left towards Geldeston Locks, where The Locks pub is, and there’s a proper key heading there, or to the Dyke, where it’s a bit wilder, as described in Grendel’s and my recent acconts (see Holiday Tales threads). I haven’t heard of anyone complaining about lack of depth either direction, except when you get to the end of near the Dyke beyond the turn off to the boatyard.
  9. Brilliant, looking forward to your trip tales.
  10. Ooh, hopes he loves it! Just take it gently.
  11. So after a flurry of excitement on the forum over the last few weeks it seems to have fizzled out a bit toward the end of this week. Grendel’s posts excepted. Plus a few recent posts saying how quiet it is. I’m hoping that’s just down to normal turn around days! I guess I’m just addicted to reading holiday vlogs. More please!
  12. I don’t like taking the tablets, but always take antihistamine cream with me when we go on the Broads, or any holiday for that matter.
  13. Well, the allotment is enjoying the rain! Nice not to have to water it for a change too.
  14. Been tipping down here most of the afternoon and we haven’t seen a gleam of sunshine all day. (Milton Keynes).
  15. I’ll let you into a secret Peter...we definitely think we spoilt our kids rotten and are now reaping our reward. I still think that we are lucky, they are good kids (sorry...Men) at heart. Our youngest, who’s been away at Uni, is definitely more mature than his elder brother though. The price of housing nowadays is making so many younger people more dependent on their parents. Although I like having my boys around I don’t think it’s good for them!
  16. I meant the people with horses...LOL.
  17. That’s terrible Griff. I think you did the right thing walking away. If the breeder was that unscrupulous you never know what other lies they might have told. You might have ended up with a dog that had health issues.
  18. I’ve read the same people do use Avon Skin So Soft on their dogs...and on their horses. Mind boggles...you’d need a vat of it surely!
  19. I thought it was just sons that needed to be reminded each time we leave for the Broads that I want the kitchen to be in a decent state when I get home from hols. Fair doos...they do put in an effort when reminded.
  20. Just another note about Ferry Marina. The reason we took our first hire with them was because I’d worked out that the upfront (inclusive) cost was actually cheaper than an equivalent boat with some other yards. At first glance it looked more expensive but once you’d factored in the addition fuel charge and damage waiver charge that other yards have on top of the hire fee it worked out cheaper. Of course, if you aren’t planning to go very far you would get a good refund on fuel with other yards, which you won’t have with Ferry, so that’s another factor to take into consideration. I think Waveney River Centre has a similar inclusive pricing policy to Ferry Marina.
  21. I found the service from NBD and Ferry Marina very friendly. Last time we were at Ferry the receptionist insisted we take the dog in so that she could make a fuss of her.
  22. I only have experience of hiring from Norfolk Broads Direct (Wroxham) and Ferry Marina Horning). Had excellent customer service from both and found their boats comfortable, even some of their slightly older (and cheaper) ones.
  23. I’ve been watching some narrow boaters on YouTube (The Narrowboat Experience) who have cats. In one of their vlogs they explain how they keep their cats safe. Okay, canals are a different environment, but interesting nevertheless. The main thing seems to be keeping them indoors when not moored up. Never heard of anyone bringing cats along on the Broads though. I would have thought you’d have to be extremely careful not to allow it on deck. Our dog almost fell in the first time we brought her to the Broads. She was trying to hop back onto the boat and missed with her back legs. Luckily she had a life jacket on.
  24. We are planning to go north for the middle part of our fortnight, but should be back down south for our final half week. Hope to see you.
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