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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Any hints on where this perfect swim spot is? I must admit it took me a few days to get used to Water Rail. She handles so very differently to Moonlight Shadow. By the end of our trip I was learning to do things ‘her way’.
  2. We’ll be on Moonlight Shadow for a fortnight from 19th September so we’ll look out for you.
  3. I wanted to press the like button several times Ray. Spot on post.
  4. Is the Yarmouth Yacht Station still only allowing single mooring due to Covid, or have they changed that policy?
  5. Great tale, thanks for taking the time to post it. Hope you’ll be back soon! Helen
  6. Even though it’s so tiny, we have struck lucky with the Commissioners Cut several times, having passed a full Bramerton Common. Great for walking the dog too.
  7. Don’t paddle after sunset, for a starter. Given Cheesey69s experience on the Ant.
  8. That advice about the mooring ropes and putting your mud-weight down at Norwich Yacht Station isn’t new. A few years back I posted a similar query about how safe Norwich YS is, this was just before our first trip down south. In essence, the advice I got back was, yes it’s generally okay, but follow the mooring advice. Ive heard of isolated incidents of boats being cast adrift, but that’s the case elsewhere on the Broads. Actually, the only ones I’ve seen reported so since I’ve been a member here weren’t at Norwich. You aren’t going to drift far at Norwich, unlike Reedham where a mud-weight is useless. There’s the Riverside entertainment complex not far away, so some people advised us to avoid mooring in Norwich Fridays and Saturdays. The couple of times we’ve moored there I’ve felt quite safe. I didn’t like the road noise that started up around 6am on a weekday though.
  9. Actually, I was in two minds whether to react to this with the laugh icon or the ‘oh err’ (sad) one.
  10. That’s exactly why I feel I have to be extra cautious over these next few months. It might work out okay, but it’s worrying that some cities have had to reimpose restrictions.
  11. Cult or not, they look positively lethal! Except maybe on a duck pond.
  12. That’s lovely. Glad you had such a good day with your family.
  13. That’s a very thoughtful and helpful post Malcolm.
  14. Efficiency of bridge openings tends to depend on how hot it is. At this time of the year a hot spell can play havoc, though other engineering factors can take their toll. I’m relying on memory here, but I think Somerlayton has a clearance of about 8’ or so at mean high water.
  15. Lovely! I think you made the right call looking for a mooring with a breeze. Hunsett Mill. I must admit that I prefer the modern version. The previous ‘chocolate box’ version seemed to me to be a mid 20th century vision of a cottage. Totally ‘twee’ and not any more authentic than the current version.
  16. Seriously though (err?), I’m not sure whether to be more worried about other people just acting as if it’s all over, or my disinclination to go anywhere other than on a boat on the Broads. My ‘special’ birthday was a bit of a let down as I decided that travelling to somewhere like Oxford or Cambridge to go punting wouldn’t be a good idea, similarly going to anywhere vaguely popular didn’t appeal either. Graham offered to book a restaurant but I wasn’t comfortable with that idea either. We did have a rather nice takeaway that evening though. The weekend on Water Rail substituted for my birthday weekend though, and more than made up for it.
  17. If you do try New Mills Grendel, let us know how you get on. I quite fancy that trip myself.
  18. My condolences Neil. That must have been a terribly worrying time for you. I lost my Mum in 2017 and found visits to the Broads were a sort of lifeline during her decline and the have continued to be. Helen
  19. Really sorry to hear of your losses. It must have been a shock losing your Dad so quickly. I hope that the happy memories that you had with your Dad on his final trip help to ease the pain. Hope you have a good week in September. We’ll be on board MS the fortnight after your week. Helen
  20. Sounds great. Any photos Pauline, or are you saving those for when you get caravan to the Broads? Love that you tried her out near Stoke Bruerne. Still have fond memories of meeting up with you there for lunch last New Year’s day.
  21. Wow! 1960, my birthday year! How come I don’t remember things being that shiny new in the ‘60s? Even in the the late 60s going on 70s it seemed all drab. Mind you...the mobile houseboat idea didn’t exactly take off, did it. Still don’t think it looked riverworthy.
  22. YnysMon


    Just upriver from Salhouse?
  23. They don’t look that seaworthy...sorry, river worthy. What’s the flow like on the Thames? I guess, at least you know what direction it’s going in, unlike our beloved Broads.
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